August 22, 2024

18 thoughts on “MMD 3D hentai pics

  1. Incredible work. The detail on those big titties is amazing. Would You consider making 3D hentail for augmented reality ? I would love to see this chick in my bedroom.

    1. many thanks~ yeah augmented reality stuff sounds interesting to test out. Do you have a simple tool you can recommend to make it with?

    1. yeah. I usually make Riley after Leyah. then from Riley it is possible to make Dizzy and Amber. I plan to remake Leyah next.

  2. They look hot! Like to see some vids too especially Pattie and Savori but of course Maiko and Zytra as well! XD

  3. by the way have you seen birdway? i sure you did since both of you are mmd-er and hang around iwara or such… not comparing you two but your quality have come a long way…

  4. So pretty~ I want to see more of our girls! But you REALLY should think about investing time in male character models. Don’t me wrong, I LOVE the girls (Lynnelle~ I love you <3), but I'd also love to see some of my ships going at it. ;P

    1. Thanks~ I have a male body redone for the most part, you can see it on the that one savori pic. I just need to finish the faces.

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