January 8, 2024

16 thoughts on “small updates

  1. Can’t use the MMD stuff. I might just keep the head/face. I started a model in 3DSmax but never finished working on it. That will be the one i need to use. it is on par with the mmd model. It is based on a unity 3d anime character asset. It will probably be better then the mmd in terms of the outfits because i will actually make them and not try to piece stuff together from various parts. I can make thing like the vests properly and not have to draw certain parts on the texture.

    this game I’m am working on though is not related to anything i have done before. it is a horror survival game. but I have stuff in it can can use for hentai games later. like loosing clothes/clothes ripping when you take damage. I might make a few references to maybe annie since she deals with demons and ghosts and stuff in her dimension.

    this currently is something like slender man when you need to just find all the shit. you can really kill the enemies you just have to run from them. I don’t have any jump scares though.
    pretty fun so far. I might edit the main character model a bit. but just making stuff to test from premade stuff. I have something playable but the camera sucks major ass. wanted to work on in a little bit more.

    i also need to learn ho to press something on the screen and it make a animation change. from there i can make Umichan hentai stuff

    1. So your trying to scare the living shit out of me and Skullo eh? LOL
      Na I see more like a Luigi Mansion where it is scary but not scary more for fun.
      I think it’s cool to test the waters man. What the hell if Super Mario Brothers brand can do it with Luigi’s Mansion. Than why not?

      So staring Annie, why not? Unless there are others that you can think of.

      1. it’ll probably just be the pre-made character for now.
        If I am going to both making characters I’ll probably start wit ha umichan Maiko 3d with the crappy 3d Maiko model I made a long time ago and work my way up from there. Might make that in the next few days.

        1. I remember those crappy 3D models, I think you use Blender at the time. Bu hey it’s a start. ^_^

          1. i was using blender to make games back then but the models was done in 3ds max. unity is better to make games in my case.

            it would be better to get a professional to make the 3d model and rig it. I am no 3d expert.

  2. Vortex,in the new update of UMCC
    What’ll comes in the update ?
    Things like: Hentai scenes,new style of ”robot battles”,
    New clothes (Or a clothes shop),Kiss guys (will be a bit romantic,anyways :D)
    More reactions of the characters (Like if ou walk with nude maiko around).
    A Good work for you! 😀 <3

    1. I usually don’t know until I actually work on it. I am in a bit of a transition here thoguh.
      One of my main goals was to separate the hentai out of the game and have it separate.

  3. So … In the new version of the game will don’t have hentais scenes ?? :O
    Or will have 2 versions,one with only history and other with history and hentai,that’s it ?

    1. I still don’t understand your question. But I will try to answer anyways.
      update 4 has a separate component where the hentai is both in the game as it currently is, and separated from the game so you can play any scene you want to at any time without having to navigate through the game to get to it.

  4. Is that it i want to know!
    I was thinking that were 2 games,1 with hentai scenes
    And other with only the game (without the hentai scenes)
    So … I’m just waiting for the new update (UMCC Up.4),thats it! 🙂
    Ps: I think you will release this new version today, 30/6 but …
    Don’t happened 🙁
    However … everytime you do a good work,so … i can wait xD

    1. Yes I am a bit behind where I would like to be.
      I don’t know if you read this but like i said earlier, umcc was not designed to be updated.
      each update will take longer exponentially. It is better to move on and work on different games.

  5. I planned to move on to new and better stuff like aria,some 3d stuff and other umichan stuff of course.
    I know it is new to you, but for me, it is updating a 4 year old game. I can do better, and make something easier for me to work with.
    But I can’t if I am stuck going backwards and updating the same stuff over and over.

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