March 14, 2025

7 thoughts on “2017 wrap up

  1. Ok, sorry if this comment goes long but I feel like a got to say this.

    I’ve been scammed before and plenty more people have tried to scam me than succeeded. I can’t say for sure if this Bitconnect stuff is legit, because it’s really hard to know if you’re in a scam until you’re about to get bit. But I’m seeing a lot of red flags and I don’t want to see anyone I respect get involved in something that looks dangerous. I know you’ve done research but there’s a few things I don’t think you’re immediately aware of that I want to mention about associating with these guys.

    1. Associating yourself with this group may hurt your brand
    From personal experience, I know a lot of people that are very distrusting of crowdfunding in general. That includes stuff like Patreon/Kickstarter and everything else like it. Despite being largely reputable sites, the fact that some major controversies occur with people running off with money or delivering substandard work to what was promised, keeps these people from ever using the sites for any reason. But, these guys you’re talking about have a way worse reputation than any crowdfunding site I’ve seen and I’m concerned that if people see you associating with what many consider a scam, they may think less of what your providing and not be interesting into looking more into your stuff.

    2. They don’t talk like reputable businesses
    Here’s a clip from the official conference for Bitconnect where the guy is talking about “having faith” and “believing” in the service. This isn’t proof of anything either but anybody that’s wearing a business suit and asking for money while talking like a pastor is bad news. Also, any group that has to talk about not being a scam at an official ceremony, is most likely a scam. (I’ve personally sat across from suits at job interviews try to spin the same lies to my face. Don’t trust people like that, they never have your interest in mind.)

    3. Even if this stuff is real, it’s not sustainable
    I’m no investment banker or anything like that but I do know that the terms described aren’t sustainable over a long period of time. Daily returns and at the percents you’re describing can’t be delivered consistently. Yes crypto currency is volatile and you can make a lot of money with it but even the most volatile reputable investments will average around 20% increase within a year. The increases they’re advertising resemble trends more like beanie babies or baseball cards than anything with long term applications.

    4. A lot of seemingly fraudulent articles exist around this stuff.
    To explain, let me mention that there’s a market for fraudulent articles lacking in substance that only exist to clog/boost seo rankings and results. For example, if you look up Bitconnect in a search engine. You get all kinds of results, some saying it’s a scam some saying it isn’t, one of them is this page which is an article that reads like a glorified advertisement for the service. And if you look at the home page you see that ten or so identical looking advertisement articles for other Crypto services were put up THE SAME DAY. All these articles are incredibly positive and encourage investment immediately, which no site would do unless they’re getting some kind of compensation to do it. Additionally the lack of frequent updates show that there are no regular users of the site. It exists to catch search engine results and can only get views from that. Any service that is involved in websites like this, is probably not legit.

    5. Apparently the UK is looking to shutting them down?
    It’s getting very late where I am, so I haven’t looked into this one much myself but apparently authorities in the UK have looked into shutting these guys down. That’s just a link to a google search for “UK Bitconnect” I’ll look at it more myself later but I need to sleep soon.

    I’m going to leave this list as is for now and come back to this thread later.

    Please don’t take this as any kind of disrespect. I can’t tell you how to spend your money. But you’re somebody I respect very much and I don’t want to see anybody like that in my life suffer from something that I could help prevent. If you’d rather not have a message like this on the site, I can move it somewhere else more private. But I want to make sure you see this so you have as much information as possible to make an informed decision.

    I’ll post more about this later but for now I need to sleep. Hope you had a good new year everyone. I hope we can continue having a good time for many more years to come.

    1. My reply will need to be equally long to reply to all of this. And all this can stay here since it’s good info, albeit only the negative speculation. I would encourage you to research both sides and do due diligence[0]. As you mentioned I have done tons of research and have already seen everything you mentioned here plus a lot more on both sides. I highly doubt there is anything new you can show me. However I’d like to see it anyway. In fact the more I look at the negative stuff the more it looks legit because I look into it deeper and see it debunked. But there is a lot of FUD (Fear Uncertainty Doubt) surrounding this.

      1. My ultimate goal is to not have have a brand that requires donations to persist. What’s even better is the reverse. people make money to support it. However it will definitely take time for people to adjust to new platforms. Especially ones that are surrounded in so much speculation and uncertainty. But all it has to do is simply has to continue to exist. On the flip side, I do not only think, but know of similar platforms that were scams[A]. In every space that deals with money you will have a number of scammers. This is looking to be not one of them as times goes on.

      I wanted to try this myself so you can have a person you are familiar with go through this. You know me well enough to know I’m not going to bullshit anyone. And I can show you this working (or not) for myself. You can see this explode in my face or not. But it is here now. so I am here now also. Plus I see this as just as risky as patreon. At any moment patreon could not allow any adult content on their platform and I’d be scrambling to find another source of income. I want to have other sources already set up. in fact I wanted to set up 4 this year.

      I also like to stay ahead of current trends and jump in on new stuff as I realize the potential for it myself. I defiantly am cautious, but also don’t want to wait until people decide it is safe to use, or even worse, mass adoption. I was on patreon using it since Feb 2014, well before it’s current mass adoption, especially by the adult game making community. If bitconnect manages to prove itself and gets heavily adopted. I want to already be there. And if for some reason it fails. I will still bring value either way with my content and I’m not going anywhere.

      2. From what I saw, that guy streams all the time and is generally always happy. Keep in mind the people around the world have different cultures and personalities and express themselves differently from what may seem normal in the US. you compared him to a US pastor, but I think you might be comparing to very different things. [2]

      3. This is not some new company. just new to the US. which is the reason for all the recent FUD. Did you notice the video title of the guy screaming into the mic? Bitconnect “Annual Ceremony”. it is sustainable enough to have been around for a year+. The coin itself existed for one year already, and the company existed as a lending platform even before the coin was created. They couldn’t have expected bitcoin to shoot up in price 1 year later. Based on what I see they will always make adjustments to make sure they are sustainable.

      Also so far, all the people who are crunching numbers fail to include digital currency into the equation and how the value of it rises. even before the bitcoin explosion late in the year. they only do math in fiat dollar amounts. A real person has to buy your coins on the market if you are trying to cash out in fiat. usually people do because you have to buy coins to lend,stake,etc. But that money becomes locked up in investments, not paid to people because people been getting their investments back right on schedule. As more and more people report these return on initial investments people will begin to legitimize it more and more. I liked the insider information from from referenced video about how it is sustainable. [3] and [5]

      as side note, a crypto currency can have a % difference of more than 1% a day. any novice day trader can make more than $1 out of a 100 day trade anything that is volatile. On my first day day trading after watching youtube videos about it, with $1k I make a 25% profit by the end of the day heh. you might any why I would bother with bitconnect then. It is because this happens passively while I can be doing other things.

      I don’t really see how this relates to the legitimacy of Bitconnect though. In fact I don’t think Bitconnect is related to this website at all. However it does have a referral system so you will see people with crappy websites trying to get Bitconnect signups. But Bitconnect can’t tell people what kind of website to make. For example, I could make a crappy website with amazon product affiliate links. However my crappy website, that i never update would have nothing to with the legitimacy of amazon. see what I’m saying? If I’d have to guess, I’d say this is some person who possibly took some class on how to get bitconnect referrals and made a website like this to get those referrals. I don’t see evidence of some direct connection though.

      This article has been debunked quite thoroughly. So when you set up a business you would have different locations and a representative or two in different parts of the world to make use of the best tax laws etc. Also as you gain more people in the corp, or want to change the documented location for tax purposes or whatever the reason night be. you need to remake the corporation. There is no being shut down and asset seized. they closed it down themselves and made different entities. I can speak on this personally I have some shares in a fantasy sports corp. and it has been restructured and renamed twice that I can remember. more info at the ref link. [4]

      overall currently it seems risky but at the same time, from what i see looks like it should be fine for quite a while. And while people are debating if it is scam or not I’ll be in there compounding my interest. And after they have a way to make direct transactions on the site itself i want to have a option to support svp content that way also. And those risks would be eliminated for supporters. For example i could have some offer to sign up 100 to this using my referral and you’d have access to all my 20 and below content for the entire year. This makes it so that whatever happens to this site you’d still have that content at a discount price as opposed on being on patreon each month.







      I would suggest looking at some channels of people actually part of bitconnect and not just speculating.
      (his whole channel)
      same guy is saying their new bitconenctx is a whole new exchange they are setting up. Idk for sure, but to me this whole bitconnect thing seems like will be around for a while.

      explains how it is able to pay people as a simple explanation

  2. Looking forward to another year, and I hope to help out with what little I can while I can. Still don’t understand a lot of this honestly, but I wish you the best for this year.

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