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I took a polling to see what people liked the most as a guide for what to focus on. Some people mentioned they never played UMCC. So I wanted to kind of redo the pattern matching minigame. Let me know if this is preferred over the number guessing game in UMCH.
In this minigame, harder clients can have longer patterns. Like maybe 10 or so.
Also the cum shot or whatever would happen after you press finish I guess. There is not on one in here.
Clicking finish won’t do anything.
download below to try it out for yourself.
link: remember you need to unzip this first
[button color=”red” link=”http://spiralvortexplay.com/games/match_mini.zip” target=”_blank”]Download[/button]
also I’m not totally sure why it gets all fuzzy when the animations happen but have some guesses and it should be fixable.
I like this, would be a nice refresher to the old system
But which do you like more this or number matching one in UMCH? basically pattern match or number match?
I like this system, but I don’t think it should replace the old one. The old one is solid, hopefully this can be implemented somewhere else
Well the guessing works As for the fuzzy nothing but scanline antialiasing would fix it if users find the lines annoying.
Yeah got it fixed. you have to manually smoothing it via code. weird. There’s no gui check box for it. will upload new version soon.
I never understood people’s complaining of the old guess system, I never had problems with it. As for this one, I think it’s a little too easy, though I do like the animations. However I would say if your going to keep this system just get rid of the stop animation, it is really jarring to have nothing happening and the guy liking it.
I second this. Even in UMCC the “Stop” animation still had an animation, it wasn’t just a still photo. With this demo I would say get rid of the “Stop” animation altogether, and add in another “Slow” animation. The “Slow” animation you have now could be the “Start/ Grinding” animation.
I made a animation for stop. will be in a version I post soon.
It’s fine I guess. Prefer the old system because the animation loops after you press the button and most of the time you can just go fast, so you can watch the girl bounce up and down as long as you like. Never really cared for ‘adjust the speed to match your partner’s needs’ mechanics in sex games. There’s enough of that in irl fucking.
But it works fine, is what I mean.
What is old system? to them this is the old one. Just so I can be clear, you prefer pattern match or number guess? You can also make the last one whatever you want to just see it looping here.
I like both systems, but this being more simple might help some people and its like Hoopa mentioned, its a bit refreshing to see a gameplay change at the minigame too
hopefully easier to understand to a wider audience. but I remember people asking a lot about umcc one also.
I like the old system more.
the one from UMCH?
I had to think about this but I think I do prefer this to the number guessing game. However, I like both and I’m fine with either.
Thanks for the feedback
I prefer the old one, myself.
the “old one” is the one from UMCH? guess the number ?
I found out that, if your sex exp lvl is high enough, the number for perfect score is exactly the half of the tips you earn but sometimes the perfect score is some numbers higher or lower but never much higher or lower
yeah it’s gets easy to guess when you have high exp.