May 7, 2024

23 thoughts on “diving into the UMHC swim minigame

  1. Sorry but Roise just looks wrong, its like she’s missing few middle spine segments. She needs some belly stretching… but it’s just my personal opinion, if you like her this way just ignore me 😛

        1. It’s more optical then her actual proportions. the swimsuit hides some lines and unlike in nude version were saginess is more visible it makes it look like b00bs are lower creating illusion of shorter spine…

          1. Just checked the nude preview pics again and Rosie does look fine naked. I’m not sure how concerned Rosie is with her looks, but I’m not sure any teenage-ish girl would be ok with wearing something that unflattering. Even if it’s a school mandated swimsuit you’d think she’d find a way to make it accentuate her body type better.

          2. this is just s sketch so ttrop can get general a idea.
            the naval area or the angle of the bottom part can be easily adjusted. it gets worked out in the final lines, though some may still not like it. even many.

          3. A nude is not that bad looking, but it might be problematic with clothed variations, its simply how 2D perspective works, like making her right upper hand look shorter because of not visible bend… good shadows and playing with colors can fix most of that… will have to wait until ttrop finishes to see results… well in worst case you can give her push-up bra 😀

    1. Yes I am aware of this and okay with it. I may or may not bring it down because I wanted the bodies to not be too similar looking and also be very stylized. So Roise got the high and rounded hip placement. Other characters are not totally natural looking either for the record, but it works for want I was looking for.

  2. Aren’t you going to need cheerleader outfits for Maiko, Luma, and Zytra? I don’t remember those being mentioned.

        1. that is another another thing I may or may not add back in later for reasons I can get into later. Idk about lingerie but we were drawing undies at least but then stopped partially to complete the core components of the game.

    1. I don’t plan too much for it. It is fairly straight forward. it is just time trials with different times to beat. Maiko does not need to beat the fastest time, she just needs to beat Luma’s time. Swimming in the pool also helps build up her boxing stats. I’m trying to have two different locations to swim. the school pool then a public pool in the city where the times to beat are more challenging.

  3. Good to hear its coming along well. And Roise looks fine, she’s got pear shaped hips so not everything is going to look the same on her as it would on somebody else. Besides all girls look best naked anyway, so of course it wont look as her naked shot.

  4. Anyways I finish buying a gaming tablet that comes with buttons, it is this

    I’ll be testing some of your flash in firefox browser using flash. I might be able to do some button mapping for some of the flash which is very limited. Chances are it will run but it won’t mean shit. Because most of the flash doesn’t have button on the screen for me to add a button to the gamepad build in the gaming tablet. So far I’m impress with this tablet. Anyways I’ll let you know the fuck ups, of this gaming tablet. You already know it’s coming. LOL

      1. All right I tried it, I didn’t use firefox into a open source apk of a flash plug. I found a software browser that let’s you switch into flash mode. It can even emulate a mouse in the browser if you want. Anyways the flash works all of them. The ones that is a click of a mouse. Nothing more like Umichan Maiko Deluxe. Works like always anything to do with a mouse or some keyboard button is where the problem begins. I can’t get it to map. The way my gaming tablet works is a press the button and get to map what button I want to place where the touch screen button is at. I slide the button where the let’s say the d pad is at. I put the button over the d pad touch screen. Now I can use the d pad touch on my d pad tablet. Anyways it works just running to to problem to map it.

        Anyways if you want to see an idea of what I’m doing this is the app I use.

        I’m impress how I can run the flash with no problem at all. Remember the tablet I have graphic horse power can run Xbox 360 type Android games in 1080p. I think if you can make a quick flash demo just to move left and right, up, down, a button to shoot for me to map them on the screen. I might be able to just test. It doesn’t have to be a super duper graphics just a demo for me to try on flash on this browser I found. Who knows maybe you can do something with this in the future. Hope this feedback interest you.

          1. Whatever works to try a demo. Just keep in mind that you are making a tablet flash. Buttons on the screen to press with a mouse. I think you might be able to have the flash be the same. Just add in a control to use all mouse or something.

            My gaming tablet allows to put a special icon on top of the buttons where the touch screen controls is at. Than I use the actual d pad or buttons on the tablet. I think this was a clever product. However I’ll say as cool as it is. To use actual controllers instead of touch screen as a controller. I think gaming companies should of had this type of product in mind to use with those touch screen control. It should of automatically scan that this tablet have controllers to use. I think this product is better than nothing with no buttons. IT’s a start hopefully more companies will jump in on this type of android of doing tablet gaming.

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