January 8, 2024

26 thoughts on “UM3DO Feedback & suggestions

  1. What i can say mmm…
    The game is pretty stable for 10 people.
    The chat have too much spam for the snowball hit.
    Object are not solid and you can go into it.
    Enter for send message in the chat can be comfortable.
    Two people or more simultaneously rape me xD
    Maybe a animation for sit on the bench
    Oh yeah and maybe if possible use the right key on the mouse for move the direction of the pc

    1. Thanks yeah I will try to fix this stuff over time.
      yeah the game was not bad for 10 people.
      I will try mouse direction movement probably sooner than later, it is something I would have to research how to do.

  2. I’ll second Graav’s right-mouse suggestion. Lining up shots was awkward with no way to sync movement and camera. I’ll also second Enter to send a chat message, since clicking the chat window and clicking to send a message each also shot a snowball, though this might be something I keybound awkwardly.

    I’d recommend some way to get out of being down. We had a few cases where there were only one or two members of a given gender on the server, and their job became running around and helping everybody recover. I also notice that my connection gradually degenerated the longer I stayed on, requiring a relog even though my ping didn’t change. I’m wondering if that’s a result of storing the debug chat in local memory or something.

    1. we can see how the connection is with the debug chat. and I can check my clean up routines.
      yeah I was going to make where if you are down for X time you recover on your own. Pressing enter for chat should not be too hard I would imagine but we’ll see.

  3. I third everything said so far and moar!

    -Some additional sex animations that are selected randomly when you sex someone
    -Maybe two chat windows? One for hit information, one for regular chat?
    -Being able to customize your character would be pretty awesome. Just saying.
    -The walking backwards animation could use some polishing

    That’s all I have for now. Keep up the good work.

    1. Thanks I will work this out over time. yeah I am interested in customization but I’m not sure how it would work just yet, I do have a few ideas though.

  4. The game works great mapping the buttons to a game pad. I would make the controls feel more better for aiming. W, S, A and D will be the directions. But A and D will not turn your character. The mouse is how you turn, the mouse is where you will look at that direction aim and shoot with the left mouse button. Holding the right mouse button makes you run. Holding the middle wheel button let’s you move the camera. This control would make it easier to aim and shot. Than the controls you have now where you miss because the camera doesn’t fallow you in the back. And the A and D buttons is what turns you left and right.

    As for game modes… maybe king of the hill, capture the flag, a team battle. But that is for later after later patch of this game. After sex the one who do the rape gets some health back. Anyways this build is better than your last test.

    1. Thanks yeah I will try camera direction to turn the character. Those game modes would be fun but first I need to figure out how to not pass through walls lol.

  5. Needs polish on just about everything:

    -Performance was weird, I kept jumping from sub 30 to 60 the whole time, no real stability here.

    -Controls/movement where awkward, but you get used to them.

    -the aiming is very touchey, infact almost just pure luck, even aiming at a still target was a pain. If you could control “aim” with the mouse like an MMo for example, right click and hold to aim player to camera angle – i feel this might work.

    -The “hit detection” seemed off too, my projectiles would always pass through/around people. But everyone elces would explode on contact.

    -My ping was above 130, but i am in the UK so this is not bad.

    -The game seemes to have a sort of “slow down” effect every ~5 seconds, it would be running well than slow down to a sort of “slow motion”. animations and movement would be slow but it seemed like everything was normal? so strange…

    Im not a fan of multiplayer stuff but the game seems ok.

    1. I’m not sure what causes that slowdown I saw it at time even when testing solo. I’d imagine it has to be either the building or the trees because it wasn’t doing that before. Yeah after I get the controls solid, I can make all kind fun little games.

  6. I don’t really have anything overly glaring to point out. Only thing I really noticed that was irksome, was some minor bugging on the revival, where sometimes a full animation loop would complete in the wrong position, and not revive, or two people would be boning on the same downed person.

    1. yeah that was unexpected heh. I thought I had made code to prevent that from happening but I guess not lol.

  7. I didn’t experience any GUI/menu bugs. I had pretty stable FPS (i was playing on fast settings) and around 190ms ping (EU Internet 80Mbps). Here some ideas and suggestions:
    – Instead of using white balls characters may use balloons that reduces heat.
    – Aiming style like over the shoulder.
    – Hide and seek mode
    – Girls have to capture all the guys mode
    – Like above but for guys
    – Dance command
    – Emotes commands
    – Command to turn off debug messages
    – Ring fights

    1. I forgot about emotes heh. I can add a lot of modes after the basic controls gets hammered out a bit more.

  8. I agree with most of what was previously said. My thoughts are:

    Aiming sucks. It’s a huge pain with the current controls. I like the idea of using the mouse to aim with the keys being for movement or allowing the mouse to make more precise movements. There are other ways you could address it.

    I didn’t experience any problems with lag which impressed me but it seems I was one of the few.

    We need separate windows for chatting and hitting/status updates.

    I recommend some adjustments to healing health after being knocked down. Either allow same genders to “heal” or maybe add a timer so that after a set amount of time (30 seconds? 1 minute?) you automatically heal some health and can move again.

    I assume that customization is planned, yes? I look forward to that in future releases where I hope you’ll be able to customize your character like the UMCC custom characters with hair, eye color, breast size, etc.

    I had a lot of fun during the testing. You have something really nice here.

    1. yeah I was going to have a time delay for self heal if I can. yeah custom characters are planed. probably after I work on the controls a bit more.

    1. yeah I am familiar with them, but idk why people compare my little hobby 3D games to their games lol. with VR around the corner I’d imagine the 3D sex market will get pretty saturated.

  9. There was a bug where is you walk backwards and fire, as long as you continued back wards the fire animation would loop without firing anything. Furthermore on the female model it would cause the sphere to stick out of the model after releasing, didnt notice it doing so on the male, it just looks awful.

    I agree with most of whats said above as well.

    Possibly ad in clothes destruction.

    1. yeah I might take out the sentinel thing. That or try to fix the facials. I think there is a script I’m not including.

  10. I think maybe give guys ability to shoot cum all over the girls, which slow them down. And girls ability to flash their undies, or strip naked, which force guys’ camera to lock towards the flashing girl within line of sight and close distance?

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