Decided to make a post about all the various things going on the past month that people may or may not realize. This is not even all of it. Things missing are ARIO or Alt. ARIA stuff. And missing all of the writing I have been doing that I mentioned here:
1. In the process of building the UMCH intro scene of the main quest, there was a lot of prep work needed thoguh. had to make a few new icons for it and for use in other parts of the game also that need updating.
2. Prep work for UMCH intro scene also included making facial expressions for different characters.
3. Number 3 is prep work for the possible ending stuff for UMCH main quest. it takes a while to do group animations. I needed to finish this before I could start working on the main quest.
4. ttrop is currently working on new art for ARIA VN including the character Rinoga, who is one of the top GemCo directors, and runs the agent academy. you might recognize he name from various things in ARIA lore.
5. There is also new art for various stuff for UMCH. The guy with the mask is Phil, part of ARIA VN.
6. Neferis has been working on art for a Umichan clicker or tap game
7. Alukard is working on another edit for ARIA, and original art and animations for a small Umichan Maiko type game, but with Pattie.
Still need to e-mail pinoytoons about new animations for this month for ARIA. and I haven’t even had time to look at ARIO yet. I will get there just got help up on animation and writing. I actually still have a lot of animations to do for other quests in UMCH. But I will animate them when I get to the quest.
Holy crap, thats a lot of stuff!
I knew you had your hands full, but not like that, wow.
All that looks awesome man, congrats to you guys behind it all 😀
Can’t wait to play all those, keep up the good work!
Thanks it is a lot but I am moving through it.
A lot of update news post man your hands must be full of projects. By the way number 7 at the bottom that is Annie. What project is that for, or have you not decide yet what to do with that art?
The character below 7 is Pattie XD
That is intended for a small game similar to the first Umichan Maiko.
Notice the color of the eyes after you said Pattie. LOL
Another UM but with Pattie, I remember the cancel updated UM Deluxe with a story. You was going to have other girl unlock. You show Pattie as a possible unlock. Guess your using her in some new type of mini UM. :p
Yeah just trying to make some smaller games with a few people who visit the site.
UMCH kind of hints at the possible mini story deluxe would have had, because in UMCH Maiko and Greel need to be alone in the music room practicing for it to happen. The story Deluxe had a similar concept. Just minus the part with Kyle in the hallway.
Sometimes I worry you’re taking on too many projects at once. Careful not to burn out man!
no worries heh
It seems a more beneficial position for me. By creating several different projects at once, you can move from one to another if you’re getting tired of doing the same thing.
True, but can easily become counter productive for a lot of people.
Wow. WOW. ¡WOW!
Lynn on the 5th picture is just magnificent.
Definitely my most favorite UMCH girl.
Facial expressions – I remember asking something about them several monthes ago. If I’m not mistaken, at that moment you weren’t planning to add any different expressions to the UMCH characters, but seems, the time has come, and I’m glad.
Yeah most of the dialogue won’t need different facial expression because the characters are usually in a certain mood throughout the duration of the game. Similar to how it is in the Rookie, Luma doesn’t really need a different facial expression, nor does Cain, etc. But after writing the actual specific lines for the main story stuff, it needed it in a few spots. The side story stuff will probably need it also.
So much stuff!!! And it all looks SO GOOD!!!! Panties! Facial Expressions! AND LYNN!!!! I think I might be fangirling right now!!! AH!!!~
Glad you like it~
I’m super pumped to know when the next demo release will be as i’m not sure. 😛
if you are on patreon $5 it is today. if not it will be after all of the main story stuff between Maiko and Luma is in there.
Well, public release at least, I heard it was for today. u.u
it is the patreon today. it was even in bold letters heh…
Ah, I would donate if I had the money.. and my bad I never noticed. 😛
It’ll be out in time, no worries. The reason it is not frequent is because there more things that go into a public release then a patreon release.
for public, it needs to be tested a lot more, a patreon build it version possible there are game breaking bugs in it. That is not something I want circulating around the net. Especially for people who are unfamiliar with my work.
Also I need to make sure things that patrons would already know about is explained in the game. I need to be not super busy so I can have time to be available to reply to comments. And I need to be mentally ready to reply to criticism and possibly even stupidity. etc. just a number of things. as you can see some of them are not related to game at all, they are related to my current status.
Just in case if you don’t know or haven’t noticed yet – there’s a reply button under every comment. It’s more convenient to answer to replies than to separate comments if they’re all on the same topic.
Has number 7 in this been scrapped?