Thanks for all the suggestions. vote at the link above. you can vote on more than...
Month: March 2017
animated the fast variation of the animation.
back in this post… I took a polling to see what people liked the most as...
I normally don’t bother uploading stuff like this but I figure some might want to see some...
which face do you like more? vote at the link below the comparison reference is in the...
No new character art this week but lot more of Jeni
As mentioned earlier I am trying to get chunks of UMCH into a single file as separate...
planning to make a few smaller games some of which would be created in tyranobuilder software. This...
in preparation for upcoming games I want to beat on what minigames and characters people like the...
please post thoughts took in considerations though they were not exactly specific. From what I can tell...
So you might have noticed that there is new character art being created, but wondering what is...