January 6, 2024

9 thoughts on “Site Updates

  1. working on ARIA stuff today. going to make a significant effort to finish some more base raid levels and get the resource minigame going.

  2. On the AI Bot?

    We thinking EDI-actaully a Robot- , Cortana -AI projected body, Khali related possibly-, Seven of Nine -Human but is basically housing a AI and ton of cyber parts, Emeralda-Nanobot colony in the shape of a humanoid- or Melfina -Bio Android interface-?

      1. Okay Edi’s good since she does basically explain that her body is designed to mimic human fleshyness but can harden for battle.

        1. it can’t say it will be the same as edi. I doubt it will have a human face and have some human soft like metal that can harden. it’ll probably be only static solid metal with like a fleshlight or something. it could also be a mix of any of these.

          maybe I can bring back a old drawing a i did along time ago for this. and perhaps you need to build it.

          1. That is not a bad idea, Jeo well if the payer chooses to but soft skin. Some one ask why the fuck those a robot need to have soft skin to hide it’s robot. Like a skynet Terminator. she realize it was Phia’s idea. S is the first to ask can you fuck it LOL

          2. should be interesting however it is. I also think building her up would satisfy some peoples desire to earn hentai. even thoguh I feel it is earned by simply completing the area and moving forward heh.

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