been stamping out bugs and tweaking character settings in the game. still haven’t tried a complete playthrough. mostly because I have been running into bugs and various other issues. some of which include me being teleported to random frames or getting stuck and having to start over
There is issue with Phia I just noticed today that still deals with laser and attack ship issues.
Basically I need to make them delete themselves if they are not moving. I also need to update the save game variables.
I was also trying to barrel my way through the game without doing raids. It isn’t happening.
The only person that can even kind of barrel through entire GemCo fleets is Luma.
some notes for myself and things I still need to do:
(some are optional or can be added later but I’d rather add them now)
add consumable item that shields a targeted node for a large amount.
add a consumable items that prevents all enemy nodes from going over 500 for a limited time. (expensive)
some research to get resources each day based on mercenary count. bonus when in a area with a planet.
possible to rebuild/buy exploration pod or build extra.
a screen that warn players if they have no bombs before going on a raid
generic upgrade for special agents that unlocks various stuff and status (Luma, Remi, Jeo, Amp, etc) (can give a few free bombs per day etc)
a screen that explains the that the exploration pod is broken.
finish ship raid upgrade for agents (done)
exploration pod upgrade to pick up resources in a large area around itself
make hard mode even harder
consumable research for Arielle to to blast away one ship from the map. (expensive)
add graphics for bri abilities
make sure shotgun lasers reduce shield amounts
make all enemy and ally ships dark and glowy
make a retreat button for space battles
add a upgrade so attack ship breaks or heavily damages shields on impact.
make a save game code similar to umcc
add a quick space battle mode available from the main screen.
after this added and tested I should be done with this version.
Jeo kind of becomes useless towards so idk what I’m going to do with him. if anything because it kind of reenforces that fact that he do everything alone. or maybe he can have a a few consumable items free. I don’t what those to be his other abilities thoguh. But sinec you have to fight the last battle with him idk. Maybe you will just need to clear all the support ships out first.
But in hard mode they come back anyways at the end lol. so yeah maybe you just need to stock up on items etc.
more screen shots also showing some other backgrounds:
Well if Rally is just gonna be auto passive from now on.
Perhaps adding a new ability per agent is called for while making rally its own separate overall ability.
Perhaps look more closely on how the girls actually progress with stats increases.
Jeo… hmm perhaps consider giving him a proper skill set?
or just add a bunch of gun upgrades! EVERYBODY GETS repeating burst rail cannons!
I can probably add new abilities and look into it more later. For now, there is still a lot to do so I don’t want to start backtracking at the moment.
I think with the items and upgrades I mentioned he will be fine.
Yeah lets try it out this way… and then if Jeo and Co feel to under powered to the increased enemy power try balancing.for the next update
I just added it and it seems to be okay so far. need to a lot of testing thoguh.
tried to play the first level again today but on a older machine and old flash player, yeah there is some definite code cleanup I need to do to make sure I am deleting all particle effects. I will try to get that done today.
Will make a update post later today.
is there any motivation to do hard more or is it just… harder?
by motivation I assume you really mean hentai? no, currently the motivation would be your own desire for a challenge. some have said it is too easy.
I think in the version I release outside this site and patreon, I probably won’t even have a hard mode at all. I was actually thinking about that just yesterday in fact.
on one hand, it is a nice challenge to unlock something rewarding on hard mode.
on the other hand, tons and tons of people will complain it is too hard to unlock it and I will never hear the end of it.
what would you prefer ? this is also a open question to anyone.
well i do like rewards…
I’ll probably look into it later on then heh.
I prefer games that challenge me, but it really depends on how “fair” the challenge is and how it functions. Like I would prefer a longer fight where I have to watch my every move constantly and one slip up and it’s pretty much over to a fight where within 30-40 seconds I can just die with little understanding of why or how to avoid it.
the only unfair situations I have ever put in games were thing you were supposed to lose at to advance the story.
In ARIA I would hope it would be obvious why you are losing if you lose. But what how to win is optional, maybe buying items, getting some more research upgrades, taking out some of the ship before hand, or simply using a different character.
which reminds me, I also need to have a page that explains how each enemy ship alters the battle.