For the past two weeks I have been working with an artist who hails from the AAA game industry to work on some art for a future ARIA game. I will have more details in later posts~ I am also still working with ttrop on all of the current stuff aswell. I just wanted to capitalize on this opportunity while I could. A lot of stuff is in the works!
want this game to have more realistic looking depictions of the ARIA characters.

I really really really want to play more Flash ARIA…
because I like the story , battle and all character.
I miss that so much and I’m keep waiting for the new story or character…
I hope you guys can add more things in the game.
Anyway Fighting!!!
Flash is ending support, and is already starting to become blocked on many browsers unless manually activated. Also pinoytoons is busy with other stuff. I was this game to play like the old flash game.
Although the style of painting is different from the previous work you worked with Pinoytoons, the style of art is still good.
glad you like it
I hope to see wonderful and rich stories, and always support your author.
many thanks
Jesus fucking christ. This is just gorgeous.
Glad you like~
Damn bro, just from this teaser gotta say that I love the artist’s work. The rendering is so great,
I really have to up my practice, as this sort of style is where I’d want to be! 😛
Looking forward to see what you’ve got them making!
Anyways back to lurking, hope you’ve been well Vortex!
Many thanks for posting. Glad you like the art~
Looks pretty damn awesome!
Quick question.
– Will there ever be an update to “Agent Trainer”?
Yeah, Agent Trainer and even UMCS will need to be rebuilt in HTML5. I hope to be able to use the same database. Although some of the damage numbers are pretty insane. I will need to re-think that. Also I plan to use updated art.
Well… My penis is hyped!
Phia is next
Dunno… rarely this kind of drawing style fit properly these kind of games.
But surely look good. I’m not against fapping to something more westernish looking once in a while. But the examples of porn games trying to do that i’ve seen till now are kinda discouraging.
I think I know what you mean, but this doesn’t look like the gazillions of western Daz-created a dime a dozen renders. This looks fresh.
not sure what you mean by “these kind of games” as I’m not even sure what type of game I will make with this art yet heh. I have a vague idea at best.
you mentioned examples? Might be good to mention them so I can go see what kind of stuff you don’t like and why.
Porn games.
Don’t tell me you are considering a SFW game… ;_;
Reasons are mostly linked to my taste. Is not one of these things you can say “see the angle this girl keep her leg while she is getting fucked? i hate it”
I can give you a couple of examples of games i disliked and are made with a comparable drawing style with “the fate of Irnia” and “portals of phereon”.
But the Arielle shown here is way much more good looking.
of course it would still be NSFW in any case. I heavily doubt I’d use this art to make a visual novel only game. You shouldn’t be surprised to possibly see a stat management game made from this though. The original flash ARIA games was a stat management game along with real time strategy and tactics.
The art style reminds me of an old MMO I used to play called “Scarlet Blade”. I’m interested to see how things look
glad you like it~
I really want to see more story about jeni!
more Jeni is in Sentoryu updates and in UMAA. you have nothing to worry about.
When is the game scheduled to drop? Just wanna know how much im gonna need to remember for my dicks purposes