make a short video and, dat ass, so I decided to render it at 60 fps instead of my usual 30. so might take longer to buffer.
tried to improve Leeina’s jiggle physics a bit. And by “improve” I mean make even more unrealistically jiggly.
I found that instead of making Leeina’s ass long and wider, I raised it up some. Imo this made it look more filled, thus bigger in appearance. It actually is a little bigger anyways thoguh. example pic below:
made a rendered pic for fun:
Well Leeina’s ass sure have more meat than the other models. ^_^
By the look of the first picture the rate of big to small ass goes like this. In my view what I see.
1. Leeina
2. Luma
3. Tasha
4. Maiko
5. Leyah
So I take it the result is what you wanted or are you still just trying different tricks of animation for Leeina’s ass?
Yep that is how I wanted it. the list you have is accurate.
60fps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOW!!!
yep heh. I forgot anything under 2.2k frames is easy for me to render in 60ps. this video is only 1k.
It would be nice to become a standard, as have models with more polygons, but I understand that times elabostazione would stretch too.
Have you considered giving the guys different penis sizes?
I haven’t. I don’t even haven multiple nude guys. it is just Kyle. I do need to edit a penis to use thoguh that has facials and stuff. after that point I can try different sizes.
Leeina is really my favorite. 🙂 I remember seeing her dance to ‘Till the World Ends’ and her cheeks had a little extra jiggle and I was like “WOOAH!” In a world where oshiri isn’t supported enough, you made this ass-man happy. ^_^
Thanks, yeah I try to get low angle dance videos also. I don’t remember Leena on that song though? lol. actually working on redoing these characters with a more recent base with some heavy edits. I might not do leg physics anymore but ass physics will be there definitely.