with the previous ask page reaching nearly 500 comments I wanted to make a new page so people don’t have to load 500 comments to ask a new question.
ask off topic relevant questions here.
also off topic questions will be moved here.
if you are reading a question and know the answer feel free to answer.
do not post passwords, but you can post exactly where to find it.
please read through old questions first before asking a new one.
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I tried to become a patreon in fact i was one but couldnt get Access to the patreon content so it always said to become one but i already was one so i cancelled my membership i also have the Mails from it i Hope they dont take my Money for it because i havent got any content for it….,
Send me message on patron or discord with more details and I can look into it.
How to change my character?
What program do you use to make your games? I searched for some answers in the previous questions page, but I could not find.
Tyranobuilder for the VN games
Hello, Vortex. I have an issue
I just purchased and downloaded Aria: The Rookie Deluxe for my PC, and have tried playing it. But I can’t. Clicking on the Rookie app opens up a NS.JW app or something of the sort, and I don’t know how to progress from there. How can I fix this and play The Rookie?
This is my first time hearing about an issue like this. It helps to know what OS you are using also.
You might try running as admin, and/or increasing your vram.
if you are using mac you might try to just run the exe with something like playonmac.
this is the only thread I found about this issue
I already pledged 5$ for this month and then cancelled it since i thought that i would still be able to access content for this month. I can see your posts on patreon for my tier just fine, but there is only a blan page when i want to access your games.
you can’t cancel right away. It looks at your current status. anyways send me message on patreon or discord with a link to your patreon.
Does cum not persist on Maiko’s face in UMCH like it does in UMCC?
no, it doesn’t in UMCH
hello i’m the user form South Korea and i became a 5$ patron.
so i want to play the game but i can’t log in
i actually try to fine my password but the reset password E-mail won’t arrive.
And i also try to change the email and user name
I tried a few changes to my dns records to see if it helps. I assume you were using daum or naver? If so make sure they can accept emails sent via gmail. and or you might try white listing spiralvortexplay.com. if none of that works you can contact me on patreon and i can manually change the password.
How can I get through Zytra’s screen while the enemy has a gun and I have nothing. I was stuck in this stage for a long time
Hi, it’s about the bust size on the female character of the Umichan series. Can you give a rank llist of the girls bust size from smallest to biggest in these categories?
1. High school students
2. Gemco agents
3. Adults and teachers
This is just off the top of my head
Can you give a full list of each category some day? When you probably have time to compare the girls.
It’s lot of characters so idk. Did you need this for anything in particular?
Nothing really, just curious that’s all. Sorry it took long the answer had problems logging in.
Hi, i like your game and i wanted to ask you something.
You see i’m download VN like Daughter of Eve but i can’t play that game.
It say ‘the version this file is not compatnible with the version of Window you’re running. check your computer’s system information to see whether you need a x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit) version of the program, and then contact the sofwae publisher.’
What should i do ?
what version of windows are you running?
you can also try right clicking on it and go to compatibility mode.
my version window is window 7
64 or 32 bit? you will need 64 bit iirc.
When is the new futa scenes coming i love remi too much
I don’t have current plans to for 2D futa at the moment. Though I might dabble in 3d futa next month.
Hi i’m a fan of your work, was just wondering, what do you think about making areola, nipple and vagina pinker? Example:
I think it will make characters more sexy and charming. Prob it won’t happen but it’s just my advice, I and many people find those details really attractive.
Thanks for those amazing games and keep up the good work.
Thanks I think we talked about this on discord.
When are new futa scenes is coming
Honestly, very likely not any time soon. Also please ask questions here, and not in unrelated posts. It takes a while to move it and thus takes a while to reply.
After you change engine the game became unplayable for Windows XP 32-bit, you lost a lot of fans.
I didn’t change the engine, but Tyranobuilder moved to having 64-bit only exports. I think Construct 2 has 32 bit export options.
There’s a possibility of having a scene of tom fucking holly?
Excuse me. Um ever thought of converting your game files to html5? Adobe Flash will be disabled permanently on all browsers at December 31st 2020.
Yes I am aware. The flash games are made in actionscript 2 which can’t be converted to html5. they would need to be completely rewritten in actionscript 3 first. on top of finding some way to combine them since both UMCH and ARIA are compromised of multiple swf files. And the reason why they are separate files is because they are too big to compile as a single file.
Hey i’ve been following your work for some time now, I guess i’m a fan, anyway I was looking at the patreon memberships and got a bit confused. So to get all the MMD stuff and from the Enthusiast! I need to pledge for the 20$ (horny) one right? Sry for the dumb question, just wanna make sure.
Thanks, you can swap back and fourth from Enthusiast and MMD without extra charge also. I just added MMD content to the Horny tier also because it was requested.
Will there be more scenes involving Tom with Holly?
Will the scene be included in the new game or a small game?
not 100% sure on that yet
will we have more scenes with Tom?
Where can I see the images in the background (the sides) of this website without the website itself blocking it?
You should be able to right click off to the side and view the background. I have the original image on the patreon for now iirc.
How Spiral, are we allowed to commission hentai of characters from the Umichan Maiko series from specific artists or no?
yeah it’s fine. Some have done that already anyway.
Hi, I’d like my profile picture to be eliminated, how can I do that? My account is that of @jadovin
Nvm, I found out. Now, is there a way of changing my @?
i can probably go into the database and change it if you really need.
Will we be getting any yui scenes in the next game?
I can always do more Yui scenes as standalone, but there are none in the next game.
do you have an estimated latest release date for the new umichan game?
there’s just two more dialogue scenes I need to do
do you have an estimated latest release date for the new umichan game?
Whatever I say will most certainly be wrong, but I have a few more dialogue scenes to add and get the game bug and grammar tested.
Hi there – if we are interested in some of your newer mmd dance motion downloads, is there a way to get access to those? Is there a specific patreon tier that would give access?
yeah there is a MMD tier on my patreon. All the info can be found here:
Not sure where to ask this so ill ask here. If i become a 5$ paatreon now would i be able to play the latest version of the new game with any deluxe edition additions now, or would i be better off just waiting for the game to be out and finished and buy it on gumroad
sorry for the super late reply.
$5 on patreon gets you deluxe everything retroactively, currently.
There will be an update soon?
Will you ever make a yaoi game or gay scenes for anyone who is gay?
No, I don’t plan to ever make a yaoi game or a gay (male on male) scene.
Will you ever make a yuri game? like (Futa Fantasy) with so many futa scenes.
this is the closest thing i have to a yuri game
when will the next game be released?
I can never correctly predict exactly when i will post a game in the future, so it’s impossible for me to answer. Right now i am in a engine transition phase and want to update to 3D backgrounds.
Hi there, got a bit of a problem, I became a 5$ patreon and then cancelled it as I could only do so for one month, but now it wont let me get to the downloads page. i would have left it to the end of the month to cancel if i had known this would happen, but when i clicked cancel it said i would only lose access on august 1st. could you somehow send me the downloads or give me acces or something please
I think I answered this on patreon if you are the same person. if not, message me on patreon.
Would you have any interest in bringing foot-related content?
I have a bit in the works, which can be seen in the discord
how i can play the game on 32 bit?
I will be making (and possibly remaking) 2D games in construct moving forward so it will have a 32 bit build option also for everything but mac.
Just want to report that some of your pages are broken with Gateway Timeout error.
ARIA: Agent Trainer
Umichan Ice Cream Super Lines
Umichan Maiko Classroom Shenanigans
Thanks, yeah I need to do a lot of work on the site.
Hey vortex just joined the other day keep up the amazing work, just wondering is there any chance of a luma focused game flash or otherwise.
Many thanks~ Yeah I’ll most likely have some mini scenes with Luma x Joiry and Luma in a threesome.
Have you abandoned your projects ?
As I’m writing this, it’s June 2022 and your latest updates date back to 2020.
Or do you have another “platform” or socials where you share your work ?
projects are still going strong. A lot of things are patreon right now though.
I am most active on discord at the moment.
Hi! i’ve downloaded classrom cheaters, but i can’t play it because it’s a swf. file, any idea on how to open a swf file without flash?
Can I commission a ttrop for two of your characters Maiko Umiya and Rinoga ?
I am a huge fan of ARIA and wanted to play again, but the password for the alternate outfits(or lack thereof) does not seem to exist on the internet anymore. How can I access that password now?
Will there be another storyline for Amplitude sometime soon? , the way she has been drawn and the animation of H scenes is fantastic
Yeah I have 5 Amp animations that can be used for something. I’ll likely not use them in for mini scenes. I’d rather making for something more complete for that. I don’t have an answer for how soon, but I’ll look into something I can use them for soon at least.
Hey SVP, love your games (ARIA and the Rookie are awesome). I was wondering, do you have any longer game projects on the horizon? That last thing I saw like that was your 3D ARIA game. Also, second question: do you have a concise place you keep your game lore, complete with explanations of concepts and characters? I couldn’t access the wiki and I was trying to refresh myself on things. I ask because I replayed ARIA recently and I was struggling to keep track of names and events for a bit.