April 26, 2024

21 thoughts on “what coloring style? Feedback requested

  1. Had a hard time telling difference until i opened side by side, i definitely like the bottom more, looks almost like there is more natural lighting, the sharp lines on the top one are kinda blah 😛 just my opinion, he does a great job with his art and glad to hear about progress with UMCH! keep up the great work!

  2. I like the shading on the bottom one more. The shading on the top one makes it look like the light is directly above them, while the bottom one makes it look like the light is at an angle, still above them, but not directly above if that makes any sense.

  3. Overwhelming votes for the bottom. I vote bottom as well but i will play devils advocate for a moment.

    Much of the Umichan art style has been more cartoon in its making, and sometimes the more realistic shading takes away from the feeling that the game wants us to feel (besides the sexuality). Just think of that when voting.

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