January 8, 2024

18 thoughts on “Agent Trainer Agents Art update

  1. So would the cards be randomly generated? Or would there be a set pool of them?

    And if you’re looking for ideas, you could also have rare cards of special agents. Like Remi/Phia etc. Or if you just wanted the agents at first, you could add some Aria girls as dlc later on. (Or whatever term makes more sense than dlc in this context)

    Maybe for space battles there could be “environmental factors” that change the stats. Ex: Trapped in an electrical storm halves defense, being near a black hole causes interference with weapons etc.

    1. Yeah special agents Ari, TT, Phia, Bri, Luma, Lynn and Riley will be in the pool of girls. I guess if it does well I can add Yui, Kim, Sui-May, Remi, Amp, Wave, Tempo, and Nikita. Nnot in any particular order but probably Remi and Amp first.

      Good idea on the space battle. Yeah I can have it where you can purchase a ship and collect resources to travel to different sectors/areas and planets just like in ARIA. each area may have some kind of environment hazard, but you can get some better stuff there or something.

  2. I personally quite like the game the way it is currently. Perhaps make this one a different game, and leave Agent Trainer the way it is now? That, and for once, I actually prefer each and every one of the old art designs to the new ones.

    1. I’ll give it some thought. And I planned to hopefully make a prototype soon. I just know that as agent trainer is now, it is pretty easy to manipulate numbers and gain crazy high stats. except for rank which I went out of my way to prevent. Also the compact system has several issues with the passives and balance. On top of the fact that it kind of totally falls apart when the stats get too high.

      As for the art, the old agent trainer art a bit of touch up in the faces also.

      1. My biggest issue is the fact that I’ve spent months getting my rank up, and I don’t want that to all be wasted. Maybe if you make a new game, you could transfer our current rank to that one instead?

          1. Another question: Will we able to start with like one of three agents and choose (Like, choosing to start with Phia, Remi, or Vux for example) or will we randomly get a card upon starting?

  3. Yes an update for agent trainer! I really like that one and some more complex play would be awesome. Mostly something more strategic but i know how hard it is not only to make, but balance. Good luck

    1. Thanks, it should be easier to balance when the numbers can’t become way more than initially intended. Removing taking turns to attack, and removing HP, and adding in various items that manipulate the final calculation should add strategy. Whereas before it is just basally buy as much stats from the store as you can.

    1. nope. anything in flash i’d have to remake completely in html5. this game was made with flash and flash will not work in the browser in with flash player in 2021.

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