I am currently in the process of updating ARIA a bit since the last patreon version.
Pinoytoons sent the sleeping pics and Alukard has been doing some nice edits.
so far I have added:
a unique animation to the Sui-May sex scene
a edit to the Remi sex scene
edits to the Amp sex scene.
a sex scene edit for Nikita, the space station shop owner.
I still need to:
Add the sleeping pics (might do removable panty thing later).
Make Phia ask for sex at the end of day based on conditions, I have a paizuri animation for that I plan to use.
Add the Remi edits so she has similar shared animation as the other 4 girls.
possibly make some warning scene when food is low and or gone.
also a few people seem to having trouble with food or miss it’s importance. you can easily play as a special agent such as Jeo or Luma and get to a area with a space station.
Everything looking good so far 🙂
Waiting for this update anxiously 😉
Thanks, going to work on it more today
It’s looking smooth bit by bit retro fitting.
Hey quick question. Are we going to see paizuri scenes for all the girls? Don’t discriminate against the small breasted girls now.
Just Phia atm.
Might try a few others but idk, but yeah need to actually have decent size boobs for this particular animation to work.
Oh, great, and when is the up-khe… khe-khe…
Just kidding.
Looking forward to it.
should be up later tonight. it’s easy to know when the update is when it is done.
Although, it was a joke, you’ve still answered. Got it, thanks.
Looking forward to it, love your work 😀
I can’t wait \o/
The update is already available for the Patreon supporters.