January 8, 2024

51 thoughts on “ARIA browser based RPG testing

  1. If you want to hear the opinion of one to which isn’t enjoyed ARIA, I’m available.

    Obviously I will express my opinion with my poor English XD

  2. the folks that posted above this comment should have a little blue notification when you log in, in the top right corner.

  3. I would love to test it all of the games you make are amazing, and cannot wait to see what is next.

    1. Thanks, this is not a flash game, just a browser game that uses php. it is in early stages right now. I will add you thoguh.

      also for those reading I have already added everyone who posted so far.

  4. hai ! im new here and i like ur ideas on how to expand ur abilities..soo.. can u gib me ur signature ? :>

      1. Vortex, I don’t understand this browser based RPG that you’ve set up. How do I earn XP and combat points?

        1. You attack people and win. So attack people at an equal or lower level to you. If you need HP, you go the agent lobby and interact to earn resources, then you go to sick bay and heal.

          1. Only way, as far as I can see. You just have to attack the weakest people. I think Vortex said he was going to add training options too.

          2. Just because someone is a higher level doesn’t necessarily mean you can’t beat them. I got to level 2 then took on a level 6 till I beat him and that leveled me up to 6 as well. Repeat the process and getting to 25 is easy peasy

  5. Hi, everybody! I want to ask all. If I paid today, through what is the time at me will write off the sum? I know that you tell, look on support of Patreon, I there already read, but there was a wish to ask you) Thanks!)

        1. It is within the first week of each month. It takes usually 3 to 4 days.

          Depending on how you look at it. It could be seen as the end of the previous month.

  6. Hey… I’m just here to say ARIA is fucking awesome.
    I’m not very a hentai game’s fan, but ARIA is more than a simple hentai game. ARIA is awesome. I really would enjoy if I could receive notifications about the news and updates of the game in my e-mail.
    And also, I wanna ask if it is ever going to be a android version of the game.

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