I recently completed the DNS change for the website. Please let me know if you find any errors/issues with the site.
There is chance if you made an account or comment here in the past 2 days or so it is gone now.
you will need to redo it. very sorry for that.
In the near future I will investigate further issues that may be be harming website performance.
Apparently this was a widespread issue the other day. Google’s DNS resolve was down entirely for a short time and a lot of providers had to refresh or switch to another one.
Don’t think it is related. I just wanted to get a better server since mine only had 4gb of ram and the site would crash if many visitors were here at the same time.
God, everything loads so much faster. It’s wonderful.
Yeah it is a noticeable difference. I think there is some php adjustments I can make to speed it up a bit more. and I wanted to try to optimize the site better.
some bugs:
-after the roise scene at the nurse office, the music stops
-when you change to r girl at the cafe, it doesn’t let you pull the girl’s tops down
(that’s all i got)
btw will there be a way to fullscreen the tablet pictures?
Many thanks, these are not detrimental. I’ll need to put all these in some notes or something.
For the tablet pictures, I don’t plan to have fullscreen. The resolution of those images as they are on the tablet is the full resolution. Any larger, esp full screen will be really blurry. I can perhaps remake them as something outside the game, or for a different game though. Kinda wanted to do a fun little chapter surrounding gym stuff at some point.