trying to get the UMCH demo finished. still connecting gameplay pieces together thoguh. And still need to make in game tutorials or something. I made a few random screens I will comment on.
There is a small dialogue scene when first entering each minigame area or club. This scene like other stuff in the game will alter Maiko’s mood as the dialogue takes place.
For now this is the typical set up for a clubroom. Activities to the left, and in the middle random character that are part of the club will appear, sometimes offering different lines of dialogue or hidden scenes.
In boxing to start of sparring with Pattie until Maiko has at least 5 melee. After that point until Advanced, Maiko will battle random unnamed students. Some of the students also appear at the cafe.
I will probably have social scenes appear each time to enter a activity area at a certain percent chance. maybe like fifty percent. The chance you enounter a social scene when entering these areas will be adjustable from the tablet.
This is a scene that happen when your first try to swim.
You see here that during some parts of the game Maiko is viewed in third person.
Part of the story are fleshed out a little more, revealing some of the students parents or connections to other characters.
Working in the cafe is now a minigame instead of just pressing work in umcc. Maiko also might be able to work in the book store and do concerts as a alternative or in combination with working at the cafe.
Music club intro scene. and yes I realize I still need to fix lynn’s eyes
Music minigame is now in first person and should be easier to get higher scores
Now that I get to see so much of it at once I have to say: The art is amazing! I’m really looking forward to this.
Thanks yeah It seems to work when you put everything together. feeling pretty good about it. ttrops art matches the bright colors in the background really well.
thanks XD
Everything is looking FANTASTIC
Many thanks~
Daaamn, this looks awesome!
Found out about UMCC a couple months ago, couldn’t stop playing for 5 hours in a row, then I discovered your site and do a check out every day for news, I’m more hyped for UMCH than AAA games like Uncharted 4.
I can’t become a patreon because I don’t have a credit card and I’m from Brazil, but this I felt compelled to just post this long ass comment just to show appreciation for your work(even if money would be better to show it =P )
Keep up the good work! =)
Many thanks, I gotta come out there to Brazil on day. Not sure about AAA status on initial release lol. and especially not with the demo lol. But they way is is broken into modules it has the potential to grow really big. The thing I’m liking about UMCH so far is the focus on the characters. Not even so much the gameplay or the story. Just seeing how all the different personalities works out when placed together.
Yeah, it’s like Artifical Academy 2, but with depth.
I mean, the hentai part of UMCC is amazing, and from what I saw from UMCH it’s way better now.
But in games like Artificial Academy, it’s too shallow if you look for character depth in an hentai game like this.
And being the only Hentai “Dating Sim” game out there, that you play as a girl, it’s really awesome.
yeah understanding the personality of the character and things like that add to the hentai experience.
speaking of AA2 @selvira made the characters from UMCC lol.
you might be interested in it.
Thanks, I use those characters @selvira created, she did a great job, the game became way better with them
And managed to create my version of the male characters, it’s pretty crappy, but it’ll do.
Glad you’re enjoying the characters @Blackoni! I did think about making the male characters, but since the AA2 personalities for the males are so limited it felt like too many of them would feel the same. The girls had a lot of variation with the personalities so I could make each girl unique.
Yeah, I wish that in AA3 (dreaming they will make it) boys have the same amount of personalities as girls, and if it’s possible for the H part to be “live”, like in Artificial Girl 3
Not just seen the characters humping each other, I made one save for a NTRed protagonist, it’s pretty lame to not see them doing the real deal. =P
Well HongFire is porting some of the personalities of Artificial Academy 1 to Artificial Academy 2 so if they port all of them then the total of Male Personalities in Artificial Academy 2 will be 10 or 11 if you count the Joke Personality made by one of the members of HongFire… 11 is a pretty nice number… Also did you know one of the members of HongFire is adding Male Voices to the Hentai Scenes? : http://www.hongfire.com/forum/entry.php/2762-Artificial-Academy-2-Male-H-Voice-Mod-%28in-progress%29
Oh… You’re from Brazil too? Nice to meet you! Hehe… There seems to be quite a bit of people from my country here…!
Nice to meet you too!
Yeah, a lot of people from Brazil are hentai lovers but hide it from everyone, it’s very frowned upon over here.
Wish I could share vortex’s work with other people without looking like a psycho pervert.
Well i shared it with some of my friends from my club… Some of them thought it was really funny! You’re welcome to join my club by the way!
I have the opposite problem. When I tell people about it they like the hentai aspect but don’t understand why I like the game part
Brazillian here too ^.^
Vortex nailed on this newer UMC game. Really spot on. I’ve said before (like 5 months ago) that this game was going to be the GOTY hentai game of the year! xD
I’ll try my best to support his work when the game gets a full release. Ya, I know, the dollar its outragerously high here but oh well, sometimes it’s worth the sacrifice :p
Cheers fellow country members!
Yeah, I would love to join the club! =D
Yay! More brazilians!
And I’m with you man, right now dollar costs 4 times our money… =(
But even then, I wish I could help out, do any of you guys from Brazil know how to donate without having an international credit card?
Looking forward to playing the Demo! By the how is the Wisdom Teeth going?
the game seems to be very big. many possible things to discover
Looks good. Cant wait till I get some time to play it.
This gonna be one of the best hentai games ever!!!
barely can wait for this!
i been waiting for years by now!