January 4, 2024

10 thoughts on “more UMCH updates

    1. If stress is even over 20 you probably won’t be able to do much heh. Maiko’s dress goes up and down during these dialogue scenes though.

  1. Something happen to Maiko in order to be that much stress. Like the water effect on the corners of the screen! ^_^

    1. Thanks, the game just needed some kind of screen effect for crying. Without one it seemed odd when a character would say Maiko is crying when the screen looked the same as any other point in the game heh.

        1. People react to stress differently. So it depends on the cause, depends on the the person. the person being Maiko was in a stressful situation that caused her to become sad. From sadness, you get to the crying part.

        2. I think vortex is just using stress as every negative emotion Maiko could feel. So crying wouldn’t be from stuff like work stress or studying stress. But she would cry from stuff like ‘somebody is dead stress’.

          1. this is correct. heartbreak, bullied, ridiculed, trauma, etc. are examples of things Maiko experiences in UMCH that will effect the stress value.

  2. Jeez Joiry needs to back up. He’s making persona eyes in the thumbnail and getting all up in Maiko’s shrimp in game.

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