[iframe src=”http://spiralvortexplay.com/games/minigametest.html” width=990 height=743][/iframe]
testing a new minigame for umch and other games.
wanted something that:
- removes all the guessing stuff from previous games
- doesn’t require much, if any explanation to learn how to play
- only requires one hand to play
- possible to loop animations
- does not use keyboard controls
- scalable in difficulty based on stats
having listed that stuff I have the minigames here without instruction or tutorials.
Also after playing itn please post feedback at the links below. So I can know to keep this or not.
Tried playing a few times. It’s a nice minigame but i found myself focusing more on bar and clicking in the correct timing and missing almost the whole hentai scene.
With that i voted for the numbers game cuz once you get the hang of it, it’s lets you enjoy the minigame without stealing the spotlight from the hentai scene.
yeah, I feel the same way
Me too….it got distracting once the bar sped up
I see, thanks for the feedback. Going to be tricky, if even possible to make something that solves all of the issues i have with people having trouble actually learning how to play it, yet also people like it the most
I know the dilemma. It is a fact, you CAN’T please everyone, so just take our feedback with a grain of salt. I personally had no problem with the number guessing game, but with this new mechanic it takes your focus away from the main dish the fucking porn. In that, this mechanic is a failure. I was clicking so fast I clicked our of the victory pic before I even knew it.
Keep in mind that both of them require you to look away from the animation to actually complete the game. This one just does more than the other one currently. But I think the sense of urgency can be removed or altered in this one.
I agree with others. You need something that isn’t intense since the focus is fapping/watching the scene, i was never a fan of the number guessing, but it shouldn’t just be straight up a sex scene and free money (other than when there is a special scene), so you have the balance fapping and gameplay. cant say which i like better really. I do like the gradual build up a lot better though… so maybe it only goes down if you fuck up instead of an X meter going up constantly? and maybe limit the amounts of fuck ups so you have to pay attention but can allow pause to watch? so like three to five misses and you loose money/fail the minigame instead of a growing X bar.
If you look at the time I posted my first response and then your’s we entered it in at the same time, so I was unable to read this. I will agree with you, that is a good solution. Your idea may be what this new mechanic needs and it will satisfy many.
Thanks I think just not having the bottom bar rise constantly could be something to try out. There is no pause needed this way.
The lose state from messing up X number of times is not needed since it is represented by the bottom bar filling up. which would fill slightly when you correctly time the click, and fill a lot of you miss it. Could be interesting to have it where either the giver or receiver can at times begin with the bar partially full.
i do like the the mimi game but it go a little too at the end
I assume you mean too hard at the end ? thee is a word missing.
yeah ^^; you’re correct on that vortex
make it so that after u finish in the end u can auto or shuffle thru the h scenes
I plan to have all the animations in the game repayable in one way or another.
I have to agree that this mechanic takes your focus away from the scene. If you are looking for new mechanics you can use something like using your mouse to move Maiko up and down or circular motion, this way you interacting with the scene itself…
I have something similar to this idea in umichan maiko. I think with either of these there is enough interaction without a need to control the character with the mouse. My issues in primarily the guesswork and too much of a learning curve. And it seems like many people’s issue with this boils down to the fact that you are essentially being timed. which causes more of a focus on the bar.
That’s pretty good, i think. Easier than trying to guess the right number, too. And i add my voice to Pastuli’s: as a reward for winning, being able to shuffle threw the scenes would be cool. That way, we can focus on the bar during the game, and still enjoy the scenes afterwards. Any chance you’ll add the same game with the other “playable” characters before the official game release?
I can make buttons to go back and replay the animations you have reached so far. And combined with some other changes I don’t think they need to be at the end.
I for one prefer minigames less based on luck and more on skill.
Even if it can be a little distracting from the scene.
I would like to remove luck out of the game also. However I don’t think the comments here are about liking the luck more, it seems to be more about not having to constantly look away at the bar. In comparison to the guessing game, you need to look to the side look at the number, but not constantly to prevent you from losing.
I have played this kind of mechanic before, well, we all have, and as such, we encounter the same exact problem : IT TAKES THE ATTENTION WAY FROM WHAT WE ACTUALLY WANT TO SEE = The H scene.
Yeah, quite a few people had a little difficult time understanding how the number mechanic minigame worked, even i included, at the beginning, but in my case after a few tries i got the hang of it, so after that i really didn´t had a problem with it nor i found it annoying or whatsoever; But in this case, i´ve never liked this kind of mechanic in games, in any kind of game, it takes all of your focus to the bar and leaves you with a dilemma ‘Do i watch the bar in order to win or do i watch the H scene at the risk of losing?’ Sure, one could try to do both like 50/50, but the attention that one puts tends to inclinate to the task that is more pressing, the bar.
Like others have said, i like the gradual develop that the scene undergoes, from slow and gentle to fast and hard depending on the level of pleasure, i also like the ‘competition’ between Maiko and the guy between who will get the other to get there first.
Pastuli said that you could put an auto or shuffle option at the end of the minigame if you win so could what the whole scene, that could be viable, but also presents with another dilemma to the player ‘Do i wanna spend more time in this or go to next? after all, i already win’ so it would be better if you could enjoy the H scene at the same time that you are playing.
Maybe a hints based game? where the client (i say client because i think it would be a good idea to put the posibility of male and female clients, after all, girls like girls too) tells you what he wants you to do, and you have to move your mouse in certain speed depending of what he tells you, or push options like ‘slow, medium, fast, hard, …’ (maybe the options just pops suddenly and dissapears if you don´t hit it in time?, like a quick time event), and you would keep the bar (the lower bar, like in this one) only to see your progress vs the client, and if you do it wrong, then your progress goes back (like in this one). And if you lose, your reputation is reduced… and also you don´t get a medal je (Just an idea -w-)
Different positions and tecniques would be nice.
Something that i think should be changed is the duration of the whole scene/minigame, it´s too fast, i mean, yeah, it´s JUST a minigame, it´s bound to be short, but maybe not that short? so the gameplay would be a little be more challenging and the H scene be enjoyed more. So lesser quantity of ‘special’ clients, longer duration of the minigame with each client and more reward if you win – more penalty, fame/repuration loss if you don´t. (money loss? i don´t think that would be fair, after all, you did gave the service, the reputation loss would be do to a not been able to please the client, therefore less reputation = less ‘special’ clients)
By the way i played three times the minigame.
P.S. : I don´t tend to comment, feedback nor review anything, in fact, it´s been a REALLY LONG time since i commented on somehing/somewhere, and i created a whole in here just to do so, cause i like this game a lot, so, if my feedback or ideas helped in anyway im glad to have been of help -w-/. So keep up with the good work!.
2 P.S. : And apologies, my feedback turned to be a little too long, sorry about that, then again, i just wrote it in hopes that it would be of help -w-.
Not everyone will stick around to figure out how to play the number guessing game as you did, in fact from what I can tell, a lot of people don’t. it needs to make sense at the beginning.
Please be aware that even with the number guessing game, you still need to look off to the side to see your previous number and how close you were to getting the correct number. So either way, with this game or that one, you are looking off to the side. The difference here is that there is a skill component and it is in real time. so you so need to constantly look off to the side to not fail the game. So I can see how it works taking out the real time component where the bar increases when you are not pressing anything.
i agree with The Grey One a different position for the different customer it a good idea for more variety in the game and more replayability
the animation is just an example. The animation playing could be different characters or positions. please be aware the test is for the minigame only.
ok but for the mini game i like the most the older one with the numbers and the speed
I’m trying to find ways to remove the number guessing part of it though. I assume many here are very used to the game at this point. however to a new player it can be confusing to understand. Not scrapping it totally just trying to find something that works without as much of a learning curve. The chance to win the number game is also widely based on luck and amount of sex exp the character has.
I am also aware many like being able to idle on different animation speeds so I plan to keep that part of it.
i understand the first time i played with the game i was little confused but the good part of the game
Is that it does not have a time limit unlike this new one.
the new game it easy to understad but you can’t focus in all part of the game
I have to agree with many of the others that it takes away from the scene. Being unable to enjoy the scene kinda sucks, and even when getting accustomed to the clicking it just puts a bad taste to the sex. Just about any game play will distract from the visuals, but i held off my comment until i could think of any kind of workable replacement/improvement.
Idea: Still holding on to the bar-number system of Umi ver 20 but instead of using different speeds of hearts to get to the appropriate number for the customer it can simply be controlled using the mouse or buttons to increase or decrease the number on the bar for the same result. This number can be adjusted up and down but what it is visually adjusting is the speed and actions of the girl. The primary idea is the same as prior by find the magic number but it would feel more like you have more control over what she does and you can still take chat cues from the client about being too soft or too rough and the sex skill would still come into play by knowledge of initial Goldilocks zones and accuracy of client suggestions of speed. This also opens up the ability to watch the scene at any speed the viewer wants without constraints of timing or skill. If they want to set her to max speed and enjoy the show for a bit they can. Lastly it allows for faster game play for those that need to burn threw the sex process but still requires some knowledge usage and sex skill building. Oh and Umi’s hair clip can come into play by pointing her in the right direction without asking the client or flat out makes it easier to find his/her sweet spot.
That’s all i got. Either way in this current form it distracts and takes away from the work you put into the scenes. That’s my opinion.
Thanks for the feedback. I have two guessing games already. so I’m trying to get away from that here.
As for the idea you mentioned it seems similar the the guessing game from UMCH but you begin at the number you left on. The you can add or subtract from there. The system to guess the number seems better yeah however I’m, trying to get away from guessing altogether here.
I honestly don’t know why people are saying the mini-game takes away focus from the scene. I found it really easy to watch the scene and play the game at the same time. Then again, they might just not be good at finding the rhythm to it. Gotta say though, the animation was pretty good, and can’t wait to see the other girls doing it as well as any potential new positions.
Thanks for the feedback. Yeah it seems like many can’t really play the game without constantly looking at the side bar. So I will try something else.
It is fun, but I found the number guessing games WAY more fun because you had to think a lil first and there was the element that you find of gambling where you’re betting on your answer being correct and it made it so that anybody could play it, for certain can find it hard to play this new games cause they lack the skill or have diffivulty focusing on the bar as it the movements can mess with their thinking process, however the number games required no significant mechanincal skills to play and is quite easy to learn and at least from my experience it has never been a chore to play.
From my past experience a lot people actually have a lot trouble understanding how to play the guessing minigame. even with the tutorials and the three different on screen text hints the games gives you. The gambling perspective is really interesting though, thanks hadn’t thought of that. I don’t plan to not ever use the guessing stuff. I just want something fairly easy to understand and use for the smaller stuff or certain minigames/scenes.
It is fun, but I found the number guessing games WAY more fun because you had to think a lil first and there was the element that you find of gambling where you’re betting on your answer being correct and it made it so that anybody could play it, for certain can find it hard to play this new games cause they lack the skill or have diffivulty focusing on the bar as it the movements can mess with their thinking process, however the number games required no significant mechanincal skills to play and is quite easy to learn and at least from my experience it has never been a chore to play.
i accidentaly posted it twice sorry about it, it i tought it didn’t go through
how about making a brick matching minigame or something that doesn’t require you to focus so much attention to it rather than the animation.
you mean something like the match 3 in a row type games?
The Numbers guessing game seemed more involved to me making it more interesting to play this tap click thing would have pushed me away from this part of the game personally. I never really understood why the guessing game was so difficult for people it was pretty simple to me while at the same time at least making the mini game interesting.
I think at least one issue with the guessing game is the language. saying too low or too high. no matter how I described it, people would confuse it for the number guessed vs the number you need to guess.
Also for me the guessing game does not really allow for as much character progression or scalability as I would like.
I think you have a valid concern that the numbers game took a while to understand while this is pretty straightforward. I do agree with others that the bar can be distracting to look away to. (I personally had no problems but I’m used to these mini-games so my sense of rhythm is pretty good)
Some possible improvements:
1. Lower the difficulty (eg. Make the margin for hitting the bar wider as the speed increases) so it’s easier to click and watch.
2. Increase the margin for error (Basically make it so the player can make more mistakes before losing the mini-game)
3. Centralize the bar and hit button (Eg. swap the heart bar with the correct/mistake bar), so that the bar and the animation are in the same plane of view
4. As many suggest, gallery it (I know you have plans for it) so that players can focus on the task, and enjoy your animation later
Thanks for all your hard work and effort to read comments, hope this was helpful
Many thanks for the feedback. As for 1 and 2. atm I’m just cornered about the mechanics of the game, yes the difficulty can very based on whatever.
even with the bar under it, one would just be looking in different spot that is still away from the animation. I think will will try to reduce the ui elements in general. Yeah there will be some gallery likely in anything, but maybe not as part of the minigame itself.
I like the new minigame. I’d remove the standard error from not clicking, since that way, you can fap to the animation if you like it and try to get more “right” to move on to the next animation. What I like about this mingame, is that it feels like “fucking” the client since you are clicking in sync with the fucking. That’s hot. In the end the difficulty is pretty hard, and there is some latency between clicking and the effect which you have to account for.
TL;DR: remove the automatic X bar when you’re not clicking, so you can fap. Love the minigame.
Thanks glad you like it. yeah I will remove the time limit.
The new minigame is fine, I guess, but it’s too difficult. The old handjob pattern match has been your best one so far.
No matter what, it needs to be straightforward and easy to have sex. I know you’re dead-set on gameplay, but taking away from the sex scene only hurts the game. Instead of a negative bar filling up, how about only increasing the bar that slowly lowers?
Thanks for the feedback. indeed, most h-scenes in UMCH for example that are just viewing the animation only. so for the actual game parts I would like for it to be a game where a person can win or lose. so only a bar that can lower allows for more way to actually lose. I think there are ways to both enjoy the animation yet still be able both win or lose.
I liked this one! Also Reverse Cowgirl is a really Hot Position!
Thanks glad you like it
I’m a little torn. I much prefer the relaxed nature of the old one since it kept the porn the focus, but this design seems a bit more elegant and relevant to the task. Is there a way to compromise between the two?
Yeah going to try some different stuff.
I think that this minigame could be taken as one possibility, but not as the only one in the game.
In my opinion variety in regular minigames an in hentai minigames is the key to make the game more attractive.
Yeah I don’t plan to never use the guessing game. just want to try to make something easy to understand and straight forward to play also.