As mentioned earlier I am trying to get chunks of UMCH into a single file as separate games with more focus on story elements.
I am doing this making all the animation into video clips like I used to do in the past, stead of making a sequence of pngs like I am doing now. The png sequence has a higher quality but literally just one png image in the sequence of roughly 45 images is a lot more than the size of the whole video file.
For those that like on big game that will still be there also but i think I need to take a bit of hiatus on that so I can learn how it needs to be to finish it.
Basically what I mean is once i have the individual stories for detailed out, I plan to eventually retrofit those or parts of them back into UMCH.
day one will kind of be on rails but more story focused. I plan to have day 2 of the game will open up and you can do whatever objectives you want to impress Luma.
You can choose to do one or more of them. For this game the options will be 2 different paths to popularity and one with smarts.
popularity will be at the cafe getting it to high level like in UMCH, Maiko can work normal ro do sex stuff.
The other popularity option is to perform with Greel on stage.
Then finally with smarts Maiko can pass all of her old tests. She can cheat and work out a deal with Tom, or pass all of them legit.
Some parts of the text are new, and other parts I went back and simplified it so people new to the lore can understand what is happening, and also to cut out parts that seemed to drag on a bit too long.
Also I plan to add more facial expressions the the scenes.
on a different note, I have realized that the music doesn’t quite take up as much space as I originally thought as long as is is compressed enough. It doesn’t sound as good but it works. the music is compressed down a lot but it only adds about 100 kb weight to the final .swf
so I will probably jam all that in to the player swf file for the UMCH game. and hopefully it can all fit into one file for female rivalries.
looking back at UMCC, that was 46.1 Mb and currently female rivalries is at 27.3. I still need to add the minigames and the rest of the scenes but hopefully I won’t get past 30 something Mb but we’ll see.

Sounds good. I like the idea to retrofit them into CH when they are done since I do prefer the idea of the bigger game with everything in, but it also gives people a chance to play this content at a smaller size and to play it sooner than they would if it was all released into one game.
yep, it also gives me a chance to kind of figure out each quest without dealing with stuff that is not related to it.
love the idea of having different ways to achieve a goal, really looking forward to this!
I try to have a choices in these, people usually pick the sex routes though heh
Can’t wait! Sound good.
Thanks should be fun
With a new generation of your games coming our way I’d like to take the opportunity and suggest something to you that I wanted to suggest since UMCC:
Would you mind looking for an editor to make sure typos and grammar errors are corrected?
I dunno, I might be oversensitive here, but there are quite a few in your games. They are even more noticable in UMCH than in any of the previous ones… I love your games and your characters (that’s why I became a patron a while ago), and I would love to see my… linguistic desires fullfilled… at least a little bit… D:
I hope that doesn’t sound rude or anything.
np I usually edit dialogue stuff last. but if people point out stuff to me I endeavor to correct it. No one really ever says anything. I have on person that helps out a bit but that is it.
I find it a bit awkward to talk about these kinds of errors. So I usually sit here and hope it changes in the next version, but that has never been the case unfortunately ^^
It’s understandable though that you wouldn’t want to go over every single sentence you wrote before you put out the next versions as I guess you have more than enough work with piecing a working game together.
If getting someone else on your team to proofread your script is out of the question I guess I will make an effort your way and try my best to put together corrections whenever I encounter any mistakes while playing through the games.
Once more, sorry if this appears picky.
Yeah the problem is I usually do that at the end. The with ongoing game I never get to the end really. It is another reason to make something a more manageable size.
Are you gonna do more for Aria game? Last update for it was a long time ago..
I want to eventually fix it up a bit. but I am done adding more content to it.
can you put the measurement of the girls please
There are none to put
Looks good! Any idea when the next update will be?
Will finish it this weekend