March 13, 2025

30 thoughts on “ARIA your main ship being raided

    1. Everything releases at the same time. My plan is to be done by the 8th but is not guaranteed. Just a guess based on my current progress.

  1. Ship raids definitely do add a sense of being hunted.

    Something to add that sense of tension is something I might have suggested myself, but I actually came to quite enjoy the (absurdly) leisurely nature of the stages, and found that leisurely experience to line up pretty perfectly with the idea of playing the game however you wanted to.

    Ah well, I hope the raids ain’t too rock hard – but I also hope “Raid training” for the girls gives benefits in these scenarios as well, not just because your ship being raided and you raiding other ships both share the word “raid”, but just because something that makes your girls better in personal combat for taking out mechanical laser-shooting enemies should also make them better in personal combat for taking out meat-based laser-shooting enemies.

        1. Sweet.

          I know that Charisma affects Phia’s skill “Revolt”.

          Apart from that, I still wonder what most of the stats even do.

          1. all of the space battle abilities except for Arielle’s stuff and Phia’s seduce uses the ship or charisma stat. when I rework it. ship will be leveled manually for resources. not just automatically after space battles. maybe high ship will also unlock different ship skins and parts. Love in it’s current form is used to unlock certain hentai scenes. and combat in my version I am working on is used for the shooter minigame damage.

          2. Cool.

            And will any of the minigames affect your own ship’s chances of being raided?

            Stuff like “if you just beat the enemy in a space battle, they’re too busy regrouping to try to raid you for another 7 days” or someshit?

          3. it doesn’t, in fact it gets worse as each day passes. you can imagine more and more people showing up since that word is out where Jeo is.

            it is not as bad as it might it sound though I yesterday I tested the whole game so far and completed it in about 1.2 hours. And that is with not punishing some of the girls when i wanted to because I wanted them available for raids, etc. so I had to raise their obey the hard way(s). This ship getting raided only really lasts until area 4. once you talk to Sui-My with Phia you can get rid of the ship getting raided completely. you can turn it off and on after that.

          4. Hmm.
            Fair enough.
            I uh … don’t know any possible in-character plot-reason to turn raids ON if you have the option of having them off, but I guess that’ll become clear at that point in the game.

            Maybe you get resources from scavenging weapons if you win or you get to take female prisoners or …something, I don’t know.

            Anyway, sounds cool.

          5. there isn’t a reason to turn it back on yet unless you want a challenge, but one step at a time heh. I had to get it in there first, then I can explore more uses for it in the future. maybe I’ll have some character show up after staying in a certain area for like 20 days with no stealth. open to suggestions also.

  2. would be cool to make it sooner or later that if you’re getting raided and you dont feel like doing it just to have one of your girls to get gangbanged by the raiders. then they will be unavailable (injured) for the whole time you’re at a certain section. say if you’re facing kim for this section and you get raided you send in phia to be the one who gets gangbanged you cannot use her for the kim fight. and also if you do this you will maybe lose only half of everything instead of almost everything. also i was thinking maybe give the girls a “horny” meter so if it fills out from them training or having too much free time or whatnot they will come and either beg jeo or have more fun among themselves.

    1. The problem is that the raiders are not there to bang chicks, there are there to kill/capture Jeo and they are not leaving empty handed.

      to avoid the ship getting raided you just need to trigger the sui-may quest. Currently it will trigger by talking to her with Phia before a space battle.

      horny gauge is a interesting idea. it seems similar to the OBEY stat though.
      I’d imagine if something like a horny stat goes up to 100, the girl “can’t seem to focus” on her task and banging her resets it to zero. it goes up from most things, and goes down slightly from FREE time or down to zero from SEX or it could show yuri with phia. idk.

      1. well maybe it could be like a bribery type thing. say if you use phia to be the one gang banged like when you give her freetime she finds mercenaries.and when you use her some of the mercenaries come to your side and weaken the enemy ship?, or something like that. and i didnt think of the hrony gauge being like the obey one, thats a very good point. but it would be cool to see some yuri or masturbation type scenes.

        1. I’m not really feeling that idea for two main reasons. One, because it cheapens the seriousness of them hunting Jeo. If Jeo and crew can prevent being hunted with sex none of them would be in this position in the first place. And then the imporant reason that it is designed to offset/counter too much exploitation of doing everything in the game in same area. So if you are getting raided. Chances are you are cheating the game. Plus it doesn’t seem logical that if a enemy found Jeo they would just park there and wait for him to fully prepare.

  3. It’s that time ladies and gents, make sure your Patreon checks out, mine already did.

    Looking forward to this months updates and the new demo~. Over here, we celebrate the 4th of July on the 6th. 😡

  4. Separate files for big side missions would be fine if you need to. In ARIA, you could just have an intro dialogue that makes it obvious where the side mission fits in the story, then we go play the separate file. If you wanted the consequences of the side mission to carry across into ARIA, maybe you could do it through some sort of code input? Anyway, you obviously have a much better idea of that stuff. 🙂

    1. Hmm codes is actually a interesting idea I’ve never tried it before. But first I will try to just load a separate swf file similar to how I do in UMCH.

      I’ve actually been testing the custom stuff and in the process writing some custom scenarios. should be fun.

  5. Hey there.
    Just tried out the new Game and TBH i suck at raids. i havent managed to fight of a single one of them. and since so, i am prety much grounded, cant really advance, since im not even getting the resources to properly fight my space battles and advance through the levels. is there a tutoial for raids or something? Or am i just really too bad?

      1. The video does not load, so no clues there 😛

        I’m also baffled by the raiding system.

        -As far as i can understand it, you can duck to avoid gunfire but apparently not bomb damage?
        -Bombs appear faster than you can click them when ducked anyway
        I’m on the starting area of the game, i die in 5-10 seconds every time. I’m trying to raise the combat stat on the first character, it’s seemingly having little to no effect (at ~60 now, should it be hugely higher?)

        1. I am in the process of updating this game so you might wait for it.

          I didn’t realize the issue in that old comment at the time, but you need to move to the next area. Especially when in the starting area, if you farm in an area for too long without traveling to the next area, the enemies find you and raiding become increasingly hard to defeat. It is kind of a soft game over since it is so hard to recover from it. Especially in area 1 where you get barely any resources. I need to have the characters explain this. It is currently not mentioned in the dialogue after you fail to defend vs a raid.

          It is really not worth stay in area one for any reason at all. I even give players enough to travel right at the start of the game.

          If you follow the game’s story you are being pursued, so you need to move or you will be overwhelmed.

          later on the in the game you get a stealth system where you can safely farm areas without being detected.

          also the video is working but it is not much to see tbh.

  6. Hi. I’ve been playing 2.1 and when I raid (the side scrolling adventure) with either Arielle or Phia, I’m unable to use raid bombs. I’ve pressed every key on my keyboard, and nothing works. I assume I have to blow up certain sections of the ship to progress further as I hit roadblocks which force me to just retreat. Has anyone else had this problem?

  7. You have to buy raid bombs before you can use them. They’re in the upgrades part of the main screen. Once you have some you can switch between lasers and bombs with the 1 and 2 keys.

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