We’ll I think this custom stuff should be done enough after I work on it a bit more today. I need to make a reset button and a way to re-save over old text. That was the reason why I had to keep opening and closing the file. I was going to have a way where you can load up codes and change them in the editor also. but idk we’ll see. Trying to have this done by the weekend but we’ll see. ran into another bug that took most of the night to fix. where when the enemy was shooting spread shot aka shotgun, but it never shot at the player’s main ship.
Below are three different videos featuring different complexities.
The first is just a basic easy to make scene with no space battles or hentai.
The second links two files together and has hentai.
The third links several files together and has a space battle at the end and continuing dialogue after the space battle.
please ignore the spelling errors I am tired and just testing to see if it works in general.
Also a few bugs I noticed in the video. in the space battle the rank 20 didn’t begin at as rank 20 battle because the nodes and number in the nodes were too low. also at the end it didn’t revert back to the agent and support options,etc you picked before starting the scenario.
custom bg
I was also thinking about adding some more little graphics to the space battles. hopefully nothing major. I’ll base it on graphic settings. no particles thoguh.
I got to hand it to you with your Aria Maker Tool. Get it Aria Maker? ^_^
unfortunately I don’t get it. heh.
I think also with a bit of editing this could work for other stuff. umcc,doe, etc. I was half temped to also add in some of ttrops rendition of characters and as well the ones I did also.
Aria Maker as an Mario Maker. :p
The tool looks like you can add your own image. The last time you did that was in UMCC which came with bug up the ass.
Ah yes.
also you are also right I might hold back on custom bg or have the game come with the basic editor and them have a more advanced one that can be downloaded separately. the player will function the same either way.
been finding some pretty neat bugs that exist in the game itself thoguh while making this custom stuff. Things probably only I would recognize as not working as intended.
Looks nice, looking forward to seeing what peeps can come up with and what I can put together too I guess. Does It still have that code thing from before to paste in and play other peoples scenarios? Or is it something else now?
the code thing is still there but as a player you don’t need to mess with it. you just select it fro ma list that you update. when making your own scenario all you need to do is copy it to a text file. As shown in the video they can be fairly simple or more complex. AS you can see in the first video the whole process of making something basic and getting it running in the game took less than 3 minutes. I will make a document that explains it in more detail.
Will I be able to use rem as well :P? If so I shall full fill the inevitable story where rem was making passes to arielle :D!
yes you can have Remi here as well
ahhh snap I’m about to make remi’s dream come true, too bad I won’t be able to see the faces arielle will make when it’s those two going at it 😛
It can if you get creative and properly chain custom scenes together.
in a more advanced version of the editor you can add custom background scenes for both that talking parts and the hentai parts, and I will also have art resources that comes with it. so you could make image of Ari’s face as part of the hentai scene. since you can import custom images, you could even make something that is not even related to ARIA at all lol.
I think there’s an issue with the way the swf customizer works. It’s not playing the default set in (ariax). And I can’t get other ones in, even after adding them to the list and putting the text file in the data folder.
Ariax only shows a text prompt saying undefined for the record and there doesn’t seem to be anyway to stop it outside of exiting the game.
make sure you click ariax on the list so it highlights light blue before pressing load.
also can you post what is in your custom.txt file ?
to show on the list in the game, you need to have the name of the file (without the extension) on a new line in the custom.txt file
Even when blue it does the undefined thing.
The file code looks like this 1[A]10[A]1[A]0[A]0[A]1[A]1[A]22[A]38[A]55[A]19[A]custom/data/[A]custom/data/[A]1[A]n[A]custom/data/[A]5[A]5[A]12[A]16[A]n[A]Kim: One last time, where is amp. [A]Wave: I’m not fucking talking and there’s nothing you can do to change that. [A]Kim: Is that so? Agent, go ahead and whip it out. [A]Wave: The fuck?![A]Kim: Do you prefer this torture method?[A]Wave: Fucking asshole! Pull out![A]Kim: No can do, he doesn’t pull out unless I say and by the way agent, how are you feeling?[A]Agent: It’s starting to drip out, I’m really close…[A]Kim: You don’t have any birth control do you? I’d rethink your strategy if I were you.[A]Wave: Fine O.K.! She’s with Jeo, but I don’t know anything else. Just don’t cum in me![A]Kim: Just knock her up agent, some kids will keep her out of our way. [A]Agent: Ah…!Wave: You fucking asshole![A]Kim: Good job agent, go ahead and call the rest of the crew. They can use some stress relief. [A]Agent: Yes ma, am! [A]Wave: Fuck… there’s already so much cum.[A][A][A][A][A]
Name is the same in the file and the title of the doc, I even kept spaces and capitals out to make sure.
For the customtxt did you mean the code I punched in or did you mean the list with the names? Cause the list just has the names ariax and the one I punched in like,
Is there a specific placement the files need to be in or something? Maybe they got opened weird on my side.
sorry for the silly question, but did you unzip the game ?
The aria full swf? Yeah it’s all in the aria 2_3 folder. And I’m supposed to punch the code into aria itself right?
yeah in custom folder should be a custom.txt file with ariax in it. yeah “name” should in on the next line under that. or you can replace ariax.
in the folder that custom.txt is in should be another folder named data. that is where you need to have name.txt with the [A] code stuff in it.
I tried this on my pc and it seemed to work fine. nice story by the way lol.
just make sure you unzipped the file contents if that is not the problem I will think of what else might have happened.
Thanks mac, looked into it more and managed to get some to play. But there can only be one name in the custom text file, so follow up stories and such aren’t possible. But I can swap them around as needed.
what OS are you playing the game on? windowns, mac, etc. + version
also what are you playing the game with ? flash player, browser (chrome, firefox, etc)
it seems like w/e you are playing the game with doesn’t parse return characters like how I programmed them to parse them. I might have to use a comma or something instead.
Mac OS X yosemite, and I use firefox and safari for your stuff. Both have the same issue.
Yeah I think mac uses something different from windows.
Probably, no big though. It still works great. Already made a ton of scenes, just need to swap out the text when I want to play a different one. Like a dirty nes cart or something.
2.4 fixes the custom stuff good. Still haven’t tried the linking them together thing but multiple names are listed now and work fine. Fun stuff.
Glad it is working for you.