May 5, 2024

20 thoughts on “UMCC updates: Boxing mini

  1. Love the fact when I press Q the animation shows Maiko lifting her arms pulling out her tablet. I like how where I move the mouse her right hand point where she is going to touch to select the apps. All it needs is the tip of her right hand finger. Where her finger bends down to press the app that she is selecting. Every time you press click on the tablet. Her Finger animate down as she is pressing/touching the tablet.

    The S Button is nice doesn’t slow the frame on the flash at all.

    A damn shame that you ran into problem with the BG you know the flash I link to you. Where the girl is looking at the mirror and you can look down all the way to her toes. I can see it being a problem for the BG.

    But still the demo it’s a start looks already in a better state start than UMCC.

    1. @justjoe2k
      yeah I have the wrist moving the hand down a bit but I didn’t program in the animation yet to play when you press it. I’ll do that today. I might program in her nail color also. her black bracelet thing also changes color. it will change color based on her current mood like we talked about earlier.

      1. Yeah that might help user now Maiko’s mood. And why she don’t feel like doing some of the actions yo click in the game.

  2. Vortex, talvez você possa fazer pequenas correções discretas no desenho. Elas não são erros gritantes, mas são detalhes que ajustados ficam melhores.

    O bico do seio delas pode ter um sombreamento mais oposto (eu movi um pouco por uma questão de alinhamento, mas já ai eu não sei se coloquei muito certo).

    A curva do pescoço pode ser suavizada um pouco para a musculatura não parecer esquisita, mas eu não ajustei porque fiz os ajustes no Paint mesmo.

    1. @Eriot
      it would be better to draw example lines for what you are talking about. putting a box around the neck doesn’t explain much. I think I know what you are talking about for the nipples thoguh. I’m not even sure how it got that way because it is not even how I drew it lol

      1. I think the arms a slight too large also or something. something is a bit off about it, maybe I will catch it later.

          1. I think you should look into face mood and reaction from who Maiko is fighting with. Also some of the girls should have strong arm muscle not like a man but who know female muscles. Some of the girl’s arm are some rip showing that they work out.

            I mean the leader of the boxing club should be kind of rip arms and a lil six pact. Since she does love to work out to fight.

            But these things can be added once you get the engine working the way you want it too.

          2. @justjoe2k
            yeah I haven’t done face expressions, those images are just drawing placed together to show kind of what the final thing might look like. Yeah Jeni will be a little muscular but too too much. Definitely the first few versions of this will be pretty much nothing but testing the engine and the AI at different settings.

            I realized I only had the old version of the fight system so I need to recode some stuff. The new version was on a laptop that I wiped last weekend.
            I am working on that stuff now along with the animations into it.

  3. Fui eu que mudei. Mas o ponto está no fato que o tipo de iluminação feito no jogo e a inclinação das personagens não fazem com que o bico do peito fique como está no tamanho pequeno e médio.

    Peguei essas imagens na minha pasta de referências:

    1. I just noticed you actually flipped the nipple.
      It doesn’t look right to me even in this sketch you posted.
      I do understand what you are trying to say though.
      maybe i will make it similar to how i did the large breasts.

        1. Mas o ponto não é nem a posição, é só iluminação mesmo, veja o ponto de onde você está fazendo a luz e em que sentido a sombra deve está, ai é do seu julgamento, não vou mais bater nessa tecla.

          1. These sketches don’t help me understand what you are talking about because there is no lighting.
            It is how I want to do it for now. I will fix it later.
            This is a very low priority issue. I don’t even have breasts in the game yet.

  4. The sweaty breast idea is pretty good, I will work out those girls as i can, so i can get a glimpse of it, hehe.
    The game itself is good, i already said i like punch out, even its not like it. Its a different take on most fighting games, having you fight on first person. I at least, few more on the heat of the battle, lol.

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