January 7, 2024

9 thoughts on “Site updates

  1. We get to see more or the butterfly quest! Yay! That preview image hints at something, but we can’t really know for sure since Joey doesn’t seem all that into sex in recent content. In the original she called it an art form, I remember that. But Zytra also has dealings with Tsugo this time around. Is that part of the same questline or is it separate?

    1. It is all the same quest. It involves Zytra, Leyah, Joey,Tsugo, Tsugo Lil bro as primary people. There are also a few other new side characters that appear that were created specifically for this questline. I need to finish working out the details of it. I’m about half way done I think with the story outline for that

  2. Dude, take a break from ARIA if you need to! Up to you obviously but I think we’d rather you don’t burn out. I’m personally itching to play 2.4 but if it takes longer for you to get there then so be it. We understand it involves heaps of work. We can wait.

  3. Desculpe usar outro de suas paginas para minha sugestão, mas como no mail pessoal você não está vendo. Minha sugestão para um de seus videos é a musica da Alexa Vega – Game over é perfeito para a umi chan cantar, mas não sei se tem direitos autorais, no Youtube você encontra a música. Se for de seu agrado essa sugestão, ficarei feliz, mas essa é uma escolha sua. Boa sorte

  4. That’s some update image, she catching Maiko with some guy or what?

    Also glad to see the other stuff from UMCC is getting expanded on in UMCH. Get to see more of the characters that way.

    For Aria I don’t think you need to push yourself so much at once. Getting burnt out rarely ends up well. But if you think it’s better off done now I won’t complain, I like Aria too.

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