what new content SVP are you most interested in atm?
I haven’t started working on the Phia stuff yet but I plan to this week. Alukard to doing the Remi edits and so fair it looks like they will making it into the April release.
also next week I will post public the stuff for march. Remind me if I forget or something. With all of these game I have trying to figure out a good way to make a version that can be a single file with crashing flash.
I posted this to patreon and have gotten a few bug reports back. that to those who left feedback. I can’t stress how critical this is fr those who try it. find a bug and don’t mention anything. But to be fair if someone already posted the bug, there is no need to post it again.
started investigation a way to make the buttons and menus and stuff look better.
should have medals, a few unlockables from medals, and and the Win images implemented for April. this is the least. I also plan to add in the pov sex stuff somewhere I’m not sure yet exactly where. The boxing stuff has a lose image for those who get bopped.
UMCH wildpeach:
ttrop is still updating art of this game, likely to be finished today or tomorrow I would guess.
been a few videos lately. and I need to post a lot of motions from old videos so expect a few more videos posted as playlist maybe. They might be as fancy as some of the other recent stuff.
I have a few e-mails, inbox messages, and comments I need to reply to. I will get to the later today hopefully thanks.