December 12, 2024

69 thoughts on “ARIA Walkthrough

  1. The guide looks nice with pictures also without spoiling the plot of the game, well done bro. This look like it cover everything that the users might ask question about what to do. So I’ll hyperlink a user to this from now on.

    1. thanks, it is pretty easy to find from the INFO > WALKTHROUGHS menu at the top. Now I jsut need to fix all the typos I saw in the game lol. I also need to try to fix the situation that causes the enemy ships to stop shooting out lasers. That makes the game pretty easy even on hard.

  2. hey is there more to this story like another game or something because i really enjoyed the story so far

  3. How the bloody hell do I raid!? I just can’t get past some white walls, tried jumping, shooting, etc but they won’t disappear and I can’t progress. Also, it says during raids on the bottom of the screen “bombs=0” how do I get bombs?

    1. You’ll need to buy bombs in the Research tab

      You need atleast Six bombs to clear a Raid mission since those are needed to open the White walls/Doors

    2. also while in the raid,
      press 6 and 1 on the keyboard to switch between bombs and the laser gun.
      and if you need to leave click the little grey box at the top.

        1. There’s no “Money” – only “Resources”.
          They can be gained through the “Gather” command. The “Resource Gathering” skill can be upgrated in the “Upgrades” menu.
          There can also be upgraded the “Agent Workforce” skill that allow you to get resources daily depending on the level of this upgrade and on the number of agents you have (you can have a maximum of 2000 units).
          You can buy agents in Shop Stations which are placed in the certain areas and can be got to via the “Map” button.

          1. can’t find the command. also don’t understand the fight with joe in that other guy.

          2. If you have so many simple questions, I would recommend you to try finding the answers and to explore the game by yourself first.

          3. i have tried-3 times. now, the game has only gotten tedious. i’m in no mood for insults, so, unless you actually helpful to, keep your mouth shut.

          4. I’m sorry, my Lord. Your Highness won’t ever see me giving you any advice again.

  4. Pretty great game, but before “raid training” it seems like Phia literally CANNOT destroy the orbs that shoot beams.

    1. Not until you get raid training, then she can kill it in 10 hits. otherwise it takes her 100 hits to kill it where it only takes Ari 10 then 5 shots. Phia is mostly designed to just run past them. But you can really do that on the boss ship raid.

  5. Really great Game, definitely enyojed it, even has a high replay value, although the balancing isnt perfect, Props
    One Question though: When being able to visit the gallery after the Game is won, it shows some scenes that are not in the game. Is that right, or did i just not find them?

    1. Thanks, only the Bri vs Remi, scene is not the game. All of the other stuff is in the game. if you mean the yuri you need to have Phia with love under 50 and select FREE for all the girls that day

      1. Hi Vortex,

        really nice game you made there 🙂

        I just realized that not all scenes are in the gallery. I got the scene with the blonde girl, but didn’t find that one in the gallery.

        1. correct. she isn’t in there. you actually reminded me I need to update the game so the scene is repayable.

  6. Im referring to the “Yuti” and “Group” sections, BTW
    Also: does “Talk” give any real benefits, ecxept for positive Stats grom Bri?

    1. No talking is just to learn more about the characters and how they interact with each other. But that is less necessary now due to the little chat they have at the end of the day.

  7. Just want to say thank you for all the effort that everyone made to put this game together. I love your previous work and It’s crazy how you create some of your project for fun. In the future, I may invest some money on patron for your time.

  8. Enjoyed this game. One suggestion. For the next update (if there is one) I suggest giving an explanation behind what the battle stats do.

  9. Was just looking through the gallery and saw a scene with Remy and Bri, any hints on how to get it?

      1. Well, if you’re looking for a place to add it I have an idea. At the start of the stage, Bri implies that having her talk to Remy will do something but you actually need to talk to her as Jeo. This is kinda misleading since only a few levels prior a similar scene does result in a special scene with Phia. You could add this animation to her and Bri’s interaction and then have Bri tell her that Jeo is better. It would explain how she knows about Jeo’s sexual prowness since Sui-May didn’t know and can therefore be inferred that it isn’t common knowledge

    1. thanks, I am updating the current version btw.
      I was thinking about a ARIA game that follows Luma’s team.

  10. Is there a way to optionally have sex with Luma? I’ve seen a sex scene with Luma but it was engaged by Luma, not Jeo.

    1. have luma as part of the team
      unlock with 100+ love for all girls and selecting the SEX order for all girls for that day.

  11. Also, I downloaded the v2.1 of the game and I clicked “on” for Rape Scenes but they never appear after losing a space battle.

    1. Rape scenes are only available in the Patreon version since Vortex00 didn’t want to deal with the hate mail

  12. I loved this game up to the point where you fight where you fight the ???? guy and you have to use Jeo. Its just stupidly hard. I mean how can you fight him when he put shields on everything and shots mine every time I capture one.

    1. Thanks you need to make use of the items Nova and Matrix. They both make the fight easier. clearing out all assistance ships helps also. the the shield ship is active you need to manually send out attack ships. you wont be able to rely on lasers.

      if you are having trouble keeping nodes, you might bring TT along for support.

    1. Have sex with Goo and Luma, both will raise Jeo’s stats permanently. Anytime there’s a space battle Jeo’s stats get temporarily lowered, having sex with a girl brings them back to max so make sure to have sex before the fight. Bringing one of the girls in as support will help also, they all have their own benefits so see what works best for you. Other than that just make use of matrix and nova and you should be fine.

        1. yes, to unlock have luma as part of the team
          unlock with 100+ love for all girls and selecting the SEX order for all girls for that day.

  13. What a wonderful game! However, I have a question,in 2.2b, there are three new button “chat” “holo” “hanger”. I kown, chat is to talk. But what about the other two for? In holo, I can have sex with Yui( I don’t kown how to unlock it, but I made it),the blank under Yui how to unlock? And what for hanger?

    1. Hangar is where you go when you are being raided so you can fight them off with either Ari or Phia. Holodeck is where you can watch the sex scenes you have unlocked. From memory, the others are Sui-May and Kim. The message box gives you clues how to unlock them (if it’s there in that version).

  14. When the enemies assault my ship… the only possibility of win is using bombs?
    a suggestion in this part would be that a girl offers to evade siege… (to unlock epic party h scene xD)

    do you think to add more content to the game?

    1. I’m kind of the fence about that because the story is that all the agents have sex with Amp clones, and those clones are supposed to be basically the best pussy ever. But then there is stuff in the game like the defeat scenes when you loose a space battle.

      Also it just seems like a too easy way out. Part of the strategy of the game is avoid having enemies raiding your ship even happen. with from buying EMP, or stealth system, or unlocking is from the Sui-May scene. Having a free sex scene as a additional way to avoid it makes it totally moot at that point.

      And that is on top of having already so many existing ways to avoid it. use a bomb, stealth system, suimay sex scene, EMP from station shop, move to next area, and anything else I might have missed. At best I could have a sex scene so it has a lesser punishment on the player. or just have a limit on it. like if you get 3 times no matter what you lose the game. like on their third attempt they get the raid flawless and wind up assassinating Jeo.

      I always add more content to the game each month.

  15. having an issue finding the scene in act 5 where its stated that jeo and tt surround a character if you have the full version but i dont know how to get it

    1. You need to talk to Remi and Jeo. Do a space battle as Jeo vs her, but only select talk. After that you can easily pass area 5 for only 100R and no space battle. At the start of Area 6 the scene will play with the brown skin girl Amp. You can see her sex scene from Containment.
      Can get there from the button at the bottom on the main screen. Let me know if you have trouble getting it.

      1. i see i was confused by the wording i thought the scene involved tt and the other girl

  16. Hey, i really love this game but i have one question, how do i find the gallery button >.< in the latest 2.7 i can't find it anywhere

    1. Thanks, there has been no gallery since I think 2.3. Any animation you can’t replay by talking to the character can be found in the holodeck.

  17. There is one major problem in the latest version of ARIA…
    Back in the old version, you had a very simple and useful button that allowed you to make food from the ressources you had at your disposal…
    Yet, that button can no longer be found in the 2.7 version !
    I figured out that we can have the girls cook something but the amount of food they produce is never the same and never enough…
    Which is, I’m sorry to say it, one hell of a pain in the ass !
    Because of that single problem, you can’t get the girls to train and as such, it hinders the whole progress !
    Will this be fixed in the nest update ?

  18. There is an issue with the latest version, if you load a save that is a couple of hours old and has almost everything unlocked on the 10th area with a high rank, there is a dialogue glitch where it keeps giving the dialogue to the end of that day, no matter how many times I click I can’t seem to finish all the dialogue

      1. 2000A1427A10A1A10A0A10A1A1A1A1A6A51A28A6526A390A23766A1A10A1A10A10A1A200A1A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A982A0A0A2243A20A1786A1325A1828A15A100A0A100A266A0A0A745A20A1761A1220A1753A5A16A0A100A1111A0A0A210A10A1655A1008A1645A30A16A0A100A1266A0A0A366A0A1700A1215A1688A15A100A0A100A2528A2000A2000A2252A2000A3640A2000A3640A2000A16A0A100A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A0A0A1A0

        1. 2000A1427A10A1A10A0A10A1A1A1A1A6A51A28A6526A390A23766A1A10A1A10A10A10200A1A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A0A982A0A0A2243A20A1786A1325A1828A15A100A0A100A266A0A0A745A20A1761A1220A1753A5A16A0A100A1111A0A0A210A10A1655A1008A1645A30A16A0A100A1266A0A0A366A0A1700A1215A1688A15A100A0A100A2528A2000A2000A2252A2000A3640A2000A3640A2000A16A0A100A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A1A0A0A1A0

          try this

        2. It’s happening because the code is incomplete. you must not have coped all of it. it is much shorter than my save code for example. when you load both of these codes into the game it tells you the code is incomplete at the bottom of the screen when you press load from save code.

  19. Vortex, when i downloaded the 2.7 zip i didnt get the codes on how to unlock gallery. Well, i did some reasearch and i found one but that code just gives max stats.

    1. the holodeck? correct I don’t have unlock everything code that comes with the game. if you are on my patreon ask me there.

  20. Hum, I’m not being able to use the code that is given in the read me section of Aria 2.7, the code is this:

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