April 18, 2024

23 thoughts on “UMCH cafe screenshots

  1. Everything looks great! “Can’t get the button to hold without it tearing off.” Then get a bigger shirt… she’s tried that, hasn’t she?

    1. I think in the game you will eventually be able to get a shirt that fits her.
      Or I will bring back the red jacket that goes over it that first her, thoguh barely.

    1. yes there is quite a bit planned even in the cafe alone. The entirety of the game could be just about building up the cafe popularity.

  2. Expecting a lot of hate for this but…can we have a button to make the boobs invisible in addition to the hair? I found both of them distracting (in a “the screen is too cluttered” way, not a sexy way) when I tried the recent tech demo.

    1. Yes he can make that an option, on UMCC and the old UMCC beta he had that very same option on the tablet menu. If anything the option to turn the hair and boobs appear on screen off on the tablet setting menu.

    2. I doubt I will do that this time around even if everyone agrees tbh.
      The ability to remove the hair is temporary also just for this specific alpha build. This borrows things from umcc but it is not umcc. things will be different here.

      I say this for a few reasons.

      The most important being that your sense of “the screen is too cluttered” I assume because of the big boobs is actually part of the experience I want people to have. The hair shares the same reason blocking parts of her vision. In umch you won’t be able to turn the hair off either but there will be hairstyles, and/or additional hairpins maiko can have that covers less of the screen.

      the only reason I made the hair transparent here is because it blocks important parts of the cafe minigame for this build and I have not designed the other hairstyles yet. And for the boobs I’m purposefully not putting anything notable on the bottom part of screen in any part of the game where they are visible.

      also the breasts and hair are actually part of the players user interface. Not just there for cosmetics. you need to switch her clothing regularly as she does different activities. in umcc the clothing is switched automatically. also for the hair you need to see when the hairpin is active.

    3. Hate?


      Not only do they clutter the screen, there’s also no reason for them to be in front of her face anyway unless she’s looking down.

      Perspective in this thing is going to be a son of a bitch.

  3. Let me just say what there is so far is going smooth, I’ll say the truth and admit I didn’t think ttrop art and the BG of the flash. Could of match or even be pulled off. By the way Pattie is a red head, not only did ttrop match the art and you was able to match it with the BG. But the first person view of Maiko’s hair and breast have the same style of art.

    Anyways best of luck to you guys.

    1. Thanks I’ll be glad when just the characters and stuff are done so the core of the game can be made. would be easier with the mmd models but not as good I think. I was actually think mmd might work for aria stuff. I was going to see how it looks later to test.

      1. I thought you were going to use the characters you reshaded for ARIA. Ari and Phia looked great, was looking forward to the rest.

        1. It is taking too long for me to do it so I will try other stuff. The site bg Arielle pic is the only one I finished so far.

  4. I like this! I wonder if there will be special event for each area when you complete everything there. Like maybe if you pass all the cafe game, had all the special services and had it with all the your friends tagging along, maybe it will be a massive cum fest and all the girls as well as the cafe will cover in cum? lol Just an idea. I could imagine when you finish the whole game, you will either go back to school or home to see the ending.

    1. Thanks, I don’t know about a cum fest but the short answer is yes there is something for completing areas.

  5. Wow the game is getting better by the days I seriously can’t wait for it XD but yeah keep up the good work Vortex I know I’m gonna like this game

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