I was attacking Maiko couldn’t hit her not even once. LOL
I tried to hit Pattie the same results
Was able to hit the other players, the shit was nuts. LOL
Yep seen the same thing multiple people on one guy or gal fucking in mid air. heh
yeah was just a observer. I needed to at no point be immobilized so I could capture things I saw happening heh.
Pattie was a example of a npc sorta.
the sex seems to be working ok at first but then the issues because very noticeable with more people.
Aww, was hoping I’d show up in this. My favorite part was when I had three people shooting at me at the same time and I was dodging most of the shots by sliding backwards in circles. XD
So sad I missed it…
will be more later
I was attacking Maiko couldn’t hit her not even once. LOL
I tried to hit Pattie the same results
Was able to hit the other players, the shit was nuts. LOL
Yep seen the same thing multiple people on one guy or gal fucking in mid air. heh
yeah was just a observer. I needed to at no point be immobilized so I could capture things I saw happening heh.
Pattie was a example of a npc sorta.
the sex seems to be working ok at first but then the issues because very noticeable with more people.
Aww, was hoping I’d show up in this. My favorite part was when I had three people shooting at me at the same time and I was dodging most of the shots by sliding backwards in circles. XD
lol, you probably didn’t even need to move and would have still dodged.
This reminds me Articial academy lol.
I guess I need to play that game still. you always remind me i need to send you that stuff i will do it now.
HAHAHAHAHAHAH, you always say that and always forgot AHAHHAHAHAHA, I laugh every time sorry hahaha.
Every time I was not at home to send and would forget by the time I got back home.
Need a link to complete sets of Illusion games?
I wouldn’t need anything at the moment. I just need to focus on my own stuff for now heh. Thanks.
Artificial Academy plus Artificial Girl, I think. But with bigger potential.