January 7, 2024

9 thoughts on “Small updates

  1. Well best of luck and holy shit a storm? Well be ready me 2 years ago we had a snow storm with thunder and rain. Yes you hear it was snow storm and a rain and thunder storm at the same time. Yeah lots of electric where shut down. So it could of been worse. Well I’m going to go back and watch the E3 Expo.

    1. I doubt it’ll be half as bad here. maybe just a lot of flooding. hopefully I don’t lose power.
      I’m not overly impressed with E3 so far. kind of boring imho lol. yes some of the games I am interested in, but I’m mainly talking about all the razzle dazzle they put into this whole E3 show.

      I like when the dude(s) stand there in silence waiting for people to clap, but no one does. then the people they paid to clap actually start clapping. or they will just continue talking as if they didn’t expect people to clap.

      1. Yesterday Bethesda was impressive with the new Doom and Fallout 4. I think EA is next I expect something of Star Wars will see. Also Ryu is in Super Smash Bros Wii U. LOL

  2. I’m stoked, yo. Almost as stoked as I am for Overwatch.
    Who needs E3 when you already have the one game that’s already out? Rainbow Six XD

    1. The password is case sensitive. Check again dude. It should work on all versions and games. The usual password that is.

    2. yes. I am 100% sure it is working correctly across all games that have a password input.if you are copy/pasting it make sure you didn’t copy any extra spaces or return characters.

  3. I wish I could go to E3. Hope the storm doesn’t break anything lol. Anw truly excited for next update for ARIA. I checked out some of your older games. The complexity is there but the image isn’t as good as ARIA. Pinoytoons does do a great job though. I really like their animations.

    1. yeah when i do art for games I’m normally thinking too mechanically. I have some pretty good stand alone pictures thoguh. I wanted to finish a old phia pic.

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