January 7, 2024

18 thoughts on “ARIA OST

  1. The sound track of the Aria game I didn’t expect this. Nice that you posted it on this website.

  2. Yay, you finally posted the OST! For some reason I can’t play the space battle theme (Figures it would be that one). Opening in a new tab says it’s corrupt.

    For those of you who want to download it, open in New Tab and right click Save Audio as.

      1. Thanks. Congratz on reaching the halfway mark on your patreon by the way. As is that’s quite a bit of money you’re making so far. You may have to think of new milestones someday.

  3. OMG, I love the drum of “Don’t need you”, so groovy.
    Machine Mind and Space Action are amazing.

    I think the voices don’t match in the songs, but the entire OST fit perfectly with the game, they are so Cyberpunk

    Good Job Vortex!

    1. Thanks!
      I thought to vocals in Rewind were pretty good at least. maybe I just got used to it after so long heh. They were royalty free pre-recorded acapella so not recorded specifically for these track specifically.

      1. I think he means “Is it available to download for listening purposes.” I know I’d certainly like that too. =)

  4. Why doesn’t “Machine Mind” have a version with vocals similar to the first and last songs?

  5. My favorite OST so far! <3
    Rewind is my ringtone, Don't need you is my alarm clock, Aria Mix is my chill out vibe (*Longed to see this in a game and it's here! @ARIAJailbreak)

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