Been a while since i made a post so I wanted to give some updates on projects. This will just an overview post and specific detail will be in the respective posts to follow.
I’m currently in the process of catching up on 2D animations. this includes both Umichan and Aria related 2D animations. All these animations don’t have a destination game yet. I’ll likely just start posting some of them on social media that don’t have an obvious immediate game they could be used for. Or maybe all of them public at a bit lower quality I like see some others do. In any event, I want to begin making regular posts. not regular big posts like this, but smaller posts on patroen and twitter.
I get behind on animations because it’s quite a bit to work on various games (editing art, coding, bug testing, etc) and MMD that keeps up with a monthly schedule on patreon and keep up with animating a lot of animations. It’s really easy to burn out.
I will also be off and on breaking stuff doing much needed updates to the website.
Umichan (and related)
I’ve all but finished the game I was talking about this this post:
for those not on the patreon, there will be a public version here as soon as I add in a few more needed dialogue scenes to fill in a few holes I rushed over. The game is considered a starting point so I really need to fill in those holes that were noticed in a discussion on discord about future games.
After than I plan to build and post the most recent web build of the UMCH Lite engine. This is something I’ve been working on for a while. Previous named UMAA (Umichan Maiko Agent Academy) and such
The current version I will post, checks all the boxes and tests everything out for that I will need to remake Umichan games how they used to be when they were made in flash. But also modern improvement like being able to port to mobile and mobile specific controls. I also took what worked in the VN games and added it here such as navigation through a menu instead of several on-screen buttons located in each area. I still need to populate it with characters and backgrounds but once i do that will be what i used to build VN style games for the time being.
The next, or at least one of the next games I plan to make will actually be a definitive game that combines the story from UMCH and High Stakes and beyond into a single game. The issues with tyranobuilder has always been running into total size constraints. But hopefully not I don’t have to worry about that anymore. Or rather what I plan to make is within the limits of the tool I plan to use instead. There is more Umichan info I need to post about but that will be covered in separate posts.
ARIA (and related)
I’ve worked a lot on the 3D Arielle project, some of the previous posts and info can be found here:
3D Arielle Project Mission 1 Video + H-Scene
I actually can’t post the current build until some licensees are taken care of, but I will have video commentary of mission 1 and 2 and a trailer.
I used DAZ studio to redo character models (again) and used blender to take the armor from the old models and apply it to the new models. I also updated nearly all the weapons and redesigned the locations used for missions 1-3. I also added a flight segment to the game to help it feel more like a city that might exist in the original ARIA flash game.
Since I have improved the 3D models. I also have a pipeline to add 3D sex into the game now and I have made a few dialogue scenes that tries to have some cinematic feel, making use of camera that give closeups on the characters and makes use of animation gestures to match what the characters are saying or thinking.
I also added a yoga segment to the game on a whim. This is similar to a view mode in some pervy game like DOAX. I will have a similar mode for dancing and the sex scenes. Certain button on the keyboard will allow you to toggle clothing and or control speeds and climax, etc. More info in the game will be in a separate update post.
I plan for the game to just have Arielle and Bri in it. I did remodel Phia and TT but can add them later if people want (I plan to show them at lest). It’s almost a crime to not have Phia and TT, but just having only Ari and Bri for this game makes development faster and less complicated. I think I can finish the game if spend several more weeks on it. This is ideal for me condensing I’ve already invested a lot into hi game and really have no idea how well it will do since a lot of people here currently in more invested into 2D Umichan stuff.
MMD (and related)
Since I’ve recently been re-familiarizing myself with blender to edit models for my games. I plan to take another swing at smoothing out some rough weight-paints on my current models in the boob area. I also plan to learn how to render (MMD) videos in blender and make use of cloth sim and possibly better physics. and while I’m working on that, I wanted to take a little detour and see if i can some some sfm style videos like i see many people with blender lately. learning how that’s is done and how to do it well, along with learning clothing sim in blender I hope will make my videos better.
Exciting news, thanks for the update!
This is good news, I have waited for more than five months, thank you