For those interested in SPV Girls I and trying to get SVP tank tops out to the girls in the videos.
all the remi stuff I will probably delete later as I normally do with shitstorms on svp.
just on the ask a question stuff thoguh. it is shitstorm bait I should have deleted right away.
basically it was implied that liking a futa is akin to you being some kind of homophobe irl. All I can say is, if you feel like your real life actions are or will become the result of some stuff from a game, you probably don’t need to playing games. Especially shooting games.
I have plans to expand The Rookie across 3 days.
The three main part of Day 2
Dr. Taylor explains a lot of details about Khalei for those that don’t know
Remi explains sentinels and their uses by sending you on a mission, on this mission you can go with whoever you were romancing.
The player will also learn more about execs and how much power they have on mission with Yui.
On day 3 it would go over combat sim and raid training, and piloting the space battle ship.
Planning to make a Bri side story this month for ARIA. and finish “ARIO” gameplay.
Need to finish updating Wild Peach, working that sooner than later.
I the main quest scenes for UMCH has 4 animations in it. I have 2 out of 4 complete. I had trouble with one of them because the girl in the animation is upside down and it was tricky getting the breast animation in a way that I though looked pretty good.
Still need to finish the Leyah updates.
So, The Remi the Futanari Saga is coming to its end, huh? I’ll probably miss it. It was a Bomb.
…But what is dead may never die.
You will pay the Iron Price for that!
You know nothing, Vinny.
there will always be more later, probably another 6 months or so.
Need to stock up some popcorn.
That was one hell of a shit storm, what I find mind blowing is…. none of this is real. As a matter of fact it isn’t any shape or form to real life at all. It was a amazing shit storm I’ll say. LOL
I like The Rookie, I wonder what outcome will be had with the choices you make.
Yeah the choices in day 2 and 3 will be more severe than just getting kicked off the team heh.
Day 2 will actually relate heavily to UMCC.
People tend to complain and bitch about pointless things when they have no time on their hands to worry about things that actually matter…
It’s nice to know you continue on The Rookie, I like that one… Since I’m not that hyped of main Aria game (mainly because of Joe – I don’t like him) so I’m glad to get into agent stuff and Luma’s team as a chosen avatar… Keep up the work and don’t let the haters get you down…
Thanks for the positive. Yes Jeo is deigned to be a lot different from a typical male harem character.
Soo do you have any idea when you’re releasing the update for UMCH?
I assume you mean public, I do sort of. but saying some date is suicide.
I usually will post about it in advance.
I am really liking the rookie, however the engine needs a lot of work, maybe it is just my opinion as a veteran Visual Novel player but the screen transitions are insufferably slow, so is the text scrolling. Since tyranobuilder is an actual paid software i had assumed it would allow for features such as text scrolling speed and screen transition delay. if it does allows you to insert such configuration settings I highly advice you to implement them, it affects greatly on the overall VN playing experience.
keep up the hard work bro, you da real MVP
Thanks for the feedback~ I believe the things you mentioned are settings that can be adjusted. I will have a look at them later when I add the Luma and Remi stuff. Maybe a link to a YouTube video with the ideal speed and transitions would be the most helpful.
Is the rookie expansion what you were talking about with the writing?
No, I will e-mail you about it
I really enjoyed The Rookie! Any idea what kind of h-content may be in the next part?