January 7, 2024

18 thoughts on “small UMCH updates

  1. Hey Vortex when this versions come out I have a huge request.. can you me the scenes on the tablet have dialogue? I feel like that sets in the mood/plot.. kinda weird if they just smash without saying anything and then finish lol. and another thing, are there gonna be more replayable scenes like the midnight nightmare, and like the one with the guitar guy(forgot his name sorry), or like the female rivalries? those scenes were pretty good! if those can’t be brought in then at least try to make them repeat the dialogue? Thanks and keep it up!

    1. none of the replays on the tablet have dialogue. There is only dialogue by seeing it in game in the story. Yeah all those scenes you mentioned will have repayable animations, mostly from the tablet.

  2. Liking the work put into this [criticizing on someones work is hard], hope you add Amber to Maikos room as an accessible photo gallery, because she’s writing a “porn” book that works well with still pictures. p.s love playing Vandread Love Quest.

    1. Many thanks. Amber won’t be available in Maiko’s room. I just doing small quality of life things as I wrap up the game. There will be more games later where things like that could be possible.

  3. For some reason I wanted to see Maiko and Chris getting it on at the cafe since there was a scene where Patty teased him. Also, I wanted to suggest pictures of Maiko (no need for sex scenes) getting friendly with the guys after she delivered enough photos of her (maybe around 25 times) to them (Photo Club guys). Anyway, can’t wait to play the completed game!

    1. Thanks should be be fun. The number of delivered photos to the guys in the photos club is not a tracked stat, so I can’t do anything like that. At least not that way.

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