August 22, 2024

11 thoughts on “small updates, website server upgrade coming soon

      1. btw there’s a bug in the new build where use the password and play the sentinel scene from the tablet, when you end it it will teleport you to the field inside de school, and then it will trigger the regular story scenes as you get into places

        1. and when starting the game leyah would start with 20 sex exp jeni with 201 and stacy with 401, but now that I think about it it makes perfect sense lol
          also when using the password the cherrygirls bonus doesn’t go off

          1. Many thanks, I plan to have one more update that fixes some of this stuff. Yeah stuff on the tablet needs to return you to Maiko’s room an the password to unlock everything needs to work properly.

  1. I hope the transfer goose smoothly for you and your team ( do you have a team you work with?), ether way great work on the game.

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