lot’s of stuff on the docket to do for this week. SVP: some of you might have...
make a short video and, dat ass, so I decided to render it at 60 fps instead...
Patreon: Updated my patreon page. I still have a little more to do there. SVP: please check...
http://strawpoll.me/6664258 I was thinking about some of the regular content I had on the site that was...
Made Tasha in MMD. When I get time I will update the wiki more. made a small...
not sure how much of this I will get done this weekend because I have a lot...
We’ll I think this custom stuff should be done enough after I work on it a bit...
This video is kind of the middle of testing custom stuff, but you can see were I...
creating customization scenes and stories in ARIA is the last component to 2.3 I have been working...
All the basic mini game activities are implemented in the game thus far. They are not finalized...
ARIA – Advanced Rogue Intelligence Assault v2.3 walkthrough created by : Vortex00 and jccq89 edited by: Vortex00...
[button color=”red” link=”http://spiralvortexplay.com/svp/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/UMCH_boxing_difficulty_testx.zip” target=”_blank”]Download[/button] update: now 10 settings instead of 5 link: remember you need to unzip...
UMCH: Sent battle is working well enough now to move onto getting the remaining two minigames working....
testing sent battle with some updated graphics. The sentinels do not have upgraded art yet. will post...
testing the boxing minigame stuff. Took me about 1.5 hours to build up to where I could...