Not much to update on today. kind of took a break yesterday.
all I did was work on my Maiko mmd model a bit. adjust her breast physics, angled the boobs up a little more, made nipple sliders so she is not always having hard nipples, and redid the bikini sliding to the side sliders.
over the weekend I will (hopefully) get some mmd videos uploaded and finish up the umichan game, and finish updating aria with the stuff from the VA to get that out there. well that is the plan at least so we’ll see how it goes heh.
also a while back I was working on a site/browser based attack system where you can attack other players and level up. I was going to make it umichan theme but I might make it aria themed instead. I was wondering how many people are actually interested in it?
I remember I kept losing on that web RPG. LOL
I think a Aria would work best, everyone have there own battleship with a team. Or you could make a sentinel battle type of game.
I’m not even sure how you have that much exp lol. Yeah I’ll probably do aria. A battleship is interesting. Will probably just be a laser gun shoot out for now though.
Web RPG? I might make an account for that.
Yeah I’ll go ahead and work on it.