May 2, 2024

28 thoughts on “Agent Trainer test is back up

  1. Was I supposed to lose most of my progress? My rank stayed, but I lost all my stuff on Vux, and just kept red khalei on Candy. It’s mostly weird how some stuff stayed there and most went missing

    1. atm you can only save one character, so you can’t register a different agent it will override the previous one. if you got red kahlei on candy and registered the stuff from vux will be saved over for candy.

      1. but my last save was on Vux and yet I have nothing on Vux and red khalei on candy.

        Maybe the system counts them in some kind of order and saves that way? (e.g. candy is 1 vux is 3 in the list, therefore candy save is priority)

        1. nah it doesn’t work like that. I really can’t think of a way it could happen without you registering candy but i can what’s going in the database.

          1. For sure I can say I had Khalei red. Kinda sure I had weapon L5AR (miiight be L3AP)

            for hp and attack it’s more of an estimate and HP was around 5k I believe and damage around 600-800? As for damage and hp I can say one thing for sure – I one shotted Phia and she one shotted me (that actually caused a weird bug(sometimes I won, sometimes I lost, despite her dying on my shot))

            Sorry, can’t remember precisely

  2. So state problem
    1. Bomb throws not in the end of my first round, but the first round after I was attacked.
    2. Bomb throws before mLaws finish ten hits?
    3. Blue khalei double the combat grow speed, modify the words?
    4. Green khalei add a 10 hit matrix? you words seem to work as double the item 2 matrix
    5. if I take item 2 matrix, I cannot hurt Arielle…? Her blue khalei has the power of purple khalei?

    1. 1. if the end of your first round is after the other person attacks you first, then that is when the bomb will activate.
      2. it depends on when it activates.
      3.when you have blue kahlei and buy combat you will get 2 instead of 1.
      4. green kahlei and matrix stacks. both combined will give you 15 instead of 10 or 5.
      5. i don’t understand this question.

      1. for the 5th problem, in my test, it work like the bomb:
        I use KATS as weapon, and item does not matter after tring.
        if I attack first, then no damage to Arille, but after I was attacked, then I can do damage to her.
        so I have to use green khalei to survive from her first attack and then I can win the fight.

          1. I try to upgrade my combat to about 1/4 of my HP, so special agent may have HP about 2 times of my combat, but some strange things occur, I use matrix to try the performance of KATS to them, Phia and TT are killed by only 1 true hit, while Bri need 2 and Arille need 4, in other words, KATS has half effect to Arille and double effect to Phia and TT, is that true setting?

  3. hmm… sometimes register show done 1 but load fail, and the enemy show undefined and the message show undefined found, and state goes to before register, with 0 resource back.
    and a strange problem vanish, before I rank up to the current rank, I may meet special when click find enemy.

  4. Well, I just found an exploitable bug … and I think the best way to tell you about it is privatly, how can I contact you except here?

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