May 8, 2024

16 thoughts on “Umichan Maiko Female Rivalries wip

  1. Sounds good. I like the idea to retrofit them into CH when they are done since I do prefer the idea of the bigger game with everything in, but it also gives people a chance to play this content at a smaller size and to play it sooner than they would if it was all released into one game.

    1. yep, it also gives me a chance to kind of figure out each quest without dealing with stuff that is not related to it.

  2. With a new generation of your games coming our way I’d like to take the opportunity and suggest something to you that I wanted to suggest since UMCC:
    Would you mind looking for an editor to make sure typos and grammar errors are corrected?
    I dunno, I might be oversensitive here, but there are quite a few in your games. They are even more noticable in UMCH than in any of the previous ones… I love your games and your characters (that’s why I became a patron a while ago), and I would love to see my… linguistic desires fullfilled… at least a little bit… D:

    I hope that doesn’t sound rude or anything.

    1. np I usually edit dialogue stuff last. but if people point out stuff to me I endeavor to correct it. No one really ever says anything. I have on person that helps out a bit but that is it.

      1. I find it a bit awkward to talk about these kinds of errors. So I usually sit here and hope it changes in the next version, but that has never been the case unfortunately ^^

        It’s understandable though that you wouldn’t want to go over every single sentence you wrote before you put out the next versions as I guess you have more than enough work with piecing a working game together.

        If getting someone else on your team to proofread your script is out of the question I guess I will make an effort your way and try my best to put together corrections whenever I encounter any mistakes while playing through the games.

        Once more, sorry if this appears picky.

        1. Yeah the problem is I usually do that at the end. The with ongoing game I never get to the end really. It is another reason to make something a more manageable size.

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