May 2, 2024

57 thoughts on “upcoming ARIA changes

    1. Heh yeah I didn’t think Jeo would be slobbering all over these chicks and/or licking them like a popsicle.

  1. Well good to see you plan how the retro fitting plans be going from this point on. Each update keeps bringing more options for this flash.

    1. yeah I have pretty good idea about. I need to compile all the hentai animation ideas into a list.

  2. Fairnough, if you want to change it from “love” but could it be like … I dunno, maybe “approval” or “appreciation” or something, rather than “respect”?

    ‘Cause like, the stat is supposed to represent “how well the character likes Jeo”.

    Not how much they respect his sexual or leadership or combat or other prowess.

    And a love of 0 would mean “I don’t like you at all”, which would explain why they’d potentially leave if the game was ever updated to include that as was mentioned, but they could still respect his combat abilities.

    And on top of that, I don’t see how “respecting” a dude less than 50 would make Phia prefer seeking out her previous team rather than him, for sex, while if she doesn’t appreciate or approve of him at all, that would basically explain it.

    And getting the shit punished out of you wouldn’t DECREASE respect.
    If anything it’d increase respect for the character’s refusal to tolerate bullshit, hence also the increase in obedience.
    But you might not appreciate it very much.

    I guess it’s fuckin’ semantics, really.

    1. Oh, also, shouldn’t the stat, whether it’s called love or appreciation or approval or respect or anything else, actually influence the dialogues at the end of the day?

      If Ari’s love/respect/appreciation/approval/dickslobberstat is through the roof, it doesn’t make too much sense for her to be bitching and moaning about Jeo fucking the googirl or school being just a fling to him.

      While on the other hand if it’s zero, it’s pretty strange for her to be smiling and saying “oh man, admit it, you’d fall apart without me, wouldn’t you uguuu~”

    2. Jeo does not care about love at all so I’d rather use something that works better. yes how it affects the game will change. it is more than just a word swap.

      yeah Approval might be better here. also appreciation is too similar to love by conparison.

      by respect I mean the respect for him, not his ability. that fact that I need to explain that at all is why approval is probably best here. you lose respect for a person if they rape you.

      Ari is always hoping Jeo will change even if she has high or low “approval”.
      yes for the others it could simply skip them if they are low stats and get selected for dialogue.

      1. Well, I was more suggesting that it play the approving dialogues when approval was high, but skip the disapproving ones, and play the disapproving dialogues when approval was low but skip the approving ones.

        Not that it skip the dialogues PERIOD if approval was low.

        … Though come to think of it, just about the only person I remember having disapproving dialogues to begin with was Ari.

        1. *Not that it skip all the person’s dialogues period if approval was low

          Fuck man.

          I gotta stop commenting after long days at work, it’s like I’m half fucking braindead.

          1. you DON’T need to CAPS stuff lol. I can comprehend sentences just fine without them. it is actually easier for me to read with doing that.. and yes as you realized yourself the other girls conversation is casual at worst.

            get some sleep lol.

            perhaps some disapproval dialogues can be added in a later version.

          2. Eh, caps for emphasis is a long-standing typing habit of mine.

            I mean, it’s one that’s OBJECTIVELY wrong from the standpoint of the capitalisation rules of the language, I’m sure, but you know.

            Such rules relaxed in informal settings and shit etc.

  3. Cool changes. 🙂
    I actually thought ‘Love’ was fine! Jeo mightn’t love them but it would be in his interests to get them to love him!

      1. Hey, how about ‘attachment’? 🙂 Sort of like loyalty, respect, appreciation and approval, but with more emotion to it.

    1. Thanks, If you see ideas posted on other forums, or I need to reply to some honest question or concern, it would be good to bring them my attention if it seems worth while. I don’t check other forums often because most of my time is spent working on the game projects or related things, so I will probably miss whatever it is.

  4. Any ETA on Arielle’s side story? This month? Next month? Just want to know when I should get hyped. 😛

    1. hard to say a ETA atm. At least the start of it will hopefully be in the next version thoguh.
      or maybe as a separate flash for now. when i get it all written down I will have a better idea on a time frame.

  5. Looking forward to it man, I’m going to ask a couple questions though.

    What scenes are getting lines?

    What kind of side quests can we expect? Like dialogue tree stuff? More space battles? Raids?

    1. all scenes will have lines eventually. including this quest stuff and all sex scenes.

      side quest stuff is related to this shooting minigame I have been working on combined with story. and possibly the scrolling shooter. I doubt i will use space battle stuff. raid minigame is possible but not planned. In Arielle’s side story it follows Arielle for most of the parts.

      yeah and a few dialogue tree stuff. pretty simple stuff thoguh. just the yes / no buttons similar to some of the sex scenes.

      open to suggestions

      1. I’d be down to give any side quest idea stuff, not really sure what you’re looking for though.
        Also, what are the rewards for these sidequests? Is it just stats or could it have a unique effect on stuff? (Ex. Maybe you if you help Bri get a psychic amp to help her out/or maybe a object that holds alot of significance to her that gives her extra morale ((Pictures of family/friends?)) would she get a unique buff to her power stuff?
        Or would the rewards be more hentai stuff? Or making it so the girls won’t say no to any fucking?

        1. I’m working on some ideas to pitch at Vortex where the side quests give extra scenes (especially sex! 🙂 ) and some stats boosts. But that would be up to Vortex of course! 🙂
          My side quest for Bri is actually based on an ancient alien artefact that acts as a psychic amp and Jeo helps her get it! So we sort of have the same idea!
          If Bri and Jeo fail then maybe there could be a defeat scene where Bri gets captured by aliens or something…
          Anyway, I’m still working on ideas for each of the main girls, and will also work up some ideas for the other girls in case Vortex thinks any are good.
          I’ll look forward to some feedback and seeing other people’s ideas too. As long as there’s more great sex and quests to be added like the ones already there, I’ll be very happy! 😀

          1. I’m working on the details now for idea i had for certain quests. But yeah what you guys have in mind so far is what it is about. there may not be hentai for it immediately, but I’m sure it will be there eventually. I think some of the can unlock abilities for Jeo’s ship. and other stuff can unlock additional ending scenes at the end of the game (both good and bad). for example on bri ending could be where she uses w/e artifact to give him caring emotions or another could be he kills her and steals her powers lol. idk. and also quests could unlock a different ending battles where that girls comes to help out in the fight. some quests if done “wrong” would/could even cause characters to leave or die at some point later in the game.
            like you let TT get this dangerous thing now. sure i will help short term, but later on it might kill er, etc. or maybe yo have to follow up of the quest again later so it wont kill her. all kinds of stuff the quests could unlock.

  6. well, so much of an improvement. but I have a few questions:

    1. what is “consensual sex” ? sr if this ques. is silly
    2. what will the side mission for respect be like? same ques. for Arielle side story
    3. TT planet descriptions. what is it ?

    1. 2.In Arielle’s side story it follows Arielle for most of the parts. it will be a mix of story decisions, shooting minigames, hentai scenes and possibly other minigames also. The outcome of that affect the main game, and not doing it also affects the main game.

      3. if you notice in certain areas like area 2 there are planets. TT studies and describes them for more ARIA lore. it could also be related to her getting more approval/ quests.

    1. I’m not sure I understand this question clearly.
      but pinoytoons will be making all of the new animations. I am only doing edits for now. There is a lot of coding and writing and audio to be done still.

  7. Just wondering, the changes with Yui and punishment sex, is this just for the Patreon version? Are you still debating whether or not you want to put it into the online version? Great game by the way. Love the consistent updates, really shows the commitment and enjoyment you seem to have in making your game. :^)

    1. Thanks for the comments and good question, I’m on the fence about it and haven’t thought about it much. the punishment will probably have the Jeo rape edits yes as optional to turn on in settings. but the rape from loosing battle might still be reserved to patreon version.

      1. Thanks for the reply. I’m not too sure about how patreon works so i’m just wondering if I donate does the link for that version automatically get sent out or do you need to personally do so?

          1. See my comment below about debit cards. Depends on the bank you use but maybe that helps?

      2. Sounds fair.

        As for people with no credit cards, maybe you could make a special PayPal account for people who can’t use Patreon? Only thing is that PayPal tends to reveal your real full name (for both sides, unless you use a business account). :/ I’m sure there’s a way around it. I just don’t know what it is off-hand.
        Most banks where I live offer free debit cards which you can use like credit cards but they run off your savings account. Someone can use those with Patreon. Maybe that will help someone who reads this…

        1. I tried doing that in the past. and it is not worth it the huge times investment to manage it. it severely cripples my time to actually work on the game and reply to comments and stuff. My time for project is already limited as it is.

  8. I’ll be afk for most the day today, but should be able to reply to stuff via mobile device during certain parts of the day.

  9. İ dont know where i write my problem i will write here sorry for this can u change anti spam test i just play ur umcc game and its awesome and i dont know who appear in aria so i cant register 🙁 Note :You are doing really good work buddy ^^

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