Feels good to post a video with we working on stuff. I used to do this for drawing videos but I don’t draw much these days heh. Perhaps I finish a drawing later. This video is me working on Jeni cafe riding animation for UMCH. Quite lot goes into just something that seems to look quite simple when finished. Jeni also has a unique pose I will work on today if I get time after the ARIA Kim stuff. The guy clients will have different body types, penises, and skin colors. and eventually they will get faces heh. There each girl like Maiko, Jeni, etc will eventually get a high paying customer that takes a liking to them. Those will be their unique animations.
For ARIA is it time to decide what the next animation to be created will be. I think it will be a Sui-May in unique posted earlier in a blog post since she would be the only person to not have one yet. The Kim scene should be done today hopefully and then I will need to do a few updates to the save system and stuff. getting to the Kim scene will also stop the ship from being raided.
Which brings me to another point. What is consensus on the other non-space battle minigames? I bring it up because I was talking to a some guys month or so ago that publish very successful games and they mentioned it might be better to not have it in there because it is less developed than the space battle stuff. And to perhaps instead focus on the space battle stuff. The games was like that originally also. there no additional minigames aside from the space battle. But I was thinking you can still raid and be raided but it is stat/item/gear based chance of success.
These minigames are now already extracted so it is not a far step away to have raids and gathering resources to some quick roll based on stats. That roll could be guaranteed successful by getting other stuff to help. For example: Phia doing a raid on a normal ship with normal gear has a success rate of say 70%. if you equip her with weapons and bombs and other stuff that would go up to 100%. Bri would be less base percent. I could be a screen to drag and drop weapons and items into slots. I also say this because I know that probably many people just for the MLaWs laser from Arielle because it is tedious. Also the exploration to get resources becomes irrelevant later on in the game, I could have space station do something else, like getting blackmarket gemco gear from Amp’s rebel crew and or for Phia to recruit more crew, and great place to possibly buy the AI robot. Thoughts ? Also I’m really not interested in the “it’s already in there so just leave it the way it is” reasoning.
Thats pretty awesome dude. I didnt think the animation would look so smooth. It really goes well with ttrop’s style! I believe the light on the body parts resemble sweat(or oil), and the skin and muscles move se naturally that feel a little plump, but thats great. This is shaping to better and better as days passes by.
Thanks, the unique animations look even better because they are all at different angles and poses.
Nice! I like it a lot, even being a boobs fan, i know there will be enough to everybody’s taste, heh. Now I want to see some boob motion 🙂
Why do you want to remove content? I’m on here pretty frequently and I don’t remember anyone complaining about them. You already have mechanics built into the game to let the player skip the mini games either via the stealth system or MLaWs so if someone really hates them they don’t have to do them. As for the less polished thing, it’s a mini game, by definition they won’t be as good as the main game. If leaving them in is causing performance issues then that’s one thing but just ditching them for the heck of it seems unnecessary.
That being said, the resource gathering mini game can go if it’s going to be replaced by shops and possibly new scenes on the space stations/asteroids/planets. It’s useful in the first couple days of the game but once you get some mercs and upgrade their automatic resource gathering it becomes kinda unnecessary. Now that I think about it I’m not sure I’ve ever even done one passed the first area. The only thing that was nice about it was that it gave Bri and TT something to balance them with Ari/Phia’s raids. If you add Bri/TT to the being raided mini then it’s cool. Bri being able to slow down the bombs and TT getting a shield would be fun.
As for the raiding ships mini, idk. I actually think it’s pretty fun, and later on when the girls can one shot the big sentinels it really shows you that the girls are elite commandos and not just pilots. That being said, after doing it a few levels it gets kinda tedious. I’m even guilty of using the MLaWs on the last couple of levels.
Overall, I’m not really like religiously opposed to removing them but I’m just confused as to the motivation.
I forgot who I mentioned this to but perhaps aside from making mmd videos, I don’t just do stuff just for the heck of it heh. that’s not how I operate. I mentioned the origin and the reasons why after that beginning at the third paragraph. Not sure what else you might be looking for here in that area. as for motivation you mentioned it yourself. not useful later. tedious. should not be words used to describe anything in the game.
Also keep in mind that not all feedback from ARIA originates from this website. ARIA is posted in various H-game forum threads and on various websites which allow for comments. Also keep in mind that people PM me here and on those sites also, and the guys I mentioned in particular messaged from Skype.
Also note that making ways to skip over stuff is not really a solution. The real solution is to fix or change the issues about the minigame that make people want to skip over it in the first place.
The problems I see are it takes too long. repetitive, and unchanging. Also the nature of the mini game makes it difficult to add enemy agents on the ship.
I’ll make this into a different post later but I mentioned was replacing them will rolled based stat check type encounters that can be moved through quickly. These are smaller style click through screens that can be moved through quickly and even have some rpg elements to it similar to my original setup.
for example instead of side scrolling levels for raids. raiding ships will take you through a series of random stat based check screen where you can decide what to do. most of them being fairly obvious.
The number of them you go through are based on the complexity of the ship (the boss is more) and the area you are in.
in the pool of screen would be various encounters. and for some encounters, the character can have different options for it. examples are:
laser barricade
single enemy agent
enemy agent group
metal door
resource room
ship core
there can be more also
assuming a full load-out on each character and they have all their best items from those stores and stuff.
laser barricade room(different kinds):
for all character simply click all the source things or you can use a bomb to clear it.
TT has ability to program them to turn off. (item required)
TT can use a charge of her shield to pass through it (required item + Khalei stats for # of charges)
Phia agility to move past it uninjured (dont have to click anything)
Ari MLaWs to clear all of them
single enemy agent room:
All character can click/shoot him and exchange damage until he dies. (combat and weapon item)
Phia can seduce him to pass and get +1 merc (Khalei stat based?)
any character can use a bomb to take all of the agents life.
Bri can stop him in place to pass (Khalei stat based # charges)
Bri disaster to kill them all
enemy agent group:
character can shoot until death
bomb to clear
Ari MLaWs to clear (she starts with it # Khalei)
phia can try to seduce +X mercs
Bri can stop them in place to pass
Bri disaster to kill them all
sentinel – sentinel will charge a laser that will KO the girl if you don’t duck
shoot until death
there is a option to duck during it’s turn.
bomb does like 1 damage
TT can program off (item required)
bri can stop to pass (uses multiple charges)
Ari MLaWs to deal a lot of damage
Phia speed past it
metal door
TT can program
Ari can blast it open with MLaWs
resource room
find resources and possibly random items or something.
free room
ship core
shoot until kill
or bomb to 1 shot it
these room take a while to clear with no load out but towards the end after you get the character full loaded most of these you can clear with a single click on one of the options available. It get harder but if properly equipped they can be cleared in one button click. Ari and phia will be easy to use.Bri will probably become injured after using khalei too much and TT if damaged without shield. might make a test of it later.
Shit I wish I saw this before I posted all that. That sounds good.
Aw…I was hoping to see Jeni chuck a tray at a customer’s neck. :/
Might add that as a easter egg and have plates randomly flying across the screen heh.
The work looks really good.
One idea might be to add the possibility of put your hands on the back or ass.
changing poses dynamically is more trouble than it is worth. In Leyah’s riding pose she has one hand on her ass.
I was afraid of that.
Good job!
Wow didnt know animating is so easy and fast.
Nice work tough.
Easy and fast would not be words I would use to describe this animation process heh. The video is speed up to x16 speed of the original. if you look at the clock in the bottom right, more minutes passed in the video than the total video length.
It’s Anime Studio, I have not seen you use this software I think years maybe.
That ass chicks realism! LOL 1:00
Jeni like the fact her hair is all fuck up, really trying to put more realism on the hair… and the bounce ass chick. ^_^
Results you got it! Congrats!
Anyways I was thinking of the cafe’s name. It’s Jeni’s mom cafe. I guess there last name fallow by Paradise: Cafe Spring and Spa.
Thanks yeah I haven’t used anime studio in a while. I used it for DoE and Deluxe.
I can’t add Spa to the cafe names because they try to hide the spa stuff from GemCo agents. Though they are pretty terrible at hiding it heh. I tired using their last names but it doesn’t sound right for restaurant cafe name so I might just stick with cherry girls. The names implies sexual stuff goes on there.
Cherry Maids Cafe sounds about right for a name. Where Jeni’s mom only hires females to be waitresses. Some find it very odd that Jeni’s mom only hires girls. Others who give a shit there are young females on maid suits.
That name works also thanks. At the start there is literally only 4 girls there.. Maiko, Leyah, Jeni and Pattie, then 5+ later with Stacy and maybe some others added..
For Aria’s mini games. The raids can get tedious, but that can be fixed by offering more rewards or varying up the raids gameplay wise.
Ex. Rewards: schenatics for upgrades, the extra crewmates, stat boosts, hentai etc
Ex. Variance: more mooks to shoot, unique abilities like in space fight. Different map layouts. Etc.
For gathering i never found any issues. Its a short little distraction that never overstays its welcome. And gets you some extra resources.
The getting raided game I actually was never able to beat, but thats probably cause I dont know what im doing, so I dont have any right to talk about that.
Taking them out could be fine, but you’d need to add more depth to the main game to keep it from feeling emptier. And I’d need to hear what kind of depth would be added to figure out which i’d prefer.
Also the animation looks nice. Is each girl going to have different animations? Even for the same position?
to see what i had in mind read this:
As a counterpoint to my earlier post, getting rid of these games would eliminate all keyboard input from the game. This is worth noting because not too long ago someone mentioned wanting to port ARIA to android and the keyboard input was a sticking point. With that resolved the only obstacle would be android not liking flash. It’s been proven that the more platforms a game is available on, the more people will play it. This could potentially lead to more support on Patreon and in turn more revenue that can be spent on both ARIA and UMCH.
Plus ya know, having 1 hand free while playing helps with… other things.
The game would be easier to convert to mobile yes
Non space-battle minigames?
So getting raided, Raiding others, and Collecting resources?
I’d say just improve what’s broken about them.
And what I say is broken isn’t what you quoted.
I’m all for keeping them.
Sure, you can add more variety to deal with the “repetitive” and “unchanging” complaints as well as adding specific fixes, but I’m entirely against throwing the minigames out.
Re: Getting raided
It’s more fun than I thought it would be when you described it as having “rpg” elements.
It’s as action-based as I’d hoped, and I’d be interested in seeing the further planned developments for it.
Even though stats affect it and abilities have cooldowns, I wouldn’t actually call it rpg-like at all.
And anyone who hates it can use stealth.
I don’t think removing it will improve the game.
Re: Raiding others
Yeah so some stuff here is broken.
– The projectiles you fire change course when you walk.
– There’s no reason for a ship to blow up when you destroy random lasers inside it.
– It’s not obvious that the ship is even blowing up when you succeed in a raid.
– You fall through the floor sometimes, though I’ve only done it once.
Fix that and whatever else I might think of, and I have no problem at all with raiding others.
I like side-scrolling shooting action games.
And anyone who hates it can use the Mlaws.
I don’t think removing it will improve the game.
RE: Gathering resources
Yeah this is the most boring one in my opinion but it also becomes completely unnecessary when you have a proper mercenary workforce, and the first few times through are actually quite fun from an exploration standpoint.
Stuff to fix would be
– making it more obvious that exploring for resources makes a space-day pass, so people don’t go getting raided by accident
– seeing if there’s anything more you can do to stop people from getting stuck on the walls on higher graphics settings.
I mean sure, you could make some more environments for people to explore, if you want.
But I don’t think removing the minigame would be an improvement to the game.
(Cited complaints: Repetitive, Takes too long, Unchanging)
I don’t agree that the cited complaints actually reveal crippling flaws in the existing minigames at all.
But the minigames can be improved to take account of them anyway, instead of being removed outright, or replaced with die-rolls or other minigames.
Reason for disagreement:
Your character’s progression through stats makes raiding others and being raided change enough to keep them interesting for a few runs, it makes those minigames go by faster as your character gets stronger, and when you get bored of raiding others and being raided you have the MLaws and Stealth.
Exploration is fun the first few times, quicker when you get better at it yourself with player skill, optional ANYWAY since you get resources from spacebattles, and by the time you get really bored of it you should have a strong mercenary workforce.
That’s why I don’t think the complaints highlight flaws that in any way cripple the existing minigames.
Improvements can be made regardless:
That being said, you can always improve the minigames, adding more variety as well as other fixes.
Almost nothing is perfect, and I’m not saying the minigames are.
More variety will directly address the repetitive and most of all the “unchanging” complaints.
While I’m not saying the minigames are perfect, I am certainly saying that I find them good enough for removing them to be the opposite of an improvement.
(As an aside, you could also put the point where you get to skip the minigames earlier, for people who really hate them – eg you could make the stealth available in an earlier stage, make it cheaper to fire the Mlaws, and decrease the price of some tiers of the mercenary workforce.
You’ll never please EVERYBODY.
…So yeah I ACTUALLY TRIED to make this concise but I’m just a long-winded motherfucker.
Well I will be concise. my reply is not mean to be harsh. just to the point.
adding easier ways to skip it is not fixing the issues I mentioned.
telling me to develop it, and make it more varied, is not a tangible solution with a end goal that I can work with. But I did only ask for thoughts so thanks for the feedback.
I’m not interested in adding more levels and areas to those minigames. I’m already adding more sex scenes and stuff. If addressing these issues requires me to add more shit to it that is a significant reason for me to remove it and try something else.
fixing bugs or issues in the mini games, does not fix them being repetitive, taking too long, and not changing, etc.
irrelevant of stats, the time difference in raid runs are only based on how long it takes you to kill a sentinel. which is a few seconds at most.
a lot of your reason seem to be because you like it. I like it too. but also see that it doesn’t work here. it is why I didn’t have it originally in the first place. I added it in later with the idea. However I see that I only needed to add in the idea of raiding and exploration, etc, but not actually this separate minigame for it.
Yeah, I guess you can keep the positive aspects by changing it to stats-based like you said.
Yeah, I agree with a few of those points. The mini-games are optional so no one should complain about them (and I’m not sure anyone has, not that I’ve seen anyway). Plus they add a bit of action.
But your replies make good sense, Vortex. 🙂 I missed some while I was writing.
you won’t see complaints here you have to look in other places the game is posted.
MLaWs to skip raids, and now Stealth to skip being raided. nah man there is a bigger problem here. I’m wasting my time with it if people want to skip it or play only a few times at the beginning or whatever.
the mechanics of the game have evolved since I first added these minigames so I need to take another look at them.
If I’m going to have something that is possible to occur frequently. it needs to be completable quickly.
I kind of liked the mini-games but up to you. I wouldn’t cry if they were gone but it did make ARIA seem more varied and interesting…
I think Luma also does not have a unique position, along with Sui-May. Unless you just haven’t added it yet.
Thanks for the feedback, There are other ways that are interesting also. removing it doesn’t mean leaving a void there.
Yeah Luma’s scene became un-unique when I edited a Sui May version of it. Hmm. well I can try number of different things since I can rework some of pinoys previous stuff. We’ll see. But for now I will stick with a new Sui-May unique one and see where we are at with uniqueness next month.
the animation’s coming along nicely, really nice to see the process too =)
Aria’s minigames when I played them didnt leave a great impression, like… they could have not been there and I wouldnt have minded. Imo mini games dont have to be action oriented, so a stat based option would be interesting. I’d like to see that idea you posted up there if you get around to making it, it sounds interesting so far.
there’s alot of text based things that are pretty fun and people enjoy for hours, like MUDs for example, kinda old school but got the job done, maybe MUD type of rpg with a little graphics can be a mini game too.
something like that perhaps. without muti user though.
UMCH animations is fantastic! that moves, the hair, the bright on her bodies and much others things, looking awesome!.
And what I read and understand of ARIA, you want to put a mini-game cool. What about a mini-games with the crew ? , like the girls cooking, repairing the ship after a battle, put a hentai mini-game to phia get more mercenaries, on training of the girls can put something too ( target shooting? or something else), People spying the girls on bath, competition among the girls to who will take jeo this day or something (dont know if jeo will agree with this hehe)
Other things people says they like, is it to be rewarded, like you fight a space battle with jeo and win to trigger a hentai scene or something cool (hentai is cool I know, but have others thing cool too hehe).
I will think more and post later if you want more ideias.
Thanks for the ideas. I will have to think about them.
oh those sneezes man always making us hit the red button XD but looks epic man love what ya doing so far
love bq music 🙂 and man that looks so complictaed on animating but it looks so epic I cant wait to see it put in the game 🙂
I has interesting learning cure, but like anything becomes easier when used to it. Not easy, but easier. There is a lot of thought that goes behind the bones placement but it is not too much different from rigging stuff in 3D.
Sorry for not posting for so long, first time off since I got a job. I’ll do my best to catch up on all the stuff I missed soon. But more importantly: I love the video! Probably my favorite of all the things you make are the ones where you kind of get real and just talk for a little bit. And when we get to see a little more behind-the-scenes than usual I feel an even stronger belief in your work. Also I love how nonchalantly you just pulled up explicit imagery at the beginning, that was pretty great XD
But back to the actual context of the video: The way you animate is amazing, and how well you work in the program is impressive, or at least to someone who knows effectively nothing about it it is XD
The animation quality is, as always, phenomenal. The model quality is great and the music was… interesting XD
Great work!
Thanks yes I need to make a few more of those type video heh.
This is great animation. I want to see riding creampie of this position !
Winky looks like it’s attached to his anus area.
The legs and knees area on Jeni look difficult, seems to be really off.
I maybe can raise the penis a bit if it works with the animation. However the legs will probably remain that way.