January 3, 2024

6 thoughts on "Quick sentinel battle testing"

  1. Like what you did with the animation of Maiko for this mini. It’s the same mini battle. Only it looks like it is two droids fighting.

    1. Thanks, yeah this is just trying to get what was in UMCC working with the updated system and higher framerate. I still plan to add a little more to it thoguh.

      there are a few small changes I will make In UMCC all sentinel attacks did static damage that was static and was boosted in a limited amount though mods. They also had static total hit points. But this time around the sentinels have a base damage and hit point amount that can be upgraded.

      Also I want to have some system of canceling out. for example the blue striker khalei attacks do little to no damage to another sentinel chilling in the green mode. also staying on red mode removes purple effects a lot faster and/or reduces them. etc. stuff like that.

  2. Dig the new graphic stuff and the idea of controlling it with a watch. But are you controlling it with only the two arrows on it? I remember there being a lot of move options in the first game, do you just scroll between them with the two?

    1. Thanks, yeah all the controls on the sentinel is controlled from the two buttons on the watch. I wanted to make the top button do something also. perhaps a mode switch. where you can switch between 2 stored modes in the sentinel battle. For example if your current build isn’t working you can switch to something else. Or you can incorporate switching modes into your strategy. For example one mode has a lot of offensive components white the other mode has a lot of healing/recovery stuff. etc. I think similar to ARIA 2.3+, sent battles and boxing mini will have a rank system that increases difficulty. It is something I wanted to do in UMCC also.

  3. Hm… the combat looks the same as before. Awesome! I can still use my cheap technique to win at sentinel battles! That little watch thing looks cool. It’s still very weird for me to see Chris so… what’s the right word to describe his new look? Bishy? I don’t know. I just have to get used to it. Hope everything’s going smoothly!

    1. Thanks for the feedback, It looks the same but it is not quite. There are a lot of subtitle changes added after this video. also the AI has some basic logic now instead of just being totally random. your old technique won’t work here if it was just select all or mostly all hacking mods and let the opponent kill themselves.

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