May 2, 2024

29 thoughts on “UMCC updated art concept

  1. I like it it feels more cartoonie to me. Like @Koolken says it has and anime feel to it. I would be interesting in how sex scene would look with it though since that is also an important part.

    1. Also I like the fact that the top one doesn’t look nearly as pixilated as the bottom one. So it seams very smooth. Out of curiosity are you going to redo the characters in this game or are you going to do it in ARIA? And if you do, do it in this game how long will it take you?

      1. I just noticed how detailed it is too. You can see the shirt wrinkles and pants wrinkles, her face is blushing, you can see the shadow from her hair. Yeah I definatly like this.

        1. This was probably done in the custom mod in the flash. That mode does allow to switch a new type of skin real quick. On the old UMCC Vortex00 gave users the ability to not just mod Maiko skin but the rest of the characters skin as well.

          He remove it because there was a lot of problems with the bugs at the time. Now he release it again but only having a create a student and custom your own uniform.

  2. Looks nice Vortex00 it matches with the BG. That custom mod have made your life a lot easier for you. Than again this was done in a photoshop for testing to see how it looks. But if I have to guess, I think you do probably have your old custom mod skin that let’s you switch the skins of the game.

    Than again you remove it because of the bugs.

  3. Não sei, eu ainda não gostei muito, tem umas coisas na anatomia do novo estilo que me deixa incomodada. Estava gostando mais da versão que você mudou alguns detalhes do rosto e não saiu totalmente do seu traço.

  4. Looks real good. Much higher quality than the old version. I’m really interested in seeing how the other characters look in this new style.

  5. I really like it. As KoolKen said, it has a more anime feel to it. You’re a god for working so hard on this 😀

  6. I like it as well. I think I might actually prefer the top untrimmed, but that’s just me. Also, I really like how long the hair it. It might be too long but I still like it, if that makes sense.

    1. Thanks, I wanted the hair to be a bit longer. Maybe some girls can wear the conservative long versions, while others have the short version. Luma would be a short version thoguh.

  7. I think the new one is looking good! I personally prefer the new one. I know you are working on the new game but I would love to see UMCC completed in it’s most perfect form because it is a pretty solid setting with very solid goal. With more refinements, it will make the perfect game.

  8. The art looks good man, i dont know. I always liked your originals, i dont have a problem with that. But if that would appeal to a bigger number of people, why not? It looks good, just the same as i said it looked the first time you bought the art pack, hehe.

    1. I have been looking at it for a few days now. yeah I think the eyes need to be perhaps swapped with some other shape and the thighs/legs widened a little bit, then it will be good to go.

      The problem is, the more you looks at the the better it looks. so you can only really tell when you first look at it after not looking at it for a while. It needs to look perfect at the first moment.

      1. Yep, if you dont make it good from the start, you and other people will always find something to say its flawed…
        Just one thing I noted after looking for sometime. I didnt like the nipples man, i prefer your originals too. They look like a pink spot on their breasts, or like a mosquito just bit her there. You know what i am saying? 😛

  9. will u fix/change guys bodies as well? coz right now all of them have very feminine build (narrow shoulders and wide hips)

    1. That is a good question, I think that is something he can look into in future flash project. H is one guy doing the flash that your playing right now. He have it set up that makes it easy for him to just change the bust size to flat, hair style to even bold, eye colors and facial expression.

      Having different shape size of males is a good idea. But than he will have to add do changes, than test it. Than if new bugs form etc etc.

      If anything it should be something he should think about n the future. He might as well go forward than sticking to the same thing over and over again. But this is just me, I seen him made so much changes for this flash. Which took him years to finally finish. Do to users wanted more of a idea that it should be in this flash. Many pros developers of the industry like Capcom say many new ideas pop up in there heads. That never make it to the game. But they save that idea to the sequels.

    2. as @justjoe2k mentioned this would probably be best saved for later. This is actually some of the things I was doing today that I will post about later. The motivation for me to change all of the art was not there and I only managed to all but finish redoing Pattie. doing the other 21 o so character plus shop characters and teachers, redo it for all sex scenes, etc. is a bit too much.

      The good news is that I will need to have it done eventually. so I can have this available for future games, and when I have them all done perhaps I can add them back into umcc at a later date. I kind of see it like how I am making the the 3D version of them in MMD. I am just going at my own pace with it but I will have everyone done eventually. and not too long from how hopefully. I think since I finished Pattie the others should not be too hard. at least for the girls. who know maybe I will get some inspiration and be done in a like a day, or a week from now. I can probably make some progress at work when my mind would already be engaged in getting things done.

      But I have Pattie’s new movieclips created in such a way where I can diversify the other characters more if I needed to. They wont all the share the same generic body if a certain person is supposed to the thinner or more muscular.

      Having said that. everyone except David and Joiry are not very athletic and do not have the manly type bodies. I can’t even imagine some like Kyle or Chris have a large chest. They actually are not even muscular at all I just have the body for everyone. The probably will be rectified in later games.

  10. guys not being muscular is ok, having feminine bone structure (esp these wide hips) is other thing, thats what i meant. anyway, thx for the answer, will be watching ur game (easily the best hentai flash game ive seen, if a little too easy on the main quest)

    1. Thanks, I assume you mean the legs, link on the nude. yeah i just reused the same art. it will be a fix included in character art updates.

      making something easy or difficult is a bit of a challenge from what I have experienced when making game, especially hentai. Emphasis on “game” not something that just interactive porn. But in games, Lots of people don’t want anything challenging so they can just search or all the H content without a big struggle, however also lots of people are the opposite and lit a challenge. Either way, I will get lots of comments about difficulty even it is split right down the middle and perfectly balanced.

  11. well if ure interested in my impressions, one thing money is too easy once u can service clients in the backroom; not to mention getting any girl to help u there once u get 2nd relation level (now i understand game setting is some fantasy world where girls arent a lil bit shy, but still…) id like to see more individual approach to each girl (with unique rewards of “corrupting” them) maybe even some maiko clients asking her to bring a particular girl to fuck 😉 and then some mini-quest to convince her? yeah i know the game is already pretty big but maybe u will consider sth like this

    1. Yes naturally I am interested in positive or constructive feedback or ideas. I agree, and these ideas are good. However individual approaches to each girl and that overall level of detail is probably not something I will be able to do, or even be willing to achieve as long as I am going about this by doing everything solo.

      This game is not really as I want it to be, the ideas you mentioned and a lot more were planned. I don’t see it as perfect or complete by any means. But there is only so I can do physically. Just this alone took about 4 years. I don’t have a lot of free time to work on this, nor do I even spend all my free time just grinding away at code for this, and currently it is definitely not financially worth going full time on this.

      so having said all that, individualizing each character will either literally take me forever, or I would need to get some reliable assistance to help manage this in the future.

      If could be a the “director” of a game. and could afford to pay people to do literally all of the tedious work like code and art, while I do everything else. you would probably see some pretty amazing stuff to say the least.

      In the case of this game, making each girl have different relationship levels to join Maiko is not too big of a deal to implement really by itself, but everything else needed that goes along with that would also be needed so I wont just be half doing it. Some of these things you mentioned already, such and quests to convince them to do the H stuff. And There there are other things to consider also. Like how that would impact progression of the game in current quests and any future quests I would implement. For example in the Joey/Tsugo quest where Maiko had to bring whoever it was to the beach. I had to go in a and boost the relationship level for free to at least level 2 so it would make sense that they travel with Maiko after that event. Same thing later on in the same quest when Zytra tells Maiko to just get her and go to the store. Wouldn’t it be odd if you did not have enough relationship for her to join you after just having that conversation? it would make no sense at all. Luma might be the only exception here, but Luma never tells Maiko to travel some where together.

      It is a fantasy setting but some of the characters were actually designed to be shy. Amber, Chris, Lynn I can think of immediately. You can see from their dialogue in most cases. But I figured relationship level 2 was the kind of “works in most character situations” number to go with. It is funny because I’d bet many would not even think much of it, but everyone joining Maiko at relationship level 2 is a number I actually put a lot of thought into when making the game lol. just something as small as what that one number would need to be.

      what kind of mini-quests did you have in mind to convince people ? and what are some examples of the unique rewards?

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