January 8, 2024

98 thoughts on “That rape scene ain’t cool bro!

  1. I think rape in a world of fictional character in a fictional world in a fictional situation super hot. after all it is nothing new in hentai. So i am kinda forcing my fetish in the game and i think having more porn in porn game is better

    1. some people have trouble separating it. At times I even have trouble separating fiction from reality when the character is too young looking. Not a big fan to bleeding rape either because I usually have to turn it off or watch something else even if it is just a hentai anime lol.. So you will certainly get plenty of times to defend it I am sure.

  2. Man, I can’t believe in the types of details that are bothering you!
    You make awesome games with such a nice story and you are now giving importance to the haters? Ignore them, man! Internet is a free space where you can post your magnificent art and I’m sure that what you make deserves more than respect from everybody.
    (sorry for my english, not my mother language)

    1. not all of them are haters (most are though), but others are genuine people that like stuff I make but detest the rape stuff. It does seen limiting on my end to leave out full graphic deceptions of stuff. Especially because most of my serious games are story focused. The hentai is usually added in later after scripts and the non-hentai portions of the game is created lol. The hentai for me adds a bit to realism to relationship between characters that I feel rape would do this also. more extreme even. seeing some one rape another person might be hot for one person, and yet cause a desire to want to make your kill that guy for another person.

      one of the arguments in UMCC was that Maiko doesn’t do anything about David. you never get the option to get revenge. Which is a fair enough argument.

      1. If the rape scenes is such an issue for your regular’s you can always add an option to turn off rape scenes. Some H-games have that.

        1. Sorry for the double post. While we are on the subject of he David scene is there more than one fight with him? I played the game for 32 in-game days before I won and I never encountered such a fight scene with anyone else. It was heavily implied when David said something to the effect “If you can’t beat me or someone else doesn’t stop me I’ll keep doing this.” It actually kinda bothered me. Its a bit irritating that I’m still convinced I’m missing content in Classroom cheaters.

      2. I was actually hoping yu could add all those scenes, it adds a certain credibility plus while it’s in a hentai or a hentai game, i think it’s really hot and would love to see this happening asap 🙂 Keep up the good work! (Also, when will the winter bit come? I see it referred but nothing else comes up. If that’s part of a future project, i would love to see it happening too! 😀

          1. Is Classroom Havoc a new game you are developing or some sort of add on update you are planning on adding to the UMCC?

          2. It is a new game. However It will contain important parts covered in UMCC and a lot more that is not in UMCC.

  3. I swear for once you are playing a hentai game as a female in FPV. For me go right ahead with your creativity Vortex00. In whatever shape or form even the offensive sick shit. Because I know it is NOT real. And another thing 50 Shades of Grey novel and movie go far beyond worse than what you see here. Yet people where not outrage by it. Only a few people where. Also keep in mind you can stop the rape from happening in UMCC and the same will happen in UMCH. The game actually have choices you can make. I was able to beat UMCC with no hentai at all, yes it is possible to do. You are playing a flash that actually doesn’t force you to do porn in UMCC. Something that not many hentai flash games do as a option. So rape shouldn’t offend you if you can stop it in UMCC and in the next one UMCH.

    1. yeah so far it is something that is always avoidable though you make not know about it. The David scene caught a few people off guard, as It should have, because that was the point. If anything is too offensive in UMCH it is pretty safe to blame ttrop. But I agree that shoving stuff like Savori’s life will make it to better to see what she is dealing with, and why even a simple pic of her naked selling to the bookstore owner makes her absolutely livid.

  4. If you were making a politically correct game I doubt it’d include porn in the first place.

    Go for it.

    As to me, I ain’t savin’ nobody from nothin’ as long as it doesn’t involve physical disfigurement.

    1. yeah true enough. The concept of a politically correct hentai game is a topic I might cover in a Thoughts and Analysis video.

  5. i dont think a game needs a rape scene. in aria i think it isnt rape with the 4 girls, because they seemed to enjoy it, after you punish them.

    1. with ARIA especially I wanted to cover a wider spectrum of fetishes from the stuff already present in the game. It is much easier for me to do that if I am not the one drawing it lol. But yeah I’m not sure how intense the rape scenes will get in ARIA. kind of just testing the waters atm.

      1. I think that more scenes/positions will always be well-received, but when you say “intensity,” I’m not sure what you mean. As far as rape goes, this is fiction. I find wannabe Thought Police more threatening than any disturbing fetish porn, and there is much, much worse than rape in hentai. If people thing that rape is the end-all, final-boss evil of porn, they’re leading pretty sheltered lives.

  6. I think how its framed is important. Most hentai consists of rape, especially if it involves monsters or tentacles, but it is typically presented as just people fucking. There’s a genre of hentai games where you avoid monster or they fuck you, they’re called run or rape games but the people playing them don’t know that, or don’t care. Excplitly calling scenes, like in ARIA, rape scenes can leave a bad taste in someones mouth. Having a defeat scenes has less negative impact on someone than having a rape scene, even though it means the same thing. I personally don’t like thinking of hentai as rape. That being said people will still complain, but fuck em.

    As for Savori’s dad (isn’t he in jail?) I like the idea of Maiko taking Savori’s place more than seeing him do shit to her, making the game too dark might result in depressing faps. And I like the idea of expanding the David scenes. My first thought reading that was how in UMCC he says he won’t stop until Maiko can beat him and him getting more ambitous with the things he can do with Maiko the more he beats her. Going like fap, handjob, blowjob, sex and after sex a few times him giving an option to skip the fight and just having sex.

    As a complete aside, are you not adding the scenes to the online version of ARIA at all?

    1. idk about adding to ARIA. I’m on the fence about it. I can call them “defeat” scenes heh.
      yeah i think rape matters more in my stuff because you get to know the characters better, it is not just some character running and jumping to get to end of the level.

      it is kind of funny how it is acceptable if it is a monster thoguh lol. I guess it is a metaphor to rapist being a monster.

      1. yep, definitely defeat scenes. Make them optional maybe (like you have already). That often makes a lot of the critics happy. 🙂
        The comments here show you have a lot of support for adding more in ARIA. 🙂

        1. (Apologies for double post)
          Having thought about it more, I’m not sure what I’d do about adding it into the online version though. I don’t think it matters too much but maybe keep the defeat scenes for the Patreon version if it’s been working out ok so far.

  7. Hentai is a form of wish fulfillment and fantasy where anything can happen, especially the things that couldn’t and shouldn’t happen in real life. When it comes to hentai, it’s not about the negative feedback you might incur, it’s about the positive feedback. It’s about creating a scenario that perhaps not all, but some can enjoy. It’s about the likes of the few over the dislikes of the many. Do exactly what you want, man. Regardless of whether I like it or not, I’ll respect your decisions as not only an artist, but as a person.

    1. Yes for me it is not even really about rape in particular. it is about being able conveying the story to the fullest potential. making someone really hate or like a character, or feel sorry for a character, etc.

  8. To the people going “w/e its just a game not real it doesn’t matter”… Shame on you. Really, just shame on you. Rape is not something to be made light of. Especially not for anyone that has ever been a victim of rape.

    Rape is a traumatizing experience to begin with, but any rape victim can only be further traumatized by people around them treating it like it didn’t matter, or (even worse) that the victim is at fault. If someone sees, in a game, a depiction of rape and becomes offended? That’s their right, and quite frankly, it should be the normal reaction for anyone with any human empathy. You can’t say “rape in a game shouldn’t offend you”. And if you are saying that, if you aren’t offended by graphic depictions of rape, then what the hell is wrong with you?! If rape is acceptable to you in a game format, then it’s a /very/ short step to rationalization of it being acceptable in real life.

    Ok, with that all said, I want to appeal to Vortex00 here. If you must put rape in your games, for whatever reason, then the consequences should be fully explored. A character shouldn’t just be okay with having been raped. I could go into some of the possible effects of having been raped on a character like Maiko, but honestly, it’s really depressing to think about. But the consequences should be there, and it shouldn’t just end with a choice of “report him or don’t report him.” And if the game takes too much of a dark turn for it… then perhaps rape should be left out entirely.

    1. You just sounded like one of these persons who says “videogames make childs more violent”
      If you’re saying that if i don’t care or enjoy a raping scene on a hentai its a “small” step of me enjoying it on real life you are out of you mind.
      I’m sure that you’ve killed thousands of inoccent people on gta or any other game and i’m sure that you are not sorry about that maybe you’ve kinda enjoyed it, and by your ideas i would say that its a “small” step for you to be a murderer.

      Like you don’t take action/war Games too serious you don’t need to take hentai games serious too.

      1. There has never been a conclusive study that has linked violent video games with violent behavior. And if I sounded like one of “those persons”, then so be it. There’s quite a world of difference between virtual killing, which we as a species don’t have any hard wired natural tendencies for… and virtual rape. Sex is something we’re wired for. It’s something we want. It’s something we desire. And we tread a /dangerous/ line when we train our minds and bodies to think that something like rape, forcing someone against their will, without their consent… is acceptable, or even arousing. And honestly, as adults here (we ARE all adults here, RIGHT?!) most of us can probably manage to keep fiction separate from reality. But there are people out there that can’t.

        1. Hi Shadou,

          Before I comment, I want to put it out there that I am, myself, a multiple rape victim. The worst incident put me in hospital and took my voice from me, and I haven’t been able to speak at all since then.

          There’s a very, very BIG gap between depictions of rape in books, games, art or other fictional media, and actually violating another human being. It’s not a small step, it’s quite a gigantic leap, in fact, and there’s really no connection of any sort between the two. I enjoy rape-games; I find them arousing and titillating, and I have done since before the first time I was ever raped. They’re very different things, night and day. One is enjoyable to me… the other, I don’t imagine, is enjoyable to anyone on the harmful end of.

          there are people out there who can’t separate reality from fiction, yes, but the many should not be handicapped by the few; there are some out there who can’t see, so it would be cruel if we had visuals in our games, some out there who can’t distinguish colours properly, so it would be wrong for things to be anything other than grey-scale… No, that line of reasoning just isn’t sound. Yes, some few might have trouble keeping reality and fiction apart, but that isn’t the fault of the material, and most people can do so just fine.

          Of course it’s your right to feel uncomfortable or even offended by content in a game; it’s not your right, however, to demand that the material be tailored to save you from experiencing that, rather than you, as an individual, simply not partaking of that material. Suppose I’m offended by red clothes; it is not fair of me to demand that no clothes be made with red i them because of that. I just don’t buy red clothing. I’m perfectly happy for other people to enjoy it, of course, because rational mentally healthy people would -never- go around trying to force other people into red clothes just because they think it’s cool.

          There’s a bigger problem with arguing against the putting of specific rape scenes into Aria or others of Vortex’s games, but I’ll make a proper comment of my own about it down the way; have a peek if your interested, by all means.


          1. Enough with the strawman arguments. I keep getting drawn away from the real point I’m trying to make because people keep trying to drag the argument away from my focus. Yes, I realize part of it is I have a tendency to stray from my point myself. I’m partially at fault here for the focus of my argument here not being the focus of this debate. But all the strawman arguments aren’t helping, and I’m starting to get a little annoyed here.

            Look, I’m not trying to say that Vortex shouldn’t put rape in her games. I have not made a single post to that effect. Stop trying to pin that shit on me. I am not saying and I will not say that Vortex should take all of her rape scenes out. I do not like rape scenes myself, and I don’t understand people that can take pleasure in seeing graphic depictions of rape. Not seduction, not coercion, RAPE. Forcing a girl against her will. Holding her down and having your way with her. I still remember the screams someone put into a rape game. It still makes my skin crawl even thinking about it, and I don’t see how any sane individual can take pleasure in playing such a game. At least in ARIA, the girls seem to be enjoying themselves when you use punishment sex. That I can handle. But I’m not saying that Vortex should not do any rape scenes. And I think my point is straying here a little again, let me get back on topic.

            I’m not saying Vortex should avoid putting rape in her games. What I’m saying is that the rape should be taken seriously, and not just dismissed, even by the victim character, as “Shit happened”. You admitted to being a rape victim, and you mentioned that you’ve lost the use of your voice from the experience. Do you really think that these characters should just be going about their day to day lives as if nothing happened? No effect? Even their closest friends can’t tell something happened. It’s as if the rape is completely inconsequential. You can choose to go to the law enforcement and report it, or not… but there are no personal, social, or societal consequences of the rape. It’s “Shit happened”. Is this society that these games are set in so backwards that a girl can be assaulted and raped, and everyone just accepts it?

          2. @shadou
            yes the society is that way because it isn’t a real society. All of the social norms and effects of real life do not transfer to a fictional setting. specifically my fictional setting, you will not really ever get it until you can comprehend this so I’m not sure it is worth discussing further if you are stuck here so will keep this short.

            I don’t want Maiko (mainly the player) to be hindered rest of the game over the David scene. the player needs to be able to function normally to complete the rest of the game and view the other scenes in the game.

            where contrast Savori actually hangs herself if nothing is done about it. and literally everyone is talking about it.

            There are also no pregnancies, diseases, or any other potential long term real effects of unprotected sex, they are left out on purpose. just like possible consequences of rape. Understand that those disconnects are intentional.

          3. Huh… not sure why but this one particular post isn’t giving me a reply option. Regardless, this should show beneath your response, I think, Shad, so, you get the idea, I hope ^.^

            Anyhow, first off, yes, I appologise for implying that you were asking for them not to be there, however, my latter point stands: even excluding the scenes specifically demarcated as rape, there’s already a good deal of sex that is more or less unarguably rape already.

            I’m not offended by graphic depictions of rape in games. The reason is because they are games, and the exploration of fantasy in a ay that harms no-one. I don’t think that stance is deserving of such a vehement “What the hell is wrong with you!?”, that you branded it with. I might be disabled and permanently scarred from traumatic and non-consensual experiences of my own… but there’s nothing “Wrong” with me, thankyou very much.

            What I wanted to bring up, by mentioning my own situation, was that people react differently, and people bear up differently, in the face of traumas like this. Some individuals recoil so badly from a rape trauma that it breaks them apart and destroys them on a mental and emotional level… some people bottle it all up inside and literally no-one knows anything happened to them, and it becomes an internalised scar that they live with in silence… and some people are so grounded in their personal realism that they simply walk it off, so to speak. These, and -everything- in between.

            I’m not saying that it should be ignored and treated as though noting happened.. but the reality of the situation, even today, in our own world, is that that IS the truth of what happens far, far too often. The larger percentage of rapes, even today, do not get reported.. especially rapes committed against males by women, who still face the difficulty of a society that, often as not, tried to tell them that males can’t BE raped by women, and that no crime was committed.

            The truth is, I guess I’m saying, that… in these scenarios we’re dealing with, -Yes-, the greatest likely hood of a sexually acitve girl in her late teens, who suffers a non-consensual sexual encounter, is most likely, in the vast majority of cases… to do nothing about it. how she reacts internally may vary, but the majority, rarely let on, or else lessen it when telling others – the friend who tells you that the guy she hooked up with at the club was really rough, and she feels rotten today, isn’t telling her friends that she decided not to have sex, then struggled very strongly against it, but that the sex happened anyway… and so they commiserate with her and comfort her on her bad experience, believing that her mood is mostly just because she had a dis-satisfactory night of it. It’s terrible, yes, but that’s what happens more often than not.

            In the situations we have here, take Aria first: these girls have come to this guy, and are now more or less stuck with him, in the depths of space, and at first, they have some story about how he psychically needs sex to survive. One loves sex all the time, one loves him, and will put up with indiscretions from him, and seems to be the sort to talk herself out of being hurt and make excuses for him to herself until it goes away, one is an extreme rationalist, who looks to be the type who might say “I didn’t want to have sex with that man, but it’s not like him putting his dick in me has hurt me in any way, and there’s clearly no emotion involved on his side, so… back to that experiment I was doing”, and Bri, who can more or less see that his heart is an empty void that cares for nothing.. she seems to most likely to be mentally or emotionally ill-effected by his raping.

            Even then, however, they’re in a situation where the sex is borderline relentless, where they will be beaten if they refuse, and then raped anyway, and where they all know that this is the case, right out there in the open. so the fact that they seem ultimately to just get on with their lives and ‘cope’, is actually not that far fetched. They must function in order to survive, and no-one can really help them; the sex happens, and it’s not pleasant, and it won’t stop until this ordeal is over with… something that becomes even more apparent after Jeo is cured, and continues to use them as he pleases.

            Personally, I find that, after a certain amount of this kind of thing, you develop a sort of disconnect. The count of times I’ve been in a non-consensual encounter counts more than the fingers on my hands, but less than would require both feet as well, and I’m only in my mid twenties. I take responsibility for my part in that, however; yes it was the other individuals committing the crime, but I also accept my own share of the responsibility, because I put myself in situations that could lead to it, and I refused to give up or change my lifestyle, just because I’d suffered at the hands of someone else.

            Point is though, the last few times that’s happened, after making it clear the answer was no, struggling to the point that I’d have to start breaking limbs if I wanted to prevent it, knowing that I wasn’t prepared to do injury like that, even to the one trying to force me, and so relenting and letting it happen… and zoning out while it did. Then going home, showering, telling my partners what happened… having some tea and playing some games with them or watching a movie… it was ultimately just… no big deal to me any more.

            This is the situation I see the girls in: they’re at the point of acceptance, where they don’t want it, they’d rather refuse, but fighting is pointless, and they can’t prevent it, and so they just… buckle down and keep going.

            Consider also that as far as ignoring it and trivialising it… we’re actually looking at all of this from Jeo’s perspective, in a way. He’s ignoring it, so even if they are suffering emotionally and mentally, he -Doesn’t Care-, so it’s no big thing, to him.

            For Maiko, she seems very much to be the sort of girl who has no qualms whatsoever in using sex as a tool and a bargaining chip for whatever she wants. she’s got her personal principles, but holding those, she’ll more or less agree to sleep with anyone if it will benefit her in some way; given her high level of sexual activity along with that mindset, it would be far easier for her to cope with a non-consensual situation, because she will already have had plenty of encounters with less than appealing individuals, or accepted people she’d rather not have sex with for other reasons.

            Now, the other girl, and please forgive me for not spelling her name right, but, Savori? I don’t recall, the girl with the perverted father… she’s far less up for it, in general, and she reacts to rape trauma in a -very- different, and far less healthy way; the game already deals with that in quite dramatic fashion.

            Sorry for the long chat… just kinda got talking…


          4. @Vortex00 Easy, My apologies. (Again, if you’ve read my privmail). I’m not going to try to tell you how things should be in your fantasy world, and I’m sorry if it seems as if that’s what I’ve been doing. From one creative writer to another, I’m sorry. If you think I’m no longer worth talking to at this point, I understand. I simply didn’t really understand that your setting had done away with a lot of the societal repercussions of rape. Of course, that does make me wonder how the society pulled that off.

            There’s a couple possibilities I’m pondering here. One is something similar to the betans of the Vorkosigan Adventure novels by Lois McMaster Bujold… in that universe, when Betan girls come of age, they’re given their contraceptive implant, have their hymen cut, and their coming of age ceremony includes their first time with a trusted friend of the family or some such. After that, they’re considered adult enough to choose their own partners. This kind of setup would remove the danger of pregnancy, and an advanced level of medicine (farther than what we have now… Khalei may also be involved) could remove the threat of disease. The societal norm in this setup would allow girls like Maiko to be promiscuous without being labeled as a slut or worse, or the term “slut” could just not have any negative connotation associated with it. Girls may be able to choose to be sluts or prudes, or whatever in between without being judged; it’s their business who they’re sleeping with, nobody else’s. The problem is I’m trying to figure out, in this kind of a setting, why David would assault and force Maiko before even seeing if she’s willing. Idea needs refinement in order to fit.

            Another setting possibility is having, again, Khalei being the reason pregnancies and disease are a non-issue. A male dominated government has decided that, since pregnancy and disease are not issues, that the punishment for rape be extremely light. No harm, no foul after all. Rape is commonplace, and while the victim may report the offender and have them face a punishment, it amounts to not much more than a harsh slap on the wrist. By the time of UMCC, this has been going on long enough that nobody really even cares anymore. This seems a little more dystopian to me, and the possibility remains of the offender taking revenge on the victim for reporting them… unless that is dealt with rather more harshly (Rape once, shame on you. Rape twice, shame on us for not dealing with you properly the first time.). This seems like a better fit, but still leaves unanswered questions; Why does Lynn need the bodyguard? Why haven’t /more/ of the girls been raped? Again, why does David need to rape a promiscuous girl like Maiko, before even asking if she wants to sleep with him? Willingness would seem to be even more of a shield against being raped here.

            Perhaps, Vortex00, you’d be willing to shed some light on this? What’s your version of the backstory? In any case, I still think there should be a little more hostility between Maiko and David after the rape; whether she reports him or not, she’s not going to be favorably inclined toward him even if she’s willing to deal with him to further her own agenda. And if she reports him, she’s got some bridges to rebuild with him before he may be willing to deal with her. On the other hand, if she doesn’t report him, he may take that as the green light to continue…

            This is starting to get long, I guess. Anyway… having some of this backstory available may go a long way toward mitigating some of the public backlash you’re receiving from your rape scenes. It’s more than just saying “The rules of this world are not the same as in the real world”. It’s saying “The rules are different; here are the rules in this world”. And if anyone has a problem with it, then you’ve already laid out what the rules and societal norms are that these characters live by… any further problems are theirs, not yours.

          5. @shadou

            no rules are necessary because these things simply don’t exist. you are trying rationalize something that doesn’t need to be rationalized. Everything in this game doesn’t need to make sense. I don’t want to dive into lingering effects of rape for Maiko. The reasons why have already been presented to you by myself, Erica, and others who have replied to you. Perhaps I will change my mind later, but right now that is where I stand.

            Also you came in here telling everyone else they should be ashamed and that is something “wrong” with them. so don’t try to play all defensive now saying you are “strawmaned” after attacking everyone else in the blog. they are defending themselves from you, not attacking you.

          6. @Vortex00
            Ok, ok. I get it: Apology not accepted. I’ve offended you, and an apology isn’t enough. You’re not willing to discuss anything with me here, or even consider any ideas I might have. And the “Discuss it in public or not at all” line in my privbox? Yeah, you’re mad and don’t think I have anything worthwhile to say. I’ll just go.

    2. I don’t thing that anyone here takes irl rape lightly. I also don’t agree that fictional rape is a short step to being okay with it in real life. That is the point of it being not real. Not different from mass murder games like postal, grand theft auto, etc. I’m certainly not about to run up to a car in the middle of the street and try to seal it. nor go on a shooting spree after playing it. If anything the desire (if there was one to begin with) would be even less because I can do it in the fictional setting of the game. I’m certain several studies has shown things you do or enjoy in games are not linked to real life.

      in the form of fiction you really agree that it should be left out completely, and everyone else will not get to experience it because it could harshly effect or offend someone ?

      It is very limiting for stories I am trying tell with UMCH to leave it out. it is not for just for “whatever” reason. Dark parts need to be there to really define certain characters. Savori for example. And yes she does nothing about. she decides to keep it under wraps and Maiko can decide to do something or not. It is a believable situation imo.

      Depressing or not it would probably be useful to describe some effects of rape. The whole point of it is to covey the effect to mold that character for better or for worse. Not every character has some happy story, just like irl not every person has some well to do happy life. it could seem depressing because fiction usually is a escape from reality but UMCC and UMCH is a fictional depiction of things that can really happen to people.

      having said that I would recommend people offended by rape to not even play hentai games at all. At least until they have mastered their minds to separate the fiction and not connect it to any situation they may have experienced. It is hard but if I left out stuff in my games because I might offend or upset some one, there would be nothing in my game at all. in fact no game at all.

      1. I’ll second that. I despise rape in real life. Absolutely hate it. Just like I hate murder. But I’ve probably killed millions of people in games. Fantasy is an outlet for stuff like that.
        If people worried too much about critics of sex and violence who confuse real life and fiction, there wouldn’t be many good books, Tv shows, movies or games. Or hentai! 🙂

  9. I agree with most of the comments here. Hentai rape is nothing like real rape. Deliberately! It’s meant to be a fantasy world you can escape to and not worry about bad stuff.
    So far, I think the stuff in ARIA is ok and I encourage Vortex to put in more. 🙂

    1. I think the problem some people have, especially with UMCC is that the game depicts things that are very realistic and believable. So it is harder to make the disconnect. Yeah with ARIA it is easier. flying in a space ship and shooting lasers and stuff is definitely a science fiction lol.

  10. Assuming everyone is a mature adult, we can handle rape mentally. Though the western world finds sex more abhorrent then killing violence, the world of fiction is still just that, a fictional setting that can be left to our imaginations only. As for the against fictional rape community, haters gonna hate. I doubt any of them are supporting you regardless of what you do.

    I like the idea of going into detail with the rape scenes with Sayori and David. I’m sure most of us were left wanting in that regard. I look forward to it~

    1. Sorry if I have to take a moment here to take exception to the comment “Haters gonna hate”. As I’m one of the people you’re most certainly talking about, I feel I have a right to defend my stance.

      I’m not completely against fictional rape. What I’m against, in particular, is TRIVIALIZING it. Rape is not a trivial matter. Especially not for the person being raped. I don’t like seeing even a fictional character get raped and then go about their daily life as if nothing happened. It completely shatters suspension of disbelief. Rape is a tragedy, and has tragic consequences.

      This is setting aside all the issues about further victimization of the victim by society and the courts. That’s another whole can of worms, when a rape victim is further victimized by society, with people treating the victim as if he/she is the one in the wrong. Either the way they dressed, or the way they act, or even where they were at the time. Even setting aside that possibility, the rape victim has still been subjected to a traumatic experience. That should be addressed.

      1. I think you have this disbelief because you relate it too much with reality. it is not real.
        you have to consider that in a fictional world there is not always some legal system with laws in place like in real life. Also the general feeling about rape in the fictional setting may not be the same as in real life. I agree that It is tragedy in real life. However in a fictional setting it is not always the opinion the characters will have. it may or may not be very traumatic. it could just make the character becomes angered or something. it is especially true when dealing with fantasy and monsters for example. when a character is raped by a monster or a evil king they are usually fine the next episode if they slayed the monster or it got killed. And in the situation with the king/ruler that remains living, they hate the persons guts, but overall are not traumatized usually. and usually can’t do anything about it because they is the situation they are in, in the fictional setting.

      2. I mean no disrespect when I said that. I’m sure no one here is taking rape as a joke, but for hentai it’s fap material. You can’t get more messed then fapping to guro, rape and vore, yet we do it anyway. Some people WANT to see the victimization of characters, the sorrow and agony that comes with the story it brings is… pretty riveting. Yes, it’s pretty warped to think taht way but it’s the fact I can take solace in knowing that it’s all in our imagination. It puts you at ease and allow you delve into pleasures you never knew you had.

        Needless to say, fiction is fiction, I would not wish for this in real life. If you can’t trust your fellow man in being able to control themselves, then our society is surely doomed if we can’t put ourselves past apes still.

  11. Hmm sadly you will all ways get some one who will complain about it just for the sake of it.
    I my self ain’t very big on games with a lot of rape int hem but at the same time they can be entertaining
    and give a bit more realism to the game have added in mod that have put them elements in games like elder scrolls series.

    Any way if you want to put them in you games then do it and ignore the people who complain as long as your happy with how it fits in to your game then its good :).

    1. some complain for the sake of it, some present some understandable arguments.
      yes usually in my stuff it is not senseless, it is indeed character driven motives for it. I do also agree about it being more realistic to have it in elder scrolls. especially for bandits and stuff.

  12. Why not consider adding an option to turn off the rapey bits?

    I get that it’s an uncomfortable topic, but this is a work of fiction… rape, and anything else for that matter, can be whatever one imagines it to be right?

    Unfortunately, rape has existed since humans have existed… I don’t think watching porn has anything at all to do with it.

    1. Long before humans, my friend. Rape has existed since species progenation split into requiring anisogamic interaction ^.^

    2. it could be possible after a while for ARIA. punish would just show them on floor for example. and that is it.

      for umichan it is doubtful. but also in umichan, it is avoidable completely.
      Nothing is set in stone yet though. That is what I am trying to get a sense for right now.

  13. I began posting up above to Shadou, who was getting quite upset by some of the comments here, but my own purpose for posting moved away form that, so I’ll post the rest here in a separate comment. There is one last thing I”d like to point out tothat poster, though, before I raie the other problem, and it’s this:

    so far, you’ve taken a very determined stance to say that ‘rape is X’, and ‘rape victims react like X’! No, I’m sorry; individual people are individual people ,and each person who suffers a violation of any part of their self, regardless of whether it’s mental, emotional or physical, reacts differently. If you have a picture in your mind that says “A victim of rape reacts like this!!”, then you cannot have very much experience with the topic; any experience with the topic in a first hand sense is too much already, of course, but too often I find people who have no personal experience with it at all attempting to talk for or ‘defend’ those who do, when, as I’m sure you’re aware, we’re perfectly capable of doing that ourselves.


    There’s a bigger problem with arguing against putting specific rape scenes into Aria, or others of Vortex’s games. If you’re saying that there shouldn’t be specific rape scenes in this game because rape is bad and it shouldn’t be in video games… then by extension you are saying that those scenes that exist in the game already and aren’t specifically described as rape scenes, are not rape… Hate to break it to you, but many of them very definitely are. Any time you punish a girl and then have sex with her, for example – it doesn’t matter if she consented or if she offered at that point; she consented after you -Beat- her. That’s very definitely rape. And that’s FINE.

    This is a story about a guy who is established as a cold, heartless, goal-driven individual who rapes because he feels like it. If he didn’t perpetrate rape on the girls, until they were too beaten down to do little more than simply accept his attentions without complain because they know they’ll just get beaten again if they do… then he wouldn’t be accurately portraying himself. If you want to talk about breaking of immersion, I personally find a story about a guy who is set up to be a cold heartless bastard who cares only about his own goals and will rape any woman he feels like, when he feels like… and then in game is nothing but considerate to them and has sex only when it is fully and openly consensual with only he women who want it… THAT is immersion-breaking. THAT ruins suspension of disbelief.

    In short: Vortex, Do whatever the hell the -Story That you Want to Tell- asks for. It doesn’t matter what individual watchers like myself particularly like or dislike, you’ve said many times that you want to tell a story, so do that, and remain true to that, and put in as much or as little non-mainstream material as that story needs.


    P.s. The loli issue: Implying that rape is worse against lolis is the same as saying that it’s somehow less of a terrible thing against mature individuals. A violation is a violation, regardless of whether it is committed against a man or a woman, young or old. To put more wrongness onto one is to take it away from the others, unfairly.

    1. Thanks for sharing your perspective on this in these posts. It is certainly very much appreciated getting all sides of the coin on this.

      At first I wanted to have like this good/evil thing going on, where he can be either good or bad. but I just stuck with Jeo being generally being cold and selfish instead of trying to tailor the game for two different Jeos. Imo it was better to just pick one and focus on it. And you normally don’t see this cold type character in these games. from what I have seen, it is always some guy trying to get laid. so I went with the more sinister version.

      this is also along the lines of why I am not really feeling the idea of unlocking more passionate consensual sex with a high love stat in ARIA. it is severely out of character on the part of Jeo. A nice dream Arielle would have perhaps.

      there was suggestion to rename the love stat to respect or desire and I might do that. Also to rename anything rape to “defeat”. so you have for example Arielle defeated sex. similar to being “punished” heh.

      ARIA so far takes a pretty light approach to “punishment”. They have no bruises, scars,markings,cuts, etc. and are fine health wise after being punished or defeated. One might say that it is just a lesser evil excuse. But my point is that, I’m not as if I am without some consideration of how intensely it is depicted.

      also about the loli you are correct. it reminds me of a conversation I had with some coworkers about how a tragedy is usually depicted as more sad when a child was involved. for example, “8 people died and two of them were children” so you need to be extra sad. it apparently would not be as bad if it was just all adults thoguh. that is general vibe it get from news reports like that heh.

      the loli wasn’t particularly talking about a volition thoguh. assume continental, how young is too young looking before it becomes uncomfortable. like some child like character that is 500 years old for example.

      1. In Australia ANY porn that has women dressed up as schoolgirls or has women with a-cup sized breasts is counted as simulated child porn. Even if the women are old grannys.

          1. I found this out when I tried to import a dvd called ultimate size difference, featuring two women. one was about 190cm tall with big boobs and the other was Bri sized. So the big boobs lost too.

  14. I have nothing against rape scenes in fantasy worlds in games, however, loli is not fun. Little girls (in body size) vs big guys, okay. But children, it is sick!

    1. I’m not big on children style stuff myself. But I don’t like vore, guro either but some folks love that stuff… somehow lol XD yeah I have harder time disconnecting the young the character looks. for some the tolerance is way better than mine.

    1. that’s the plan. it is something I worry about only because it put a bullseye target on me heh. but I will try to deflect it over to ttrop for this. or just post it on the site in open.

  15. I’ll just say this, then. You see it in TV shows, in movies, in books, etc… now, i know umch, and Aria are a little more graphic than those (they are Hentai games), but that’s all there is to it.

    I myself don’t care much for rape scenes, but if they work scenaristically i don’t mind more than that. Or if they’re a little part of a game. If it had been a bigger part it may have been different, but…

    1. I’m not overly big on rape scenes either. I did however want to include stuff from UMCC in UMCH and imo showing that stuff graphically would make it harder hitting.

  16. people who like rape hentai are not rapists as much as people who like guro will not go out and murder people. i enjoy exploring the things that we can’t do in real life in hentai form, i think what makes these things sexy or hot is because it is fantasy setting where taboos can be explored like incest, straight shota, loli, rape, and so much more. taboos should be explored in fantasy because if we can’t do that in fantasy world setting where can we do it?

    1. yeah it is different ways people are programmed. some ore offend even in fantasy. even I have trouble trying to separate thing when things gets a little too weird. like “dude.. how do you like this?” lol. guro would be a great example especially.

  17. Not just in hentai,but any fantasy setting is completely different from real life. All because some people enjoy consensual rape play that doesn’t mean they support or would won’t anything to do with non-consensual sex.

  18. some people never learn… rape in hentai or any fictional media doesn`t have to be treat seriously , its another fetish ^^ and well received from my part

    but in reality… its bad… something haves to be tottally punished,

    so from my part im still waiting for the rape scenes don`t worry ^^

  19. Woah… This update got heated pretty quick. Uhhh… Ill just say that people are always going to find an excuse to bitch about stuff you make (or anyone makes really) I remember seeing clowns bitching about you putting jiggly boobs in umc classic. Which of all the things one could complain about that’s by FAR the least offensive. Which means he probably never even played it so what are you going to do?

    So I guess what Im saying is not every opinion is right and just make sure it clicks right in your head.

    1. wow you are going way back lol. yeah as soon as stepped onto the scene people had issues with my stuff. it is unavoidable. I remember people taking about the boobs popping up in snowball holiday. most liked it thoguh. I definitely drowned out the negative stuff.

    1. maybe it can be in one of the minigames later lol. the shooter would be cool of they bled or something.
      I normally don’t do blood thoguh. it is another disconnect. I think at some point I had it in Daughter of Eve thoguh.

      1. As a fellow who’s all for rape but not so much for Guro, I’m good with there being no blood at all.

  20. How hard would it be to make 2 versions of the game? Like make the full game, controversial parts and all, and treat it as canon. Then you could hide controversial parts and add a password unlock for it. So people who don’t want it wont even come across it less they specifically unlock it. While people who want to experience the game in full, can.

    Password could be something like. GiveMeFullGamePlz.

    As for the content in general, I know there has been a lot of discussion already, and its quite the wall of text.

    My stance is that there’s a place for it, and there’s a way to approach it. Your games don’t really focus so much on it. They’re lighter, so when it happens it hits harder then say, a well known explicit furry game called CoC, which tries to rape you every 2 steps. And then other times, like you mentioned earlier its sometimes best to not call it rape. Especially in a world where sex is open.

    Another thing you could do would just be to add options. Different choices you could choose from when a situation happen. For example the David fap scene. When I was playing I really wanted to just say “Hey, sure lets roll in the bushes”. because that’s how I had pictured Maiko. I’ll admit I may have her portrayed wrong in my head, because I only know her from ummc, and don’t really have any backstory. It always seemed that sex in general was very casual in that world, so long as they just asked you’d be up for a romp in the hay.
    Which kinda makes Savori the odd one out in that world right? So an option, along with the busting dad, or taking over routes. Could be to convince Savori to kinda, take control. Use her dads affections for her own pleasure and gain. Like, “Hey, so Maiko has shown me how good sex can be, and that sex can just be sex, but from now on we’re doing it my way and this is what I want out of it.” Again, this may not fit into your views of your characters. Though I think it’d be hot, even if its a sorta, off canon route. Meaning that specific personality change wont show up again, and you build your next games based on say, the busting dad route.

    1. The David stuff sounds doable. For Savori I will see happens when I get to it. I’ll more than likely make a post about it to get input for it when it get really fleshed out what will be depicted. The the multiple versions, I don’t think it would not be a good use to my time to try to please everyone by making version exuding stuff someone doesn’t like. I already toggle at two version already so, at least for now the plan is to find some balance with the original.

  21. about this post:

    This is the message sent to me. Anyone can freely point out where I am offended and/or unwilling to listen or consider any of his ideas:

    Shadou Sent 17 hours, 51 minutes ago

    I don’t want you to think that I’m villainizing you for putting rape scenes in your games. I’m not, and I think my point in the rape thread got hijacked by a strawman. I’m not strongly against depiction of rape in video games. The kind of people that /should/ be looking up this kind of thing are the people that can handle it. My problem is that, when last I played UMCC, it was pretty much trivialized. Savori’s story is one thing; as a player, you can choose whether or not Maiko is close enough friends with Savori to intercede on her behalf, and if she doesn’t Savori suffers in silence. While I think that there should be some additional indications that Savori is holding in her grief at her situation, Savori made her choice of how to handle the situation. And it’s a tragedy.

    When David rapes Maiko, it’s a whole different story. He assaults her, and then forces her to do what he wants. It’s a violent rape. And then Maiko goes about her business. Nobody can tell anything happened. Not even her closest friend. Not even her biggest rival. Riley, at least, should have been able to tell something happened to Maiko. Even if you’re passing this off as Maiko trying to put up a brave front and act like nothing happened, a true friend can tell.

    Additionally, though, a real rival can tell when something happened. Even if it’s little things, like subtle differences in their daily banter… Luma may have been able to tell something happened. And the reaction of a real rival is only slightly different than the reaction of a true friend; ”Who did this to you?! I’ll make them pay! I’m the only one that gets to pick on you!”

    UMCC was missing all that. There was /no effect/ on Maiko from being raped. Nobody could tell. Nobody said anything. And even if she was putting up a brave front and trying to pretend everything was alright, at least Riley and Luma were in a position to tell something was wrong.

    Sorry if this got long, and I guess my point lost its way somewhere along the way here. Anyway, again, I apologize if my posts in the rape thread seemed like I was completely against fictional rape scenes in general. I’m not, really. I just don’t like to see Rape trivialized.

    Vortex00 Sent 2 hours, 38 minutes ago

    I’m not going to discuss this privately. The point of me posting these topics publicly is because this what always happens. I get messaged and begin going back and forth with someone privately. This topic is about a public game, and I have decided that the discussion is now only public. I will not discuss it privately. So thanks for you input, but discuss it on the blog or not at all.


    1. He doesn’t like it being trivialized?

      Trivialize it more.

      Better yet, I say you should add in some corruption.

      … But then again, you can’t actually CORRUPT a 100% slut like Maiko so nevermind that point.

      And as to the point about separating fantasy and reality, it’s true that doing that is a basic skill of the sane, but it’s also true that what’s hot in fantasy is even hotter in reality where the reality actually imitates the fantasy.
      Disease and unwanted children are two of the things that often stop reality from imitating fantasy when it comes to rapes, as are the chicks who react to it by killing others and themselves.
      But those chicks who end up submitting, or better yet actually becoming more promiscuous, as I believe DOES happen in some cases?

      Heh heh heh.


      1. That’s not even the point. I simply said to post it on the blog and stated my reasons why. Then he throws temper tantrum as says I am offended and unwilling to listen.

    2. While I can’t say for sure why they got so defensive about it, I think it’s unfortunate if there actually is any bad blood there; this is a discussion, and no-one is, or should be, attacking anyone else… at most, people might be attacking or poking holes at other people’s arguments of reasonings, but that’s not personal, that’s just part of the discussion.

      I think the disconnect that occurred there was because they seemed to be the sort who likes to understand everything about everything; things have effects, and there are results for everything. A fictional world might be fictional, but it still must be built and crated in full, and to be believable, it must have all of that result and consequence.. even if we who experience it, never see any of it. It’s the 90/10 rule; when you build a world, you create something that, in reality, the audience is only ever going to see about ten percent of… but you still have to build and -know- that other ninety percent, to make the ten truly immersive and believable. This is good practice for any creative endeavor, but it’s also not something that you can or should expect to hold everyone and everything to, either.

      I’m like that too; so to a certain extent I feel I understand where they are coming from, however, I ALSO know that you’ve made it clear what your approach is, and what you want to do, and for you, you’ve got simple answers that don’t -have- deeper explanations. You’ve said there’s no disease or STDS, and that’s that; there literally isn’t a lore explanation for why not, it’s just a fact of what you’re creating… That’s completely fine! it’s your world, and when you need a simple answer because it’s a side issue that’s not important to what you’re doing, and not worth the effort or stress to go into, that’s fine… but that rarely sits well with people who like to know more, and I suspect that’s where Shad was coming from.

      You’ve put in as much after-effect and impact regarding the less consensual situations as you have, and that’s where it stands; there’s no deeper explanation no ‘reason why’, it’s just the decision you’ve made; in a similar vein, Maiko can go to school and have exhaustive amounts of sex every day for a month, and never actually have to worry about that handful of days where most people wouldn’t really want to go down there at all… it doesn’t happen, we don’t hear about it, or have to deal with it at all… and that’s just a simple decision you’ve made for the game, and it’s fine.

      But for a person who wants to identify with the characters as real people, and who is aware of and notes those sorts of minutia, they’ll notice the lack, and it will stand out. There’s nothing you can do about that, if that’s the sort of thing you’ve decided you’re not going to go into any further than you currently do; don’t fret about it. I can understand where they were coming from though, in wanting to have more information about the natural consequences and results… It’s a world immersion issue, but it would also, likely, make the game darker than you intend, or take some of the fun out of it, so leaving it out is a tactical decision. I supplied my own suggestions for what sorts of mental states our various girls might be in, to explain why their overt reactions are so restrained, and that’s what I think of to myself to make the atmosphere feel more complete and believable… but it’s not for everyone, so I wouldn’t worry about it unless you begin to get an overwhelming majority putting themselves vocally in the same boat.


      1. Your description of the mental states are interesting and I can agree. However the reality is the character are not real. In my games lately I have put the message on the title screen, “Many things in the game are intentionally the way they are”. This is very important. and I stress very.

        Most stuff actually is explained. There is no deeper explanation for not having STDs. It is not as if I’m leaving the explanation out, that is literally all of it. Why do I need to explain this through explanation that relates to real life on earth? It is just simply not here, and never was. That IS the explanation lol. The planet they are on is not is not earth. I remember another person bringing up the lack of animals in the Umichan background environment. which a different topic, but it does actually have lore behind it related to GemCo and pollution and the fact that not nearly as much animals even exist here to begin with. Actually I think that book talking about animals is in the bookstore in UMCC game along with other lore topics. Also recently, someone brought up why the ARIA girls wear skimpy clothing, and if it was just because it is hentai game. It is not because it is hentai game, there is actually lore behind that also. So the lore for STDs is because it never existed. I don’t know what else I need to explain with that…

        It is not as if it was here previously and then they got rid of it somehow through science or magic. They don’t take any pills or anything, It just simply was never there to begin with. Why it never developed eventually might be the better curiosity? Considering that these characters are a multi planet species. And getting technical with some of the ARIA lore. The Ari and Phia should not be able to float out in space as seen in the intro to ARIA, not only is there no air, but they would pop like a balloon instantly. so there is lore there also.

        I see that you noticed that I am not trying to explain certain things though, true enough. I have not done so on purpose. Simply just don’t I want to dive too deeply in to trauma from sex. some character experience it, some don’t. It helps remind people that this still just a game despite what happens in it. even if they don’t wan to. It is my type of forced disconnect. you can’t make it make sense to be able to relate to them too much because it isn’t there or doesn’t make sense. And as you mentioned that is the problem he is having. However it is not trivializing it as he states, I’m simply forcing the player to realize that the characters are fine, and that none of this is real because clearly it doesn’t make sense if you think about it too deeply. Like a cartoon when a anvil falls on a character and they flatten like pancake then pop back to normal moments later.

        None of this is even related to my response though. I simply stated to post the message on the blog. I have no idea how that means I am offended or willing to listen. I didn’t want to have another side discussion privately. I want everyone is the conversation.

        When you are in my shoes going back and fourth defending your position with people for years it gets way more than little frustrating to be sucked into about private message battle. Any feeling of attacks he is experiencing, all I can say is, welcome to the club. As I hentai developer I certainly can relate. lol. This guy doesn’t even know the half of it tbh heh.

  22. I think rape is good, just say one thing to who don’t like this on your games “Fuck you and your comment” , people who think if you play a game you gonna do the same thing, like GTA, I play GTA, but don’t kill anyone or steal a car … this is out of question. And my country with feminism is a piece of shit, woman saying she want to walk without of shirt like man, fuck this shit HAHAHAHAHA (I hate my country so much…)
    And vortex don’t be afraid of comments, this is internet you can post what you want and out of guilt, don’t remove the rape scenes please, is a good thing, and this is a hentai game not a innocent game , these who wants a innocent game go play barbie.

    1. I am with you! Rape on hentai is charm!, if I am not wrong but the first hentai is about rape HAHAHAHA

    2. lol yes if you are against it please blame ttrop so I can have some peace.
      But we’ll see how it goes wen we get to it. I’ll more likely then not, make a post about it when i get to it.

  23. While Im not a fan of rape, if a hot chick is being banged….Ill fap to it.

    Personally I like Savori’s design so I would rather not see her be raped….or having incest with her father.

    The thing is…its not my game or story so honestly just make it the way you want her story to play out.

    Honestly I think having the rape situation on someone like Patty who is always cheery would make for a more empathetic story. Like the cheerfulness is just a facade to cover up her troubles and it would also explain why she is so open about sex related topics.

    1. Thanks for the feedback, however completely removing this history about Savori changes the character too drastically for me and I’m not willing the change this to be honest. Savori as character in UMCC is pretty well thought out over time morso than most of the other characters. encompassing also other people’s suggestions. I’d rather not just toss it out for the reason you provided.

      It is possible Pattie could have some personal issues, but without swapping with Savori. Maybe some reason she is overly attached to Maiko.

  24. If she doesn’t have a ton of makeup, has curves, big boobs, and deep voice she’s illegal and would classify your ‘work’ as pedophilia because lolicon is a no no. Just saying because you have smaller breasted female characters, and if we all know one thing if they’re small then the person they belong to is ‘illegal’ so goes the ways of political BS.

    Rape is another touchy subject, and honestly I don’t give a flying $@#& if you don’t like it or not. Do what you want and if someone doesn’t like it, tell them to go $@#& a goat. Plain and simple, instead of attacking someone for not seeing the way they do, because that’s just immature and shows control issues that need to be seen by a therapist or something. BUT that’s what happens when you look at ‘western civilization’, they’re all about acting superior and being politically correct. So we can’t have nice things.

    I have nothing against small boobs, rape, beast, furry, gay, futa, etc. unlike the rest of the world. Go for it and say screw it if someone don’t like your choices.

    1. yes your description of loli is true even more so in other countries than the US.

      the problems I have experienced in the past by telling people to more or less “fuck a goat” lol is that people will then begin to leave comments on how I respond to people -_-;

  25. I think the rape is super hot in games. But will you be releasing a updated UMCH beta or demo soon?

    1. Still ways out but here is schedule..
      I’m waiting for ttrop to finish all of the nude character art. I think he has 4 more character pics to go.
      Then I will make a post with their faces and everyone can comment/suggest changes. then he will need to fix anything as necessary. then he will need to redo art for stuff currently in the game like Maiko’s boobs and arms, current minigames, etc. then ttrop will make the school clothes while, dialogue and components of the game are created. then the next beta will be out. it might be all characters though. It can be sooner if there are only like 4 or so character is the game for now while the art for the rest of them gets finished up. After all of that the sex pics and animations will begin to be added into the game.
      as you can see a lot of it is based on ttrop lol. but this game is pretty art heavy it took me like 5 years so ttrop is moving pretty quickly all things considered. it’s only been a few months. Things should move a lot faster after all the character redesigns are done though.

  26. Ill be honest.
    Not a huge fan of rape.

    In the case of your scene in Umcc, I didn’t like it.
    The whole “than you where raped” was un-fun and immersion ruining. At the time I had a very strong character and i was like “seriously?… what the fuck was that shit?…”

    It may have ruined the moment for me, but im not the sort to complain about it.

    As for the reason i dident and wont complain about it?
    Because it is your art.
    I will never stand in the way of anyone’s art/game whatever they make it is there’s.

    1. If you were mad about it thats kind of the point though heh. I’m not huge fan either but I have it there for the story of some of the characters. Maiko is someone I would never desribe as very strong even at lvl 5. She gets strong later as she get closer to charity stage. And though David catches Maiko offguard you can defend yourself. Also david never inserts into Maiko agaist her will at any point in the game. But he can be seen fapping in from of her both in the shower and in the gym when Pattie steals Maiko’s clothes. David is actually very strong. He will bev way more beefed up in UMCH.

  27. Well there are certain things that I would see fine, but there are things that I really dislike. In this case loli rape is ok to a certain aspect to me. I agree with Vortex (guess we have the same taste xD) on the line where loli rape is fine or not. Imho if I don’t like what I’m watching, I would just simply turn it off. Simply as that. Don’t have to go and lambaste the creator for making such a “terrible” thing. It’s your taste, and it is your choice to watch/play it or not.

  28. I think that there is nothing wrong with the rape scenes, its a fictional world. People that don’t like it, i don’t see why they don’t Hmm im sad that people are wanting it to go away.

  29. I don’t understand why people get angry with seeing rape scenes in fiction. It’s not like it’s happening to someone in reality, it’s just fiction.

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