May 4, 2024

8 thoughts on “MMD: Sexy Love

  1. The models look great, finally I can see the nipple cover actually move on there own. The BG is nice nice touch with the mini sentinel flying by them to dance a little with the girls than leaves. By the look of these 3D Models. You probably have almost all the ones you want completed.

    Surprise no Girls attacking Kyle for the top coming off as a scam by Kyle. LOL

    1. There are a few more characters I want to make. I was actually working on Lynn and Cain today but I am not very far along. I have also been editing Zytra. Yeah I’ll add in kyle to later videos like this perhaps the the start of at the end, but probably not during it like in his dream video.

  2. Man, I can’t get enough of these tassels MMDs 😛
    I dont know, its different from being just naked, i guess its kind of a tease? hah
    Well, as long as they are good like that, keep them coming, lol
    I see the roster of girls is growing 😀 And the sentinel is a nice touch 🙂
    Man, these are some theoretical questions: when you finish this kind of MMDs, the tassels ones, is there a possibility for a group wallpaper? (girls posing and kyle at the bottom?)
    And how hard it to make a animated wallpaper with some jiggling?
    I was thinking, you could share some of those MMD Maiko wallpapers on your patreon to bring some weekly activity there. Maybe one a week? You had four or so. I dont know, just suggestions.

    You know what would be funny?
    When you start working with the male characters you could make one of these lol:

    I just dont know which character would be crazy enough to do it, haha. Maybe someone loses a bet and have to dance using these. Or after making the girls embarrassed with the video, Kyle had to use this so they wouldnt kill him. I dont know, lol

    1. I had this video for what seems like a long while but I haven’t made any progress on it so I just went on ahead and rendered the video and uploaded it. That for the suggestions however the problem with that is I can’t use these MMD models commercially so I would have to make my own before i could do anything like that just to be safe. One day I will sit down and do it. I have been trying to find a good royalty free base to perhaps start with but I haven’t found anything.

      not sure on that penis cover thing man lol. seems like it would be a boner kill after seeming all the 3D bewbies and such. Seems like Tsugo’s idea of sexy since he is so much about himself.

      1. I see. Yeah, i forgot about the license problems to work with MMD and try to get money from it. Even more from hentai content…
        The penis thing was more a joke, lol. When you said this about Tsugo. I was thinking on him trying to seduce Joey using this and dancing around and she is just pissed what all, hahaha.
        But yeah… boner killer, lol

        1. I can do it I just can do it on patreon. Would just have to be free here. Or at least it can’t be advertized on patreon in such a way that people sign up to it just for that. Or that that is part of a reason someone signed up. To most people it probably wouldn’t matter too much. But I’ll play by the rules, at least for now.

          The Tsugo thing, or whoever it is, it would have to be some parody video. I was thinking about doing another BFF video later where it is just umcc character doing various random stuff like the first one.

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