almost done with Jeo and Bri models and will be adding to the Arielle 3D game soon.
I plan to have Bri not use any gun type weapons.
and Jeo will likely play similar to ari but have more melee power.
I am aware that the wrist thing is off the arm in the picture of Jeo on the bottom.
still need to make a Goo-like slime girl and possibly some androids.
Bri looking so cute! Jeo reminds me Leon S.Kennedy.
Ah! Bri 3D will be prone to injury like in ARIA?
Thanks, I’m still working out how Bri’s mechanics will work when translated to a 3rd person game. All i know for sure right now is she will not use guns and melee weapons.
But yeah about the injury i’m not sure if she will just talk about it, or I will cause her to begin with low health, or lose life when the attacks, or just have generally low health points. idk. feel free to post thoughts.
This is really a tiny nitpick, but is it possible to make Jeo’s lip color a hue lighter? They are a little too dark for me personally. Other than that the models look really great!
Yeah I actually forgot to do that lol
The hair actually reminds me of Leon too XD
ttrop redrew Jeo i’m not sure if I even posed it here. I guess I tried to make it based on that. Yeah I can see how it reminds you of Leon.