So I plan to add one more slot for character you can give commands to but this one will be swappable.
hell maybe they all might be swappable eventually, this is is just to test the waters.
when you buy prisoners you have a chance to get a named character that has various stats.
when you get her you need to go to the captive area and probably press a button to maker her a agent. buying a new prisoner before you do that that will override the old one.
Not sure how complex this will be, but they are not meant to be super tide turning characters. but if I change the raid they will have passive benefits to it. and also they will also have passive abilities in space battles. not sure if they will shoot lasers or not. they might shoot a single laser.
space battle passive, outside of space battle benefit.
this not a complete list. just some initial planning phase stuff. Feel free to suggest stuff.
These could just as easily be just additional mod ship parts but it might be more interesting as a character that can do them instead.
some can be the best book or something, give the feel more of a crew. maybe a few can be dudes also idk but that presents a few other issues.
low laser damage 50 Agents
(all merc agents targets the small enemy nodes)
helps shoot lasers
increases laser speed, high gather amount
increases attackship speed
doubles node unit increase rate
Med laser damage 200
Reduces the number of nodes at the start of a battle. (5-10 maybe idk need to test)
slows enemy ability cooldown rate
increases ally attack ship unit count by 100
High laser damage 500
enemy EMP time reduction, Finds valuable containers
Whats the F in F. Agent stand for?
I figured it just refered to female agent, as in that one is just the generic that he’s comparing the named agents to.
yes F = Female
I’m all for adding stuff, but maybe the focus should be on making a bug free version with the current content. There hasn’t been a public release since 2.2b back in July and the game has changed so much since then. I bet your fans who aren’t in Patreon are anxiously awaiting a new version.
heh. please understand that you wont be able to convince me to release something before I feel it and I am ready to receive and read criticism. it is the point of the patreon so see versions between releases. The best thing to is just let me finish what I’m trying to do and wait till I feel it is at it’s best.
I’d never ask you to release an unfinished product.
My concern is that I’ve never seen your work on file sharing sites and I think it’s due to the fact that free versions are readily available.
Part of the reason why I want to change up the way I distribute stuff on patreon. For now I need to focus on my games. I will put a lid on that shit later.
Sounds good.
sounds good, now to make it good.
Buffs! Yay buffs! Wait… I never use buffs in the games I play. But that’s because they’re usually spells that need to be cast. Maybe this is more like a perk system!
Maybe another perk could be adding an additional node that you control at the beginning of the battle, though maybe with half as many starting units in it.
Yeah it is why I didn’t want just makes these into additional ship mods.
currently when the respect is high you can start with a max of 3 nodes. That system is already in there, thoguh making it a passive of some of these characters could be possible.
Looks good. I like the idea of more rogue-lite RNG aspects to the game such as the ship mods and agents, anything that gives each run more variety and makes game play/battles more interesting.
So would the agents have to be set as the support character for battles to provide their benefit or would they simply need to be part of the active crew?
As for how it works, Vortex says it takes up a slot but I’m guessing that’s additional to the active support spot available now? Good question.
Yes there will be a agent slot or something next to the support slot. I also might put the agent boxes under the other character boxes if they also have other benefits like high gathering, or cooking abilities, etc.