Art updates for Agent girls. I know a number of the them need some eyelash adjustments to more closely match their older style, but I actually wanted to briefly go over a different combat mechanic I had in mind for the game. This could be for the existing game or a different one.
First thing is I would completely remove the HP and have the deciding factor in combat be based on who has the higher resulting attack stat, even if they both become negative numbers. However attack stat would not the the only stat, it would just be the one that matters in the end after it get manipulated during combat calculation.
Instead of picking a character for purely aesthetic reasons including the outfits as in Agent Trainer currently, There will be character cards, where each would have some attack and defense stat and at least one Khalei affinity. Also the same character can have different tiers of cards with different stats on them that would feature different pics of that character. For example you could have a Vux (the green hair girl) character card with low stats, and have a more covered image of her on the card. Then you could also have a character card with her in more revealing clothing with higher base attack and defense stats. A higher Tier card in general.
This would change the currency in the game from buying stats upgrades to buying cards with base stats. This also stops the stat number from spiraling out of control into the millions, as is possible currently.
Speaking of currency you can also buy weapons similar to how you can now. These weapons would most of the time add a value to the attack stat. However they can also have a Khalei affinity. When the weapon affinity matches the affinity of the character you would get a bonus to the added attack. This would be true for any items or weapons that add to the defense stat also.
also similar to how it is now, there would be items that are situational and triggered based on various things. These items could add more Def if the opponent begins with more attack than your character. It could work like Anti-Khalei and negate the effects of same type Khalei bonuses, it could boost or lower your stats based on the kahlei affinity you are fighting, it could add a dual khalei affinity to your character, and more.
One thing I am a little on the fence about is having the Khalei affinity on the character having passive combat abilities similar to how it is now. For example purple Khalei reduces the stats of the opponent by default, etc. I rather just make some skills and stuff that are only usable with certain Khalei.
I also wanted to have various main stories surrounding each girl and some that involves multiple girls, where you would possibly still play as a trainer. By playing the story you can unlock various items and get currency. Also battle nets currency also and it would have a ranking system similar to how it is now.
I also wanted to try to have possibly at some higher level some system of acquiring a space ship and participating in space battles. Though I am not quite sure how that combat system would work, but it might involve multiple players not just a 1v1 battle.
If you have any ideas for anything mentioned in this post please feel free to post them.
So would the cards be randomly generated? Or would there be a set pool of them?
And if you’re looking for ideas, you could also have rare cards of special agents. Like Remi/Phia etc. Or if you just wanted the agents at first, you could add some Aria girls as dlc later on. (Or whatever term makes more sense than dlc in this context)
Maybe for space battles there could be “environmental factors” that change the stats. Ex: Trapped in an electrical storm halves defense, being near a black hole causes interference with weapons etc.
Yeah special agents Ari, TT, Phia, Bri, Luma, Lynn and Riley will be in the pool of girls. I guess if it does well I can add Yui, Kim, Sui-May, Remi, Amp, Wave, Tempo, and Nikita. Nnot in any particular order but probably Remi and Amp first.
Good idea on the space battle. Yeah I can have it where you can purchase a ship and collect resources to travel to different sectors/areas and planets just like in ARIA. each area may have some kind of environment hazard, but you can get some better stuff there or something.
Cool, glad I could be of help.
I personally quite like the game the way it is currently. Perhaps make this one a different game, and leave Agent Trainer the way it is now? That, and for once, I actually prefer each and every one of the old art designs to the new ones.
Although, coming back and looking at this again, I do like the idea of playing as TT and Remi…
I’ll give it some thought. And I planned to hopefully make a prototype soon. I just know that as agent trainer is now, it is pretty easy to manipulate numbers and gain crazy high stats. except for rank which I went out of my way to prevent. Also the compact system has several issues with the passives and balance. On top of the fact that it kind of totally falls apart when the stats get too high.
As for the art, the old agent trainer art a bit of touch up in the faces also.
My biggest issue is the fact that I’ve spent months getting my rank up, and I don’t want that to all be wasted. Maybe if you make a new game, you could transfer our current rank to that one instead?
Yeah it is a concern I will keep in mind.
Another question: Will we able to start with like one of three agents and choose (Like, choosing to start with Phia, Remi, or Vux for example) or will we randomly get a card upon starting?
I’m not totally sure on that yet.
Yes an update for agent trainer! I really like that one and some more complex play would be awesome. Mostly something more strategic but i know how hard it is not only to make, but balance. Good luck
Thanks, it should be easier to balance when the numbers can’t become way more than initially intended. Removing taking turns to attack, and removing HP, and adding in various items that manipulate the final calculation should add strategy. Whereas before it is just basally buy as much stats from the store as you can.
When/where can we see the full pic of the redrawn girls?
I had planned to closer to when I am working the game itself.
From what i can see it look good.
Even the gameplay updates you propose seems interesting.
Thanks glad you find it interesting
still no update?
nope. anything in flash i’d have to remake completely in html5. this game was made with flash and flash will not work in the browser in with flash player in 2021.