May 4, 2024

25 thoughts on “Kickstart UMCC

  1. So the kickstarter is finally up. On my next pay check I’ll put $30. I’ll put some for Veins also later. How odd he have more days left than you. ???
    I plan to get the Mouse pad later when I get my shit together.

    I check your NG Channel. You should post the news there too. Don’t forget many still play Umichan Maiko V2 in NG.

    You also have these sites you can post the news.

    1. Yes thanks, no worries you know that everything will be available later. I’ll make those changes thanks.
      I only set my kickstarter for 30 days, so I will actually be finished sooner by a few days.

      1. You should post the news on your Newgrounds Channel. Since many do find your channel after playing UM V2 on Newgrounds.

  2. Well, for now me and Eriot shared the KS link on facebook and after uploading the xmas pic on her DA, she mentions its a fan art, with your colors and with a link for the KS too 😀

  3. got to promote on, somebody need to go to and because im too lazy to promote them late at this night :p

    1. some guy on the youtube vid above in my post said the game is awful lol.
      I am under the assumption you need a demo to promote on these sites ?

  4. Even if it’s not much, I’m always glad to pitch in. It feels like forever since I’ve been following you. Keep up the awesome work! 🙂

  5. Just got back working on this stuff. I’m working a demo with all the updated graphics and stuff. I have to think about I want to do this. But the hentai will separated from this demo for sure. trying to finish this tonight.

  6. I have to say that the updates look great added into the game, Well done, I personally prefer the previous maiko though lying on her front looking at the tablet device, will there be the opportunity to have the various maiko rooms, or a selection of the best, in the actual Release. Also I live in the U.K. how much extra would shipping cost on the mouse pad?

    1. yeah I can have the rooms swappable similar to the hair, just with a button there. Not sure on the pads I will have to check

    1. yeah I’m on the fence about it. I my current plan is to just remake the KS. at a lower goal. keep the game as is. and change art in future games maybe/

  7. Possible, I suppose, I would be tempted to make as is, perhaps releasing a “demo” (maybe the current one maybe a cut back one?) for the other forums like ulmf and places so they can actually see what gameplay is like, I feel as though a lot of the crit so far has been just of the screenshots, and I’m not sure new maiko in her bedroom has helped that, (personally I think you’ve done Maiko Brilliantly previously and im not as much of a fan of the newest sat in the bedroom pose, but then everyone’s different and I couldn’t make a game like maiko) there also seems to be a lot of talk on ulmf about where you are with the game and where it’s going. It might help you get more supporters if more of your audience knew the long term goals for UMCC
    and then you could always offer a visual update later? with a separate KS. I do really love that art though, what do your other fans think?

    1. just realized when I said current I meant the Current demo (that you’d stated you worked on previously) Not current as in the current release of course. That would be too much, heck 8,x was fantastic and would be too much content as a demo

      1. Yes I will do something like that. Not going to worry about much in terms of convincing people about the game. Going to focus on just the game, and less about explaining it on forums. I’ll post it on various places where flash games are played, and they can get the full version if they want or not. Whatever the result, the game is what it is. But I’ll just to continue as is. I like the way I did Maiko also. Animation is not perfect but I can work on it. The faces I might adjust idk yet. I don’t want to break from what I was originally doing. people will hate it, people will like it. I think I will put the laying down thing back in as you suggest

        I have failed to explain the game on KS for sure with no demo. The questions I get there make it clear that it is not explained correctly. but I don’t really want a demo there thoguh I have been working on one that will fit there. And it is hard to explain something without a example of. The whole point of the games was making stuff I never saw that was different.

        One thing I have realized is that I need to pick out the art I did on newgrounds and post it here so It can all be in the same place. Obviously I can draw eyes differently if I actually wanted to. But one would not know that just from the art here alone. It is a bit silly to me to read that I should hire a artist to draw all the characters just because they don’t like how the eyes look. It is a bit extreme.

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